

Learner-focused Chemistry Instructional Design

【作者】 裴新宁

【导师】 高文;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 如何在新型的学习文化中,真正促进学习者的化学学习与科学素养的发展是当今化学课程与教学改革研究的核心议题。对此,笔者选择的研究视角是:面向学习者的化学教学设计。面向学习者的化学教学设计意为聚焦学习者的学习与发展,在学习活动中强调学习者的主动性,基于当今关于人类学习研究的新成果以及教育系统发展的新观点,以化学科学为依托,突出学习者的整体和谐发展,将培养学习者科学素养和创新意识作为贯穿化学教学的核心要素,来设计化学教学过程。 全文分作六个部分。 第一部分是整个研究的学科背景。笔者分析了当今化学教育的现状与发展前景,概括出六个主题:化学在跨越边界中发展;理解化学是培养科学家和公民科学素养的需要;化学实验是化学学习与探究的基本方式;科学与人文——科学的意义与价值;现代信息技术融入化学课程与教学;化学教师在设计与研究中成长。这些主题也是我国化学课程与教学改革的着手点。笔者指出,在化学课程及教学内容设计上必须关注化学科学的发展历史及其在整个科学中的地位和跟其他科学之间的本质联系,突出化学实验作为理解化学的基本方式的重要性,要彻底改变以往只把化学实验当作工具而经常将其取而代之的状况,在化学教育中强调科学精神与人文精神的统一,利用信息技术优势促进学习者的化学学习,同时,化学教师要努力提高自己的专业素养,成为教学设计者和学习者。笔者对国内外化学教学设计的研究状况的调研发现:如果缺乏了先进的学习理论和教育教学的理论知识,化学教师往往就会依赖教科书和教学大纲,希望那些并不熟知其所身处的文化与境及其所面对的具有独特个性学生的课程开发者为其开处方。本部分研究确定了面向学习者化学教学设计研究的具体问题和研究思路。 第二部分对教学设计的发展历程进行了释读,厘清了长期以来在化学教学设计领域中混淆的概念:教育技术、教学媒体、教学设计的模式与由来、教学设计背后的理论支撑,等等。所有这些,都为研究面向学习者的化学教学设计呈现了一幅清晰的技术背景,尤其是对历史上教学设计理论的反思,使笔者对面向学习者化学教学设计理论基础的研究有了一个警醒和慎重的态度。 第三部分,研究了设计、教学设计、教学设计观等教学设计的基本问题,意在确立笔者对教学设计的看法,指出本文的面向学习者化学教学设计强调的是教学问题解决,意在提供设计的知识库、策略包和实践案例。在本部分中笔者运用了叙事法,讲述了一名专家化学教师思考与设计教学的故事,并通过跟流行于化学教师培训领域的专业教学设计模型进行比较,找到了教师设计教学跟专业人员教授教学设计之间的差距,从而提出实现面向学习者的化学教学设计必须让教师成为设计者,并指出专业人员要为化学教师成为设计者提供支撑,概括出教师作为设计者的,面向学习者化学教学设计的“对话、辩证、发展”的互动式教学设计的特征。 第四部分对面向学习者的化学教学设计的理论基础做了探讨。当代学习研究的重要成果如建构主义和与境性说,以及科学教育中的人本建构主张对研究面向学习者的化学教学设计提供了重要启示。一方面,化学教学要创设优化的学习环境,在问题的真实情境脉络中支撑个体对化学意义的建构,评价学习者的科学理解;另一方面,鼓励学习中的协商与互助,让所有的学生发出自己的声音,在协商与互动中实现集体知识的增长和协作文化的弘扬,因此有必要创建学习者共同体。在面向学习者的化学教学中,不可忘记化学科学的本质,必须注意追求科学理解不可放弃批判;关注语言的协商,不可忽视经验世界;关注活动设计不可忽视目标。在探讨了学习理论基础之后,笔者尝试研究了一个极富挑战性的问题,即实现面向学习者的化学教学设计必须首先要有一个面向学习者的化学教学系统。笔者根据系统要素运行状态中表现出的整体涌现性的功能区分出了由学习者准备、动力、学习环境、学习活动和媒体传输五个子系统构成的化学教学系统的运行结构,并对这样一种结构的特点进行了初步分析。最后,根据面向学习者化学教学系统的特点以及学习理论的启示,笔者提出了面向学习者的化学教学设计的原则。 第五部分是实践研究。笔者对前面各部分提出的观点进行了融合,详细探讨了实现面向学习者化学教学设计的一种途径:化学教学中的学习者共同体,提出了化学教学中学习者共同体设计的理论框架,该框架包含十个要素:目标、任务/主题、学习活动、角色分工、中心/边缘和身份认同、资源、话语/对话、知识、产品/过程、评价,并给出了关于各个要素的说明;然后通过四个案例,详细描述和分析了学习者共同体在化学教学中的实践,提出了包括“问题、目标、工具/资源和脚手架”四个要素在内的基于问题设计面向学习者化学学习环境的框架,并对其中运用“主题型学习知识分类”设计共同体学习的知识,以及教师设计脚手架作了较为深入的探讨;最后,对学习者共同体的有效实施提出了八条建议。 第六部分对全文研究从五个方面进行了总结和新

【Abstract】 Learner-focused Chemistry Instructional DesignResearches on the reform of chemistry curriculum and instruction have paid increasing concern about the key issue: How to facilitate learners in their learning of chemistry and their development of science literacy in the emerging learning culture world-wide. The author tries to probe into this issue from the standpoint of learner -focused chemistry instructional design. By learner-focused chemistry instructional design the author means when we design chemistry instructional process: a) the level of learning and development of learners is in focus; b) students are active learners; c) design is based on the latest findings about how people learn and educational system development; d) design should accord with the chemistry logic and content; e) design emphasizes on learners’ whole and harmonious development; and f) fostering learners science literacy and innovative consciousness is the core of chemical education.There are six parts in this dissertation:Part one is chemistry background of this dissertation. The author generalizes six topics of today’s chemical education by analyzing the situation of today of chemical education status and development prospect. These topics are: chemistry is developing in a cross-boundary way; understanding chemistry is required for cultivating scientists and scientific literacy of citizen; chemical experimentation is a basic way of learningand inquiring chemistry; the significance and value of science--science andhumanity; modern information technology has been being integrated into chemistry curriculum and instruction; chemistry teachers grow up through design and research. All of these are also main respects of the implementation of the reform of chemistry curriculum and instruction of our country. With regard to the content design of chemistry curriculum and instruction, the author points out that designers must concern about the history of chemistry, its locality in the whole science system and its substantial connections with other science subjects; we must give prominence to the importance of chemical experimentation as a basic way of understanding chemistry and put an end to the situation that chemical experimentation is often neglected regarded as a tool in traditional chemistry instruction; we must pay attention to theunity of scientific and humanistic spirits in chemical education, and take the advantage of IT to facilitate learner’s chemistry learning; chemistry teachers must improve their professional qualities and should become instructional designers and learners. Through summarizing national and international studies about chemical instructional design, the author finds that in the absence of learning theories and pedagogical content knowledge, chemistry teachers often rely on text books and syllabus, therefore forced to rely on the prescriptions of "absentee curriculum developers", who know nothing about the socio-cultural context where chemistry teachers are situated and the particular students in each chemistry teacher’s classroom. Then the author identifies concrete research problems and the research way in this part.In part two, the author tries to interpret the history of instructional design and clarify some basic concepts confused in the field of chemistry instructional design for many years. These concepts include educational/instructional technology, instructional media, instructional design models and their source, the foundations of instructional design, all of which show a clear technological background for learner-focused chemistry instructional design, the reflection on instructional design theories in particular lead to the deliberate studies on theoretical foundations of learner-focused chemistry instructional design.In part three, the dissertation proposes its viewpoint on instructional design by exploring design, instructional design, and several views of instructional design. The dissertation states that learner-focused chemistry instructional design implies that a knowledge bas

  • 【分类号】G633.8
  • 【被引频次】46
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