

4D Seismic and It’s Application to the Monitoring of Water Flooding Reservoir

【作者】 甘利灯

【导师】 徐怀大; 樊太亮;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 矿产普查与勘探, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 四维地震是在油藏生产过程中,在同一地方,利用不同时间重复采集的、经过互均化处理的、具有可重复性的三维地震数据体,应用时间差分技术,综合岩石物理学和油藏工程等多学科资料,监测油藏变化,进行油藏管理的一种技术。本文在大量文献调研的基础上,以渤海湾地区岩石物理参数研究为基础,结合高29断块两次采集的三维地震资料全面、系统地开展了水驱四维地震先导试验研究。研究内容涉及岩石物理基础理论、水驱四维地震可行性分析、迭前和迭后四维地震资料。处理、静态油藏描述和四维地震资料解释与动态油藏描述等,取得了许多重要的研究成果。 首先,在大量文献调研的基础上,对四维地震的基本概念、目的和意义、研究内容、实施步骤、以及四维地震的作用和面临的挑战进行了全面总结。深入分忻了国外四维地震,尤其是水驱四维地震研究的现状,通过国内外四维地震面临的油藏地质条件和开采方式的对比分析,指出我国水驱四维地震研究意义重大。 其次,归纳总结了流体替代的计算过程。以渤海湾地区岩心分析数据和全波测井数据为基础对岩石物理参数进行了全面总结,为流体替代过程的实现奠定了基础。着重分析了该地区压力、温度、孔隙度和孔隙度流体性质及其饱和度对速度的影响,为四维地震可行性分析提供有力的依据。 第三,全面、细致地开展了水驱四维地震可行性研究。在深入分析国外四维地震可行性研究成果和成功实例的基础上,提出了有利于水驱四维地震成功的工区优选条件;简要剖析了各种开采方式及其对地震特性的影响;利用理论计算、岩心分析、油藏数值模拟三种方法确定了流体替代对纵波速度的影响;通过对长期水驱造成的物性参数、测井曲线以及油藏温度和压力变化规律的总结,分析了这些变化对地震速度的影响,指出了目前国内外水驱四维地震可行性研究中存在的盲区—没有充分考虑长期注水造成的物性、温度和压力变化对地震响应的影响,完善了水驱四维地震可行性研究的内容;在考虑了这些变化因素后,高29断块水驱四维地震可行性研究结果表明:四维地震监测注水前沿可能要比监测油藏变化容易的多;以四维地震岩石物理可行性研究结果为基础,提出了五个有助于突出四维地震造成的微小差异的途径,为今后水驱四维地震研究指明了方向。 第四,总结了迭前、迭后四维地震资料处理的方法与原理,针对高29断块的实际资料,提出了处理准则,建立了处理流程,获得了良好的处理效果,并得到开发开发调整井的证实。 最后,以地震静态油藏描述为基础,以迭前和迭后四维地震资料处理结果为约束,以四维地震可行性研究结论为依据,进行初步的油藏动态描述,主要分析注水前沿的推进过程。实际结果表明:在高尚堡地区利用四维地震可以监测水驱前沿,而且表明该区的小断层对注水前沿起一定的遮挡作用。

【Abstract】 4-D seismic is a kind of reservoir monitoring technique which acquires and analyzes multiple seismic surveys repeated at the same site during the period of production in order to image the changes in a producing reservoir. It utilizes the knowledge of seismology, petrophysics and reservoir engineering comprehensively. There are some important methods such as the repeatability of seismic acquisition and processing, time lapse seismic interpretation and analyses. Based on a vast amount of literature study on 4-D seismic and the investigation of petrophysical properties in BuoHai Bay areas, the author implemented a pilot research about 4-D seismic in a water driven reservoir in Gao29 fault block. The research contents include the foundational research on petrophysics, the feasibility of 4-D seismic in water driven reservoir, pre-stack and post-stack 4-D seismic data processing, static reservoir description, 4-D seismic interpretation and dynamic reservoir description. Through comprehensive study, the author has made some successful achievements as follows.Firstly, the author read a lot of papers which are related with 4-D seismic; summarized the basic concept, research objective, study contents, detailed procedures, the function and the challenge of 4-D seismic. The author also analyzed the overseas situation of water driven 4-D seismic thoroughly; compared the geological condition and production patterns between in China and in foreign countries. Through all the above efforts, the author indicated the importance in water driven 4-D seismic research in China.Secondly, concluded the calculation process of fluid substitution. Based on the analyses of coring data and the full waves sonic log data in BuoHai Bay areas, the author summed up all the petrophysical parameters and settle foundation for the realization of fluid substitution. Focusing on the analyses of the influential factors (such as pressure, temperature, porosity, and the properties of pore fluid) on the velocity, the author provided powerful basis for the feasibility analyses of 4-D seismic.Thirdly, made a careful and completely study on the feasibility of water driven 4-D seismic. According to the analyses of the research results about the feasibility of 4-D seismic and the successful 4-D seismic cases of foreign companies, the author put forward the suggestions for 4-D seismic pilot area selection; briefly analyzed the influential function of producing way on the seismic response; utilized theory calculation, coring data analyses, and reservoir numerical simulation to define the fluid substitution effects on the p-wave velocity. Through long time water driven to the reservoir, some of the properties and the log curves have changed, the author tried to find the variation rule of the reservoir and its effects on seismic velocity. The "blind point" in 4-D seismic feasibility study both in China and overseas was found, that is the lack of consideration of the influence of physical property variation by long time water driven on the seismic response. This found richen the study contents of 4-D seismic feasibility. Applying this research result to G29 fault block, obtained some new ideas about 4-D seismic feasibility study. The conclusion is that it is easier using 4-D seismic to monitor the change of flooding front than to monitor the change of the reservoir. Based on this result, the author proposed five solutions that can easily find the subtle variation by 4-D seismic.Fourthly, summarized the methods and the principals for pre-stack and post-stack 4-D seismic data processing; proposed the criteria for seismic data process; built a set of processing flow. Through the real data processing (029 fault block), obtained reasonable results. Theprocessed result was approved by the further production well.Finally, using the static reservoir description as the basis, pre-stack and post-stack 4-D seismic data processing result as the constraint, the 4-D seismic feasibility study as the evidence, began basic dynamic reservoir description in order

  • 【分类号】P631.42
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】831

