

Study on the Ground Fissures in Hebei Plain

【作者】 李昌存

【导师】 李智毅; 王景明;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 地质工程, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 河北平原自60年代以来,共发生地裂缝近500条,己造成严重的经济损失,成为河北平原主要的地质灾害之一。 本文在大量野外调查的基础上,全面调查、收集和整理了河北平原南部(含廊坊、保定、沧州、衡水、石家庄、邢台、邯郸七个地市的平原地区,面积约6万km~2)地裂缝的分布特征,对河北平原地裂缝的现状、地裂缝活动特征进行了总结;归纳了构造地裂缝形成的影响因素。分析了河北平原地裂缝灾害特征及危害现状,对河北平原地裂缝灾害进行了评估。 收集≥3.0级以上地震资料3000多例,分析了地震与地裂缝间的相关性;论述了地裂缝形成的构造基础及地裂缝形成机制。 利用河北平原地裂缝资料、有限元反演河北平原构造应力场及地裂缝易发程度区划,对地裂缝的发展进行了预测。找出了地裂缝发展的周期,对地裂缝的发展趋势进行了预测;圈定了地裂缝发生敏感点。在分析河北平原第四纪地质图、地貌图、工程地质图、水文地质图、古河道图基础上,找出了河北平原地裂缝致灾固定因子如:地壳应力、第四纪岩性、地下水位埋深降幅、活断层和古河道,并确定划分各因子指数;研究地裂缝随机因子,如大气降水和农业灌溉,并划出各因子指数。用各单元固定因子制作了1∶50万河北平原地裂缝易发程度基础图,对河北平原各地区地裂缝的易发程度进行了预测分析。

【Abstract】 Through great field investigation , entirely researching , collecting and clearing up the distributing character of ground fissures of the south of Hebei plain which is about 60,000 km2 including seven cities ,suchas ,Langfang,Baoding,Hengshui,Shijiazhuang,Xingtai and Handan , summarizing the status quo of Hebei Plain, the activity character of ground fissure .concluding the influencing factors that lead to form tectonic ground fissures. At last analyzing the hazards of ground fissure of Hebei Plain and harmful status quo, briefly estimating the ground fissure hazards of Hebei Plain.Collecting seism datum(Ms 3.0)which amounts to about 3000,and analyzing the relativity between ground fissures and earthquakes; discussing the tectonic foundation of ground fissures formation and formation mechanism of ground fissures.Utilizing enough ground fissures datum,the tectonic stress field via finite element method and the grading of the active chances of ground fissures, forecasting the development of ground fissure. Finding out the development period of ground fissures, and forecasting the developmenttrend of the ground fissures; finding out and locating the sensitivity places where the ground fissures are liable to take place. Through analyzing and researching the Physiognomy map of Hebei Plain> the fourthly epoch map of Hebei Plain> Engineering geology map of Hebei plain,Hydrogeology map of Hebei Plain.Lithology map of the fourthly epoch and ancient watercourse map of Hebei Plain ,achieving the fixationfactors that control the arising and development of the ground fissures, such as, the earth’s crust tress , the fourthly epoch lithology , the chancingof ground water table, active faults and ancient watercourse, and alsomaking sure the exponents of each factors; researching random factors, such as, precipitation .and agriculture irrigation, and making sure the exponents of each factors too. At last making the foundation map(1: 500,000) of arising degree of ground fissures about Hebei Plain via those fixation factors, utilizing the map to forecast and analyze the development trend of ground fissures of Hebei Plain .

  • 【分类号】P542.3
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】632

