

The Study on Teachers’ Growth

【作者】 赵昌木

【导师】 李定仁; 李秉德;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 教师成长是教师学会教学、不断习得与教师有关的角色期望和规范的社会化过程。教学是一种生活方式、精神追求和人本的事业。做什么样的教师,深深地根植于他是什么样的人、过着或曾经过着什么样的教学生活。新手教师成长为优秀教师或专家型教师,教学品质和行为是核心内容,教学专长是教师职业区别于其他职业的核心要素。教师成长的追求表现在优秀教师或专家型教师的信念、知识和行为技能等方面。教师信念在教师职业品质中居于核心位置,统摄着教师的其他方面品质。一个正确而合理的教师信念系统具有整合性、反思性、有效性、开放性等特征。实现教师顺利成长和持续发展的一个关键是转变教师不合理信念。信念重大而积极的转变是经历一段时间的生存挑战,但在支挣性的环境中,与那些追求个人和专业成长的人共同获得的“副产品”。它发生在教师尽职尽责、持续不断地努力工作之中,发生在教师的教学生活和成长过程之中.并有选择地回应着家庭和工作中无法预测的、动态的环境。在教师拥有的各类知识中,最重要的是获得丰富的个人实践知识。实践知识是教师在教学实践中探究而获得的、与教学情境密切联系的教学经验,是解决所处情境问题的功能性知识,并集中体现了课堂情境中教师决策和行为的本质,反映了课堂教学的复杂性和互动性特征。与实践知识融合在一起,并使教师灵活地解决复杂情境中问题的,是教师在教学中表现出的实践智慧。专家型教师具有一套管理课堂、掌握教学节奏、使师生活动从一个环节自然过渡到下一个环节的熟练行为技能。教师的信念、知识或理论已作为一种习惯、自动化的行为积淀在他身上,运行在他的实践中。 教师成长受到许多外部因素影响,也受到教师自身内在心理因素制约。外部因素包括社会因素、家庭因素以及无法预测的偶然事件等环境因素,但对教师成长而言,国家教育政策、学校管理、教师文化、学校氛围等环境因素的影响是主要的,它为教师发展提供物质保证和精神关怀,是教师成长的外部条件。就教师自身专业发展而言,教师的认知能力、职业道德、需要和动机、自我分析和评价等因素对教师成长影响较大。教育实践活动是教师发展成长的决定性因素,是推动教师发展成长的直接与现实力量,是教师发展成长的根本动力。调控和优化教师的发展环境,是实现教师顺利成长的外部保障。 —般说来,教师成长大致经历预备阶段、适应阶段、迅速发展和稳定阶段、停滞和退缩阶段、持续成长阶段。每一发展阶段都反映出教师不同的教学品质和行为特征。就专业理想和信念而言,教师从预备阶段富有理想和抱负到从教后现实的冲击和理想的破灭,逐步适应和迅速发展而确立专业信念,并克服停滞与退缩阶段表现出的职业理想动摇和成长赶昌木:教师成长研究动机低落,通过教师信念的反思与重建,追求持续成长。就专业知识和智慧来说,教师从预备阶段理钱蛛口识的拥有、实践知识的魔乏,到从教后实路沙口识和智慧渐进丰富,并随着专业知识和智慧发展缓漫而步入高原期,通过采取适时而有效的持施,实现知识与智慧的持续增长.就教师的角色行为来说,从预备阶段单纯的学生身份转向从教后多重的教师角色,逐步承担起管理者、激发者、交流者、组织者、咨询者等角色,并克服高原期出现的部分专业角色模糊和丧失现象,对角色行为瑙日于不时调整,最终承担起反思者和研究者等角色。教师成长阶段理论,既是对大多数毒划币发展历程的客叫苗述,又蕴含着教师成长道路的理想探求。实际上教师成长过程是渐进的,阶段之间的分野并不是严格、清晰的边界,阶段之内的稳定也是牙目对的.教师成长阶段理论掩饰着人类发展的才书秘与庄严.对妇叼可阶段理论都必须保持谨慎态度。 教师发展是尸一个持续不断的主洲呈,但不是尸个自然的成长过程,需要适时而有效的教育模式和策略予以保障。实现教师终身持续发展,重要的是建立从教师培养到职后继续教育一体化的体系,构建促进教师成长的有效教育模式。从世界教师教育理念和实践看,大学本位教师教育模式、教师专业发展学校、以中小学为本的教师培习!!、微格教学模式和师徒教育模式,在教师成长过程中都起到积极的作用。这些教育模式的目标和内容、理念或理钱到阮没、运作和实施状况、成效及其对教师的影响和作用虽不尽相同,但都不同程度地促进了教师成长,是教师顺利发展的重要保障。发展胜教师评价、李畔小胜教学反思与合作的行动研究是促进教师成长的有效策略,能够使教师对自己的信念、知识和教学行为有更多的自我意识,并通过专业的再认识和不断探究,更好地规划自己的职业生涯和发展走向,实现教师的专业自主和理胜自觉,从而摆朋沙卜在无形有形的束缚,始终保持声种动态、开放、持续发展的状态。

【Abstract】 The teacher professional growth is that teachers have learned how to teach and play relevant roles in their teaching lives. It is the process of socializing teacher. Teaching is a kind of life style; it is the profession of humanization. Who they are as teachers is deeply embedded in who they are as people and in the kind of lives they lead and once led. The fine qualities and action of teaching are highly important for a novice teacher becoming an expert or excellent teacher. The expertise in teaching is a core factor to discriminate teaching from other occupations. During a teacher growing up he or she wants to possess beliefs, knowledge and technical ability that experts or excellent teachers take on. Teacher’s beliefs are the core of qualities of teaching, and they are predominant in all qualities. The rational belief system of a teacher is congruent, reflective, appropriate and open. It is a key that a teacher changes his or her irrational beliefs for continuing professional growth. We suspect that significant positive changes in belief are byproducts of living within challenging yet supportive environments over extended periods of time and with others who themselves are engaged in the quest for personal and professional development. It takes place within the continuity enabled by the teacher’s being a person centered on service; it happened in the course of living a life, aging, and selectively responding to dynamic and unpredictable situations at home and at work. It is the most important for a teacher to hold practical knowledge in all kinds of knowledge. In carrying out the work, a teacher exhibits wide-ranging knowledge that grows as experience increases. This experiential knowledge is informed by the teacher’s theoretical knowledge of subject matter, and of areas such as child development, learning and social theory. The individual teacher integrates all of these kinds of knowledge in term of personal values and beliefs and as oriented to his practical situation. The practical knowledge of a teacher focuses attention to the action and decision-oriented nature of the teacher’s situation, and construes his knowledge as a function, in part, of his response to that situation. Blending practical knowledge with intelligence, the teacher flexibly solves the complex problems in the complicated teaching situation. The expert teachers master a repertoire of instructional techniques, classroom management skills, and so on. They move from rule-based behavior to understanding the relevance of context and the constraints it imposes on ... behavior to fluid performance based on intuitive understanding. The experts are not consciously choosing what to attend to and what to do.They are acting effortlessly, fluidly, and in a sense this is rational, because it is not easily described as deductive or analytic behavior.Teachers are all subject to influences from the exterior factors and their psychological factors during the process of professional development. With respect to the former, they include the state policy of education, administration of schools, culture of teachers, climate of schools, positive critical incidents, and so on. They are the guarantee of teacher development. With respect to the latter, they include the cognition, professional morality, needs and motives, self-evaluation, and so on. Practice is the decisive factor for teacher development. The good conditions for teachers are central to long-term professional growth.We proposed five stages: the preparation stage, adaptation stage, impact and stabilization stage, stagnation and withdrawal stage, and continued professional growth stage. Each stage reflects the different characteristic behavior of teacher. During the preparation stage, the novice teacher imagines what teaching will be like the wonderful teachers of his past. The fantasy is interrupted by student teaching but returns for those who continue in their resolve to become teachers. During the adaptation stage, the transition from student teaching to a first job often proves shocking

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  • 【被引频次】223
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