

【作者】 吴洪涛

【导师】 黄泽民;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 世界经济, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 《商业银行信用卡业务研究》一文,并不是普及信用卡知识的大众读物,也不是信用卡经营管理业务的教科书,而是着眼于信用卡产业的整体情况的考察,从宏观、中观的角度,对发生在信用卡业务领域的主要经济现象进行解释,说明信用卡业务的生存发展之道,正是验证了经济学家张五常教授的名言“经济学是解释经济现象的科学”。 需要指出的是,本文的“信用卡”是指国际惯例意义上的信用卡(credit card),即具有循环信贷、转账结算、存取现金等功能设计和“先消费,后还款”、无须担保人和保证金、可按最低还款额分期还款等特点的个人信用和支付工具。在我国的《银行卡业务管理办法》中,这种国际通用的信用卡被称为“贷记卡”,其与准贷记卡合称为“信用卡”,“信用卡”又与借记卡同属银行卡的两大门类。事实上,准贷记卡是具有中国特色的产品,它只是在借记卡的基础上增加了些许透支功能,其经营理念、运作规则、功能特征都与国际通用的信用卡不可同日而语。我国权威法律文件对信用卡概念和归类上的错误,正可以充分说明国内对真正信用卡业务认识的不足,以此为对象的理论研究则更为贫乏。 但在实践中,自2002年以来,中国的信用卡业务市场迅速崛起,呈现风生水起之势,昨日还不被人了解、不知为何物的信用卡,一夜之间成为我国政府大力推进发展的产业,成为中外商业银行争先恐后、纷纷抢食的“大蛋糕”。 为什么信用卡业务在国外能够在较短的时间内得到快速的发展,其存在和发展的经济学理论基础是什么?信用卡业务较其他的银行传统业务,其经营管理的独特理念是什么,如何用经济学、管理学的理论去解释信用卡业务的经营管理模式?与国外相比,我国商业银行信用卡业务的发展处于什么样的阶段,应该如何进一步促进和提高?这些问题都是实践给理论工作者提出的迫切课题,也正是作者写作本文的出发点。 基于以上的考虑,本文的研究共有十一章,总体上分成四个部分: 第一部分是对信用卡业务的概述,包括信用卡业务的最初起源和快速发展历程;在特征分析中重点分析了信用卡业务中银行、持卡人、商户的三方“共赢”对产藉要模式,信用卡与借记卡、预付卡的本质区别,信用卡业务作为零售金融业务所具有的特征,以及信用卡业务与其他类型的消费信贷业务的共同及不同点,该部分同时分析了信用卡业务的盈利模型,并用案例加以说明;进入新世纪以后,国外信用卡业务呈现出电子化、个性化、国际化、专业化发展趋势。 第二部分是从宏观的角度,对信用卡业务的产生和存在进行经济学上的分析,卞要从三个方面展开:信用消费理论、信贷理论和货币进化理论。 凯恩斯在研究宏观经济运行规律的时候,发现了消费的重要作用,发明了“有效需求不足”的概念,对传统“以入为出”的消费观念提出质疑。之后,生命周期理论和持久收入理论对人们的消费行为进行系统深入的分析,认为借贷和储蓄在消费过程中存在递代关系,也就是说,信用消费和节约消费存在递代关系,以保持一生消费流的平滑。针对人们对生命周期和持久收入理论的质疑,作者从另一个角度解释了信用消费现象,即:金融中介具有的风险跨期平滑的功能,可以帮助家庭实现均匀消费水平和帕累托改进。 信用卡业务主要是消费信贷业务,是信用贷款业务。早期的银行信贷理论主要有真实票据论、可转换性理论和预期收入理论等。对于当今银行信贷实践中普遍采用的抵押担保方式,信息经济学给予了解释:由于信贷业务中存在着信息不对称现象,而抵押担保的作用就是提供信号传递功能,将不同借款人的风险状况的信息显现出来。显然,信用卡贷款与其他银行信贷业务的最大不同点在于,它不需要抵押担保,是信用贷款。作者演绎了信息经济学的观点,认为信用卡贷款之所以成为成功的贷款模式,是因为在该贷款模式下,信息是充分和完备的,不存在信息不对称的现象。 信用卡的表现形式是一种新的货币形态。货币在进化到信用卡形态之前,己经经历了黄金、纸币等阶段,其未来形态应是网络货币。作为货币形态的又一次异化,相比较而言,信用卡货币具有明显的特征和优势,有理由取代其他货.币形态、得到广泛流通。信用卡货币的流通,对中央银行带来了很大的影响:一是减少了铸币税收入:二是影响了基础货币量、货币乘数和货币流通速度等,从而使货币政策中介目标的操作变得复杂、困难;三是对货币体系的安全性监管也提出了新的挑战。 第三部分是从信用卡业务的整体情况出发,进行行业性的分析、发展规律的珍产藉要分析,主要分成四个方面: 一是环境分析,研究银行信用卡业务发展与其外部经济、社会、政治环境的关系。通过对国外信用卡业务发展的成因综述,作者提出了能够促进信用卡业务发展的基木环境要素,如经济达到一定发展水平、社会信用体系健全等。对政府来说,信用卡业务的发展具有许多正面的意义,因此,各国政府都采取了促进信用卡业务发展的政策,或完善法规、规范运作,或积极引导、促进发展,或对民族产业采取保?

【Abstract】 The paper, titled "Credit Card Business of Commercial Banks," is not an introduction of the basic knowledge about credit cards, or a textbook on the operation and management of credit cards. It is an explanation of the major economic phenomena in the credit card business sector and an exploration of the development of the credit card business, written with a bird-eye view of the credit card industry and in the macroscopic and medium perspective. The paper goes just as the economist Zhang Wuchang says, "economics is a science to explain economical phenomena."It should be pointed out that the "credit card" in the paper refers to the credit card in the international practice. It is the individual credit and payment instrument with the functions of circulative cr.edits, transferring accounts, settling accounts, depositing and drawing cash, and with such features as requiring no guarantor and no cash deposit. The cardholder can return the money by installments according to the lowest payments required. In the "Regulation of Credit Cards" published in China, the credit card in the international practice is called "credit-account card." The "credit card" in the regulation is a combination of the "credit-account card" and the "quasi-credit-account card", and the bankcard consists of the "credit card" and the debit card. Actually the "quasi-credit-account card" is a product with the Chinese characteristics, which adds some functions of over-drawing on the basis of the debit card. Its operation and function cannot be compared with the credit card in the international practice. The wrong concept of credit cards in the Chinese authoritative legal documents showed the lack of knowledge of the credit card business in the country and the insufficiency in relative theoretical researches.Fortunately, the market of credit card business has been emerging so rapidly since 2002 that the credit card, which was little known, became over-night an industry promoted vigorously by the government and a "big cake" which all Chinese and foreign banks are eager to share.Why can the credit card business develop fast in a relative short period of time in foreign countries? What’s the theoretical basis of its existence and development in the economics? What’s special about the operation and management of credit card business in comparison with the traditional businesses of the bank? How shall we explain the operation and management mode of the credit card business with principals of economics and management? Compared with that of foreign banks, what stage has the credit card business of Chinese commercial banks arrived? How do we improve? These problems, which emerged in the practice, are the starting point of the paper.On the basis of the problems above, the paper is divided into 11 chapters and four parts.The first part is an overall introduction of the credit card business, which includes its origin and fast development, its features, its model of profits and its trends in the future. In the analysis of its features, the author focuses on the following aspects: the"win-win" mode among the bank, the cardholder and the business; the essential difference between credit cards and debit cards, prepaid cards; the feature of the credit card business as a retail financial business; and the similarities of and differences between the credit card business and other types of consumption loans. Cases are added in the analysis of the profit model of the credit card business. The author believes the credit card business has shown new trends in the new century, such as to be electronic, individualized, internationalized and professional.In the second part, the author analyzed the origin and development of the credit card business from a macroscopic perspective, with principles of economics. The analysis is made from three angles: the theory of credit consumption, the theory of credit loans and the theory of the evolution of the currency.Keynes, in his researches on the principles of macro-economy movements, found the important fun

  • 【分类号】F830.4
  • 【被引频次】35
  • 【下载频次】4997

