

Study on the Genetic Variation of Populations and Improved Seeds Breeding of Dendrocalamus Latiflorus Munro

【作者】 邢新婷

【导师】 傅懋毅;

【作者基本信息】 中国林业科学研究院 , 森林培育, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 本文运用现代分子标记技术(RAPD),并结合常规育种方法,以麻竹自然分布区5省11县(市)选取的有代表性的11个麻竹群体为材料,研究了麻竹不同地理群体表型性状在群体内和群体间的变异,分析了群体表型性状与生态环境因子之间的关系及其地理变异趋势,研究了麻竹11个地理群体155丛个体材料的遗传多样性;并在麻竹主要栽培区开展种内杂交育种工作以及实生苗的培育。取得的主要研究结果如下:1. 麻竹各表型性状在群体间都达到了显著差异,从变异系数看大部分生长性状都具有较大的变异幅度,在10%以上,群体间主枝分枝角变异最小,变异系数为8.73%,枝下高变异最大,变异系数为72.23%;群体内也存在一定的变异幅度;无论在群体内还是群体间枝下高的变异都是最大的。2. 麻竹各表型性状与地理生态环境因子及气象因子之间相关分析表明,各表型性状与温度、降雨、日照和无霜期等气象因子基本都达到了显著相关;与经纬度、海拔的回归分析中,多数表型性状与经度的回归达到了显著或极显著水平,与纬度的回归仅总节数达到了显著水平,与海拔的回归中仅枝下高、枝下节数和总节数达到了显著水平,说明多数生长性状受经度影响较大,而纬度和海拔因子对其影响较小。分析结果表明,麻竹表型性状的地理变异趋势是以经向变异为主,纬向与垂直变异不明显。麻竹各表型性状的无性系重复力均在0.70以上,表明各性状均受到较强的遗传控制;各性状间相关分析表明无论在表型上还是遗传上都存在紧密或极紧密的相关关系;性状较高的重复力及紧密的遗传相关关系为麻<WP=4>3. 竹的遗传改良提供了理论依据。4. 在麻竹上利用SDS法提取得到了较高质量的DNA,建立和完善了RAPD分子标记在该物种上的良好反应体系;麻竹的遗传多样性水平较高,DNA水平的变异较丰富,多态比率为53.96%,Shannon表型指数为0.5117,基因多样度0.3430,群体总基因多样性达到0.3443,群体内基因多样性为0.1930,群体间基因分化系数为0.4394;由群体间分子方差分析表明,群体间方差分量为45.19%,说明大约45%的遗传变异存在于群体间。5. 首次利用表型变异结合分子水平的变异对麻竹自然分布区进行了区划,区划结果为云南弥勒为一产区,广西和贵州为一产区;广东和福建为一产区。6. 麻竹开花时间大致在每年的11月下旬,花期持续近4个月;每天清晨6~10点钟是最佳授粉时机;在开花母竹移植当年结实率较高,在10%以上,种实成熟期较长,约在45~70天;移植第二年授粉结实率较低,基本在5%以下,种实成熟期也相对缩短为约一个月左右。不同的花枝部位对授粉结实率有一定的影响,但没有达到显著性水平。7. 麻竹种子在形态及播种品质上存在一定的变异,移植当年授粉得到的麻竹种子长度和宽度平均值为8.79mm和5.39mm;种子带壳和去壳千粒重分别为121.29g和91.29g;新鲜成熟种子的平均生活力89.93%;种子的场圃发芽率随放置时间的延长而降低,第一次播种时场圃发芽率为58.19%,当低温储藏半年左右时场圃发芽率降至11.71%。8. 种子繁殖的实生苗差异较大,白化苗占12.66%;由种子培育的实生苗在不同的组合间发笋量和笋高生长上都存在着显著差异,同一组合内的单株间也存在显著差异,为麻竹开展个体早期选择提供了依据;通过方差分析估算发笋量、笋高、笋地径及实生苗高的遗传力分别为0.66、0.81、0.74和0.90,说明生长性状受到较强遗传控制。

【Abstract】 By means of conventional breeding, samples of 11 naturally distributed geographical populations of Dendrocalamus latiflorus Munro collected from 11 counties or cities of 5 provinces in natural distribution have been used to study the genetic variation of phenotypic traits among populations and within populations, to analyze the correlation between phenotypic traits and ecological, environmental factors and to find the geographical variation tendency in main phenotypic traits. Genetic diversity of 155 clumps from 11 populations of D.latiflorus Munro has also been analyzed by using RAPD molecular markers. Intraspecific hybridization and cultivation of seedling-plant have been carried out in main cultivated region. The main results for our research are as follows:1. There is significance difference among populations in all phenotypic traits. To all the variation coefficients, a majority of phenotypic traits has higher variable range above 10% , leader branching angle has the lowest coefficient of variation (C.V.) by 8.73% among populations, clear height has the highest C.V.by 72.23%. A certain extent variant range is also existed within populations. Whether among populations or within populations, the clear height has the highest variation.The correlation analysis has shown there is a significance correlation between each phenotypic trait and temperature, amount of precipitation, sunshine duration, frostless days respectively. While the regression analysis between traits and longitude, latitude and altitude has indicated that the regression<WP=6>2. coefficients between most of the phenotypic traits and longitude have reached significance or extremely significance level, but for latitude, only whole nodule number has close correlation and the relationship among clear height, under branch nodule number, whole nodule number and altitude have reached significance level, the longitude has great influence on the phenotypic traits, however latitude and altitude has less influence. The analysis has shown that the geographical variation trend of phenotypic traits has given priority to longitude, and no obvious variation in latitude and altitude.3. The clonal repeatabilities of all phenotypic traits are above 0.70, so it is shown that all the traits are under moderate or strong genetic control. The correlation analysis among all the traits indicats that there is a close or quite close relationship in phenotype and genetics. Higher clonal repeatability and close genetic correlation of traits have provided a scientific base for genetic improvement of D.latiflorus Munro.4. The higher quality DNA has been successfully extracted from D.latiflorus Munro with SDS method and a proper reaction system of RAPD molecular marker has been established. D.latiflorus Munro has a higher level of genetic polymorphism at the level of population and a great variation at the level of DNA. It has a PPB of 53.96%, a Shannon informative index of 0.5117, Nei’s gene diversity (He) of 0.3430, total gene diversity (Ht) of 0.3443, gene diversity within populations (He) of 0.1930 and a Gst of 0.4394. Genetic differentiation is rather obvious among populations and the variance component among populations is 45.19%.We have regionalized the natural distribution of D.latiflorus Munro acording to the phenotypic variation combination by molecular variation. The whole natural distribution range of D.latiflorus Munro might be divided into three provenance zone: Yunnan provenance, Guangxi and Guizhou provenance, Guangdong and Fujian provenance. The third provenance could be further<WP=7>5. subdivided into Guangdong sub zone and Fujian sub zone.6. The finest flowering time of D.latiflorus Munro is at the last ten-day of November in each year after transplanting and then lasting about 4 months. The optimal time for controlled pollination is from 6 to 10 o’clock in morning of every day. Bearing percentage is higher at the current transplanting year of mother bamboo, with fertile percentage above 10%, and the maturation period of seed is much l


