

Theory & Technology of Rock Mass Hydraulics in Coal Mining Above Aquifer

【作者】 胡耀青

【导师】 赵阳升;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 采矿工程, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 我国煤田地质条件复杂,许多煤矿不同程度地受奥陶纪灰岩含水层的威胁,突水事故时有发生,因而对煤层顶底板的工程地质、水文地质、顶底板的变形破坏规律、构造特征、各含水层的水力学特性及其联系、突水监测预报理论及其工程实施的研究都是防治奥灰岩含水层突水的关键性问题。本文基于固流耦合作用的学术思想,通过理论研究、相似模拟实验、数值分析及现场实际应用,系统研究了带压开采的块裂介质岩体水力学数学模型,数值模拟方法,相似模拟理论与方法,深入细致地分析了带压开采中顶底板、煤柱、断层的应力位移分布、含水层水位变化等一系列相互作用规律,并建立了基于多含水层水力联系的底板突水监测预报理论模型及其监测预报方法与系统,并将研究成果应用于现场实际,得到了现场工作人员的一致认可。 通过在太原东山煤矿井下底板水文钻孔的各岩层原位水力学特性的测试,从精细水文地质的角度,发现了煤层以下,奥灰岩含水层之上的底板中,存在一层或多层小的含水层,而且这是石炭二迭纪煤系地层的普遍现象,该含水层分布均匀、范围广,在一般情况下是各自独立的水系。在原生导水构造,或采动活化的构造,或采动破坏形成新的裂隙带,就可能使这几个独立的含水层沟通,发生水力联系,进而引发突水事故。基于上述地质现象的发现,提出了奥灰岩含水层突水的监测预报理论与实施技术,包括监测层判别、监测孔间距确定的解析式、监测网的布置原则与布置方法,奥灰突水监测预报的多含水层耦合数学模型,奥灰突水监测预报系统软件。并通过两个矿的现场实施情况,说明其工程实施步骤及使用效果。 提出了围岩应力场及渗流场耦合作用的相似理论,研制了部分典型材料的固流耦合相似配比。研制了三维固流耦合相似模拟实验台,完善配套了加载系统、测试系统、开采系统和流场的模拟与测试系统。属国内外首创。 提出了带压开采的块裂介质三维固流祸合数学模型与数值模拟方法及单元开挖处理的新思路与新方法。 通过带压开采的三维固流祸合相似模拟与数值模拟,给出了顶底板应力分布规律,包括应力集中区、应力集中系数的变化、底板含水层的水压对围岩应力的影响、煤柱及断层的应力分布及其变化规律等。 本文的工作对带压开采的安全具有较深的理论价值与应用价值。

【Abstract】 Many colliery in our country suffers from the Ordovician period Karst containing water outburst frequently due to the complex geology condition, so the engineering geology, hydrology, the deformation and breakage law of upper and down floor of coal layer, the character of formation, the character of hydraulics and the relation of each containing water layers, the inspecting and predicting theory of water out burst are the key problem for prevention the water outburst. Based on the science idea of coupling, this paper studied systematically the theory, mathematical model and technology of rock mass hydraulics in coal mining above aquifer, the numerical simulation method, the resemble simulation theory and method. A series of reciprocity law on the stress and displacement of upper and down floor of coal layer, coal pole, fault and the law of water pressure variety was analyzed thoroughly and particularly. Based on the relation of hydraulics character of multi-aquifer, the inspecting and predicting theory model, method and system of water outburst was founded. By used in the colliery, The results were ratified by colliery missionary.In situ test for the hydraulics character of the floor on hydrology observation hole was done. The test was carried out at the floor of Dongshan colliery. Form the point of view of fine hydrology, we discovered in the under of coal layer and above the Ordovician period Karst containing water layer, one or multi-aquifer exists in the Coal Measures of Carboniferous & Permian at large, and these aquifer distribute equality and ranged in a large area. In the condition of normally, these aquifers are unattached. And in the condition of mining, the original permeable conformation or the activating conformation and the new destroy zone by mining, these aquifer may attached and than solicits water outburst. Based on the above phenomenal, the inspecting and predicting theory and using technique were put forward, including the distinguish of inspecting layer, the resolution of distance of inspecting hole, the disposal principle and method of inspecting hole, the coupling mathematic model of water outburst based on the multi-aquifer and the system software of inspecting and predicting water outburst. The process of put in practice and using effect were made out by used on two collieres.The resemble theory on coupling of solid and liquid was put forward, a part of type material coupling prepare proportion was made. The resemble simulation experiment equipment of 3-D coupling on solid & liquid had been made, and the loading system, testing system, mining system, flow area simulation and its testing system had beenperfected. The experiment system is origination in nation or outside nation.The mathematical model and numerical simulation method of 3-D coupling on rock mass Hydraulics in coal mining above aquifer was put forward, and the new idea and new method was put forward too.By using the 3-D coupling resemble and numerical simulation, this paper obtained the stress distribution law including the area of stress focus, the variety of stress focus coefficient, the water pressure influence on the wall rock, the variety law of stress of coal pole and fault.The work of this paper is very important to the theory and engineering application on coal mining above aquifer.


