

Study on the Evolution of River Networks and Related Water Environment during the Urbanization of Pudong New Area

【作者】 陈德超

【导师】 陈中原;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 河流是人类文明起源的摇篮,是联结水圈、生物圈、岩石圈的重要纽带。城市的发生、发展与河流息息相关。城市河流是一个自然演化和人工干预共同作用下的复合系统,其功能的发挥取决于系统结构的完整性。城市河流的减少与水污染直接威胁城市的饮用水安全,并对城市生态系统的生物多样性造成破坏,进而影响城市生活和生产的方方面面。因此,城市与河流要有一个良好的关系。如何保护和利用好城市水系,充分发挥水环境在城市生活中的作用,已成为建设可持续城市的关键问题。 浦东新区作为我国改革开放的龙头,对于长江三角洲乃至整个中国的经济发展有着举足轻重的作用。经过12年的大规模基础建设和功能开发,浦东新区现已成为“上海现代化建设的缩影”和“中国改革开放的象征”。然而,由于快速城市化、大量未经处理的废水直排水体等原因,使得新区面临日益严重的水环境问题,水网面积急剧下降、地表水质恶化尤为突出,不仅严重破坏了浦东的水乡特色,而且有损于浦东的投资环境。为了确保城市社会经济与环境的协调发展,加强城市水网体系的保护与水环境管理成为一项十分迫切的研究课题。 本文利用1989、1994和1999年的航空像片、1990-2001年的河流水质监测数据、2002年实测的河流水质数据以及土地利用变化和污染源等资料,通过遥感、GIS、灰色系统、人工神经网络等技术手段,从河网体系变迁、水质演化、污染源分析等角度着手,对浦东开发以来的水环境变化进行动态评价,揭示经济高速发展背后潜在的危机;同时,结合水环境规划,对浦东城市化进程中的水环境承载状况进行分析。在理论上尝试以数模、地理信息系统为手段,探讨城市河网体系变迁与水环境之间的耦合关系;在实践上可作为今后区域环境评价的新视角,旨在为浦东建设全国模范城区,实现经济、社会与环境的可持续发展提供依据。 河流是城市自然环境的重要构成要素之一,其数量和质量的变化是自然环境和人类活动长期相互作用的结果。本文的立足点在于,以浦东新区为例,探索一条研究沿海地区城市地貌学的途径,集中讨论的问题是,在国内外河流地貌学理论与水环境评价方法的基础上,探讨影响城市水系发育、河流水质演化的主导因素以及快速城市化背景下二者的耦合关系。实现的路径是,通过系列航空遥感资料的解译,获取河网变迁的基本信息;通过城市土地利用资料的叠加,分析河网演变的趋势;通过水质资料的灰色关联分析与GIS评价,得出河流水质演化的时空规律;运用GIS空间叠置功能,探讨水网变迁与水质演化之间的内在关系。通过上述研究得出以下几点主要看法:》长期的地貌发育与海平面相互作用过程、暖湿的气候条件造就了浦东新区稠密的河网。浦东目前的河网体系是在自然演化的基础上,叠加人类活动影响的结果。建国前,本区河网以自然演化为主;建国后,尤其浦东开发开放以来,人类的改造作用成为影响河网分布的重要力量。卜浦东开发开放以来,新区的河网体系经历了急剧下降(1989一1994)和缓慢下降(1994一1 999)两个阶段,这与浦东大规模的开发建设进程有很大关系。1989一1999,全区河流长度从最初的1528.66kn12,减少到1994年的1050.08 kn12,再降至1999年的966.77 kn12;以1989年的长度为基准,1994年为0.6869,1999年为0.6324。全区河网密度,1989年为2.91km永mZ,1994年降为2.00 km瓜mZ,1999年则为1.84拓rn瓜mZ;以 1989年为基准,1994年和1999年分别为0.6873、0.6323;n年间全区河流长度与河网密度(按目前的土地面积533.44km2计)均下降了1/3强。》土地城市化对河网体系的威胁是一种普遍现象,在环线附近和开发区周围表现的尤为突出。以钦洋镇和花木镇在内环线西侧的部分为例,1988一1997,土地城市化等级由初期的轻微城市化阶段发展到1993年的半城市化阶段,再到1997年的基本城市化阶段(即城市建设用地比重由30%以下,上升到30%一50%之间,再上升到50%以上);与此对应,从1989年到1999年,该区域的河网密度也从开始的2.2Okm永mZ,下降到1994年1.98km/kn12;到1999年则只剩1.46km/km,。1988一1997,金桥镇的土地城市化率从22.5%提高到96%;河网密度则由1989年的1.67拓m瓜mZ下降到1999年的1.10kr可拓mZ。1988一1997,北蔡镇的土地城市化率从22.5%提高到60%,河网密度则由1989年的3.83k拍/腼,下降到1999年的2.59 km/kmZ。》1990一2001,DO、CODer、BODS、CODtnn、氨氮、总磷和石油类的灰色关联分析与GIS空间插值表明:(1)新区的氨氮和总磷污染严重,为首要的超标项目。全区氨氮的污染中心在曹家沟上的新陆附近,多数年份超标倍数都在10倍以上;总磷的污染中心在浦东南路、浦东北路、严桥、洋径之间移动,近十年来超标都在5倍以上。(2)其次是有机耗氧性指标。总体而言,此类指标在逐年好转,以张家洪西段的浦东南路断面为例,其溶解氧己从开发初期的劣V类上升为目前的nl类。(3)石油类污染最轻,除1994年个别断面属劣V类外,其余年份均不超标。(4)综合水质在1994和1999年出现了两次严重恶化现象,其V类以上水质分别占到44.83%和58 .6

【Abstract】 As a cradle of mankind culture origin, rivers are the important linker which ties among lithosphere, biosphere and hydrosphere. The river system in the urban region is closely associated with the appearance and development of the city. The river in a city is a compound system composed of the natural earth surface evolution and manual intervenes, which functions depending on how integrated the system structure is. Decrease in quantity and water pollution of a city river will threaten directly the safety of domestic drinking water, which is to harm the biological diversity of urban ecosystem. This will also influence all aspects of manufacture and life condition. Therefore, a sound relationship between a city and its river network must be maintained. An essential challenge for the sustainable development of the city is how to protect and reasonably use the city water system, which plays the key role in promoting the life quality in the modem society.Pudong New Area, as the reform and opening front of China, hold the balance in economic development of Yangtze Delta and even of China. After a large-scale infrastructure and function development in the past decade years, it has become "the miniature of modernization construction in Shanghai" and "the symbol of reform and opening in China". But, due to rapid urbanization and associated environmental issues, including the discharge of untreated waste water directly into the river network, rivers in the study area are remaining seriously polluted and are also diminishing since people are trying to fill them out for construction. This consequently damages the feature of water village and investment setting in the Pudong New Area. To ensure the sustainable development of the society, it is an important subject for the present study of how to protect city water system and water environment management as well.This paper evaluates the dynamic change of water environment from the opening period of the Pudong New Area and reveals the potential risks hidden behind the highspeed economic development, by means of Remote Sensing (RS), Geographical Information System (GIS), Grey Relation and Artificial Neural Network (ANN). Database used for the present study is derived from: 1) a set of aerial photographs in 1989, 1994 and 1999; 2) the observation data of water quality in the time period from 1990 to 2002; and 3) social and economic data, including population, GDP, quantity of domestic water usage, landuse and pollution sources.The paper starts with the changes of river networks, the evolvement of water quality and the analysis of pollution sources. It is to discuss the carrying capacity of water environment, during the urbanization in the Pudong New Area, according to the updated plan of water environment of the region. Using mathematics model and GIS, the paper deals with the coupling relationship between the change of river system andwater environment. This method could be applicable to the regional environment evaluation, aiming at building a model city district to approach the sound sustainable development.River is one of the most basic elements of physical setting in urban. Its quality and quantity are the results of long-term interaction between physical environment and mankind activities. This paper is to explore a new way to study urban geomorphology in coastal area, in light of the research in Pudong New Area. The focus of the research is to seek the determinant factors in affecting river morphology and water quality. It is a new attempt to study the coupling relationship between them during the urbanization, in views of river geomorphology and water environment theory at home and abroad. To reach this academic goal, methodological procedure of the present paper includes: 1) Remote Sensing image interpretation used to obtain the river change information; 2) overlaying landuse to analyze river network evolution trend; 3) Grey relation analysis and GIS evaluation to get the rule of water quality. By the GIS spatial analysis and the theory of water environment ca

  • 【分类号】P208
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1045

