

【作者】 李青

【导师】 周伟洲;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 专门史, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 本文以楼兰鄯善为中心,对该地区自远古至公元5世纪这一漫长历史时期所出现的主要的艺术作品和艺术现象进行了粗略地考察与综述。笔者以考古发现的材料和历史文献及前人研究的成果为依据,从艺术学和图像学的角度,对这一时期楼兰鄯善艺术作了概念性地时代划分,并对不同类型的艺术作品进行了大体排序和简要考释,所涉及的艺术类型包括石器、陶器、岩画、木雕、织物、铜器、漆器、建筑、绘画、雕塑、书法等。通过对这些艺术品及图像的具体把握和认识,在尽可能地吸收目前国内外民族学、历史学和考古学、艺术学的相关研究成果的基础上,对楼兰鄯善艺术的发展状况、社会背景、风格特征、文化源流及学术价值作了以下初步探讨和论证: (一)根据文献和考古材料以及楼兰鄯善艺术自身发展的状况,结合艺术学和年代学的研究方法,初步对楼兰鄯善艺术作了时代划分,将其分为萌芽时期、融汇时期和昌盛时期三个不同的发展阶段,在这三个不同的艺术时期都存在着不同的主流艺术形式,而在三个时期相互之间其艺术存在着即有风格差异又有内在联系的辩证关系。 (二)从艺术图像研究入手,初步建立了框架式的楼兰鄯善艺术谱系。相对于目前楼兰鄯善艺术研究材料较为分散、驳杂无序的状况,笔者在国内外许多相关著作中收集到数千幅该地区艺术文物图像资料,并从中择选较为经典的图像400余幅进行了逐一考释和分类排序,从而以实证的方式归纳出楼兰鄯善造型艺术的基本面貌。 (三)通过研究,笔者认为楼兰鄯善艺术是东西方及本土艺术相互交融的产物,蕴藏在楼兰鄯善艺术中的不同文化因素是极其丰富的,它反映了该地区艺术的多元文化本质,这不仅是楼兰鄯善艺术发展的内在基因,同时也应该看作是中华民族艺术史中的一个极为宝贵的文化传统。 (四)依笔者的观点来看,历史上一切发生在楼兰鄯善地区的艺术现象都应被看作是中华民族艺术发展史的一个有机环节,不仅如此,楼兰鄯善艺术曾对东西方艺术的发展产生过极为重要的影响,该地区出现的一些主要的艺术流派和艺术形式,都曾为中国艺术的创新提供了重要的借鉴,在某些方面甚至改变了传统艺术中的一些表现方式。同时中原艺术亦通过楼兰鄯善而对西方世界产生了相应的影响。诸如此类问题,笔者在对楼兰鄯善艺术的具体研究中初步提出了一些尚不成熟的观点和看法。

【Abstract】 Around the Lou-Ian and Shan-shan sites, this paper gives an observation and an outline of the art works and phenomena in this region from the remote antiquity to the 5th century A.D. Based on the archeological discoveries, historical documents on paper and preceding research results, from an aesthetic and iconological perspective, the writer has formed a conceptual period idea for the regional arts of this period, and has given a general order and explanation to different kinds of art works, including stone, pottery, rock painting, woodcarving, textile, bronze ware, lacquer, architecture, painting, sculpture, calligraphy, etc. Through a concrete knowing and understanding of these art works and icons, with a reference as rich as possible to the achievements ofarcheological, ethnological, historical and esthetic researches from home and abroad, this thesis has made the following analysis and demonstration of the developing status, social background, styles and features, cultural sources and scientific values of the Lou-Ian and. Shan-shan arts.1. Considering the documents and archeological discoveries and the developing satus of Lou-Ian and Shanshan aits, by a combination of esthetic and chronological method, this paper has formed an elementary division of three periods for the Lou-Ian and Shan-shan arts, including germinal era, fusion era and prosperous era, with different main art formsin. different periods and a dialectical interaction among the arts of three periods.2. Starting with an iconologkai research, this paper has oifered an elementary pedigree frame for the Lou-tan and Shan-shan arts. Whereas the present researches in Lou-lan and Shan-shan arts are orderlcss and non systematic, the writer has collected from relevant, works both inside and outside the country several thousands of art works photos of this region, of which the writer has chosen about four hundreds with a textual research and a classification, thus given a description of the basic aspect of the Lou-Ian and Shan-shau plastic arts.3. With enough researches, the writer argues that the Lou-lan and Shan-shan arts are formed by a fusion of the eastern and western and local arts. Lou-Ian and Shan-shan arts contain rich elements of different cultures, which reflects the cultural multiplicity of the arts of this region. This is not only the internal dynamic for its development, but also should be considered as a precious cultural source in the Chinese art history.4. According to the writer, all the historical art phenomena of this region should be considered as an organic tache in the development of the Chinese art. Furthermore, the Lou-Ian and Shan-shan arts have had a great influence on the development of eastern and western arts, and some art schools and forms of this region have bean an important creative reference for Chinese arts, they have even changed some expressionalways of the traditional arts. Meanwhile, thanks to this region, the srts of the Central Plains have produced a correspondent iniluence on western world.For all above dissertations, the writer has put forward certain elementary points of view in regard to the researches in Lou-Ian and Shan-shan arts.

【关键词】 楼兰鄯善民族艺术历史文化
【Key words】 Lou-Ian and Shan-shannational arthistory culture
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】J120.9
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】3561

