

Study on Mechanism and Practice of Improving Water Quality by Water Resources Diversion in Plain River-net Areas

【作者】 阮仁良

【导师】 陈吉余;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 自然地理, 2003, 博士


【摘要】 洪涝灾害、水资源短缺、水环境恶化已成为当今世界水资源的三大问题,而水资源调度则无疑是解决三大问题的重要措施之一,其方法就是利用水利工程的调度来实现水资源时空的重新分布,从而满足国民经济发展所需的防洪安全、供水保障、生态改善的要求。水资源调度改善水质属水资源调度中的环境调度,在上海平原河网地区称为引清调度。 引清调度是指在保证防汛安全,生产、生活用水,航运及重要区域水环境的前提下,充分利用外河潮汐动力和清水资源,通过水闸、泵站等工程设施的调度,使河网内主要河道水体定向、有序流动,加快水体更新速度,改善内河水质的一种水资源调度方式。其主要目的是通过改变现有水利工程或拟建水利工程的调度运行方式,发挥水利工程兴利避害的综合功能和综合效益,达到充分利用现有水资源,改善河道水质,实现水生态、水环境和水景观的修复、改善和保护,以确保以水资源的可持续利用保障社会经济的可持续发展。它是提高现有河网水环境承载能力的一种重要手段,也是国际上流行的最佳实用环境方案(BPEO)在中国的实践,符合我国现阶段社会经济发展和环境改善目标的双重目标要求。 本文从水文学、自然地理学、水利工程学、环境科学、化学分析、应用数学等多学科角度,对平原河网地区水资源调度改善水质的机理进行了全方位的、系统的分析和研究,重点开展区域引排能力的计算研究、水功能区划的研究、黑臭机理的评估、河网水环境容量的研究、引清调度水质模拟计算的理论和方法研究,初步建立了水资源引清调度的理论体系。并采用水资源基础资料普查、引清调度原型观测、历史资料调研收集、专家座谈讨论等方式,结合水文分析、稀释机理分析、自净机理分析、数值模拟等方法,全面评估了现有工况条件下上海市引清调度的功能,探讨了现有引清调度中存在的问题,优化了现有调度方案和工程措施。 本文主要的研究内容包括如下六个部分: 第一部分主要从自然地理分析和经济技术分析的角度,对平原河网地区开展引清调度的基础条件进行剖析,构建了开展引清调度的五个基本要素:长期自然演变和人工治理形成的平原河网是开展引清调度的基础;14个水利控制片的治理格局和周边的控制性水闸工程为开展引清调度提供了条件;河网水质污染严重是引清调度的需求;外部水域水资源丰沛为区域引清调度提供了可能;现有的社会经济条件和治污的艰巨性使引清调度成为现阶段治污的必要手段。 第二部分主要采用水文特征统计、频率分析、数值计算等方法,对引清调度的水文学机理进行全面的研究,分析了上海市水利控制片内和外部的引排条件和蓄泄能力,就单闸的流量率定和区域水量计算进行了研究,认为在现有工况条件下全市每年最大可引水能力为368.2X108m3,是目前实况年引水量的10倍;平均每天最大可引水能力约1火108m3,而全市内河河网最大可调蓄容量达3.85x108m3。表明通过一定的管理措施,本市现有的引排能力是可以较大幅度的提高。 第三部分主要采用水质评价、统计分析、趋势分析、相关分析、比较研究等方法,进行水体污染程度研究、水质演变规律研究、污染源调查分析,并首次进行河网水环境功能区划和水质控制目标的研究,在此基础上结合水体稀释机理的分析,提出水利控制片水质功能达标和现阶段消除黑臭所需引清调度水量分别为2s6.93xlo6m3/a和z42.23xlo.m3/a;水体更新周期分别为4.3d和7.7d。 第四部分主要从化学分析、生物化学、水质评价、数值计算等方法进行水体有机污染自净规律的研究,开展水体黑臭的评价,研究河网主要水质自净参数的确定方法,进行水体环境容量的计算,提出水利控制片满足现阶段治理要求所需的环境容量为eooe:go7.zt/d、BoD5627,7t/d、NH、一N 76.5t/d,黄浦江的环境容量分别为eooe:soz.99t/d、Boosl79.s6t/d和NH,一N64.4ot/d。 第五部分主要采用数值模拟和工况分析相结合的方法,结合现有国内外的引清调度实践和上海市历年来引清调度试验资料的效果分析,在河网动态和稳态水质模型研究的基础上,进行全市分区域引清调度和全市联合调度的方案优化分析,提出一套在现有工况条件下、适合上海平原河网水质改善需要的、可操作性的引清调度方案。 第六部分主要采用比较分析、数值模拟等方法,研究引清调度的一系列保障措施。包括引清调度对黄浦江和长江口水源地的影响,分析引清调度对排水区域的影响程度及其改善措施;研究引清调度与平原河网改造的相互关系,以提高引清调度的能力;研究建立统一的引清调度管理体系和监测体系,实现引清调度的有效监测和智能管理;研究引清调度过程中行洪、排涝、咸潮等突发性事故的处理处置,以及提高治污为本重要性的认识问题。

【Abstract】 Disaster of flood and waterlog, shortage of water resource and deterioration of water environment have become three major problems related to water. Water resources diversion is no doubt a very important measure to resolve these three major issues. The method is a redistribution of water resource in terms of time and space by means of water projects in order to meet requirement of safety of flood control, safeguard of water supply and improvement of ecology system for society. Water resources diversion for improving water quality is attributed to environmental diversion, which is called the clean water diversion in plain river-net areas like Shanghai Municipality.The definition of the clean water diversion here is a water resource reallocation method adopted to improve river water quality in the water project controlled region by means of maximum use of outer river tidal dynamics and freshwater resources through functions of engineering arrangements including gates and pumps to facilitate an oriented and orderly movement of the water body of main rivers in river-net and speed up the water body exchange on the prequisite that flood control, industrial and domestic water use, shipping and water environment of critical areas are guaranteed. Its main purpose is to develop the comprehensive functions and benefits of water engineering facilities featured by benefits realization and risk aversion through changes of the operation of existing or proposed future water facilities so that present water resource can be adequately used, river quality can be improved, and water ecology, environment and scenery can be restored, improved and protected and in turn to ensure a sustainable economic development supported by a sustainable water resource development. It is not only an important measure to enhance the existing river-net water environment capacity, but also a world current of BPEO case with Chinese touch and therefore meet the need for double targets achieving both social and economic development and environment improvement at present situation in China.This article has made a comprehensive and systematic analysis and research on the mechanism of water quality improvement by means of the clean water diversion in plain river-net areas from different branches of learning of hydrology, geology, water engineering, environmental science,chemical analysis and applied mathematics. Emphasis has been put on the calculating method of water introduction and discharging capacity in catchments, study of water function district definition, appraisal of mechanism of black and malodorous phenomenon, study of water- net environmental capacity for pollutants, and theory and methodology for water quality modeling and simulation applicable to water diversion. Therefore, a theoretical framework of water resource diversion has been primitively set up. Meanwhile, based on the water resources census data, water diversion prototype observation, historical data search and collection, expert panel discussions together with methods of hydrological, dilution mechanism and self-cleansing analysis and mathematical modeling, a comprehensive assessment of the function of the clean water diversion in Shanghai under existing engineering situation has been made. Discussion has been made on the problems arising from it and optimization of the existing diversion proposals and engineering measures.This article has covered the following six major research contents.Part I presents a thorough study of basic conditions of the clean water diversion in plain river-net areas mainly from perspectives of geological, economic and technical analysis. Five fundamental elements for the clean water diversion is formulated as follows: the basic element for the clean water diversion is a river-net in plain formed by long time natural evolution and human forces; The set-up of 14 water engineering controlled regions and their neighboring controlled water gates projects provides conditions for the clean water diversion; Heavy pollution in river-net develops t

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