

The Application of High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy in Subtle Reservoir in the Paleogenene of Huimin Sag

【作者】 张铭

【导师】 邓宏文;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 矿产普查与勘探, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 随着陆相油气勘探开发的深入,层序地层学理论已由适用于盆地规模的经典层序地层学阶段,发展到适用于储层规模勘探开发的高分辨率层序地层学阶段。其研究精度由盆地不整合控制的二级、三级层序发展到不整合内部的高精度四级、五级层序。这种高分辨层序特别与当今隐蔽油气藏勘探实践和油藏开发地质实践相对应。高分辨率层序地层学正广泛地应用于油气勘探与开发地质的研究中,成为一项最有成效的技术之一。 惠民凹陷在经过30多年的以构造油气藏为主的勘探阶段之后,勘探的重点已逐渐转移到隐蔽油气藏。隐蔽油气藏勘探刚刚起步,勘探理论和技术都不适应当前勘探的要求,迫切需要一套理论、技术解决等时对比、物源分布和勘探目标等问题。高分辨率层序地层学是本次研究的首选。通过高分辨率层序地层研究,形成惠民凹陷隐蔽油气藏预测和油气勘探的部分理论和技术,为今后相当时间内隐蔽油气藏勘探提供决策依据。 本文是以钻井、地震资料、岩心和各种分析化验资料为基础,以多级次基准面旋回为参照面的高分辨率层序地层学理论与研究方法将层序地层分析技术与沉积学原理紧密结合起来,运用A/S比值的变化趋势可以识别高级次层序界面,建立高分辨率层序地层对比格架。同时对该级次层序地层的沉积体系特征及其时空展布规律进行了研究,认为惠民凹陷的重点隐蔽岩性油气藏为基山槽和江家店地区。在此基础上,运用短期旋回和中期旋回的高分辨率层序划分技术对重点地区的沉积微相构成特征、演化和平面展布进行了细致的研究。指出了区内有利的隐蔽岩性圈闭发育带,结合生储盖组合特征,论述了隐蔽油气藏类型。在综合分析基础上对下一步勘探的有利隐蔽油气区带进行了预测和评价。 通过研究,在下第三系沙三段~沙二下的一个长期基准面旋回(二级层序)内部识别出10个有时间地层对比意义的界面,包括6个基准面下降到上升的转换面(层序界面),4个基准面上升到下降的转换面(湖泛面),建立了全凹陷等时地层格架。确定了沙三段沉积时期发育的五种沉积体系类型,即来自凹陷西北边界埕宁凸起的盘河三角洲体系和基山三角洲体系、来自鲁西隆起、分布在凹陷西南部的双丰三角洲体系、东南部的曲堤(扇)三角洲体系,南部的近岸水下扇/扇三角洲体系。以对古地貌的控制为基础,建立了岩性圈闭形成的三个模式,即(扇)三角洲前缘-斜坡-滑塌浊积扇岩性圈闭;近岸水下扇(扇三角洲)-阶梯状断层-浊积扇岩性圈闭;扇三角洲-地貌沟槽-水下扇及滑塌浊积岩形成的岩性圈闭。 综合分析表明,临南洼陷具有有利的油气成藏条件,发育有上倾尖灭型隐蔽油气藏、透镜体隐蔽油气藏、断层-岩性隐蔽油气藏等隐蔽油气藏。沙三下~沙三中(旋回C3和旋回C4)时期是寻找岩性圈闭的最有利层序。基山砂体、临南洼陷南部沙三下扇三角洲砂体、双丰三角洲前缘的斜坡地带的滑塌浊积岩砂体和江家店地区的浊积扇体和近岸水下扇体是最有利的勘探目标区。 通过夏94井等岩性油气圈闭的钻探成功,进一步证明了惠民凹陷岩性油藏的巨大勘探潜力和良好的勘探前景,加快了层序地层学和其它隐蔽油气勘探技术的开发研究,也为国内其他油田隐蔽油气藏的勘探提供了可供借鉴的理论和实践经验。同时,把层序地层学应用于隐蔽油气藏的勘探理论提高到一个新的研究高度,对十五期间中国东部油田的储量接替阵地和勘探的持续稳定发展都具有非常重要的意义。

【Abstract】 With the development of petroleum industry, sequence stratigraphy theories go fast from conventional sequence stratigraphy that is focus on sequence research of basin-type and tectonic oil-gas pool to high-resolution sequence stratigraphy that is applicable to research on subtle traps and reservoir-scale sequence. The sequence framework at the scales of four or five unit is more consistent to the practice of subtle trap exploration and reservoir development than the scale of two or three unit of the conventional sequence. High-Resolution sequence stratigraphic technology is one of most effective approaches these days which are being used extensively in the research of petroleum exploration and development.After the phase of 30 years research on tectonic oil-gas pools, the focus of the exploration in Huimin Sag is gradually on to subtle traps and oil-gas pools. However, Huimin Sag is a region where few sequence research is done and exploration of subtle trap has just begun. Approaches that deal with chronostratigraphic framework ., distribution of supplying sources and subtle targets are strongly needed. High-resolution sequence stratigraphic theory is the first choice. Application of high-resolution sequence stratigraphy in subtle trap exploration will result in forming some approaches and technologies for subtle oil-gas pool exploration and providing basis for making decisions on subtle explorations for a period since then.Based on well logs, three -dimension seismic profiles, cores and other basic data, author recognized the sequence horizons of high-scale by the changes of A/S ratio, and established high-resolution chronostratigraphic framework using multi-term base-level cycles of high-resolution sequence stratigraphy ,combining sequence theory with sedimentology. The depositional system characters and distribution were outlined and the prospective areas for stratigraphic traps were defined: Jishan and Jiangjiadian. Then the research on characters, evolution and distribution of micro-sedimentary facies were finely studied. The favourable subtle strap regions were recognized and prospective subtle oil-gas pools as regard the characters of reservoir-quality , seals and migration pathways were defined and evaluated.After the research on S3 to the lower part of S2 of Paleogenene, 10 horizons including 6 turnaround surfaces and 4 flooding surfaces were defined, and 1 long-term and 5 intermediate-term base-level cycles could be identified, and then the chronostratigraphic framework of the Sag was built. There are 5 depositional systems in the region. They are: Panhe and Jishan delta systems coming from Chengning heave near the northwest border of the region, Shuangfen delta located in southwest part of the region coming from Luxi dome, Qudi fan-delta located in the southeast of the studying area and the sub-fan near fault or fan-delta of the southern part of the region. According to paleo-geomorphology and depositional systems analysis, three kinds of forming models of subtle traps were built. They are fan-delta front-slope-sliding turbidity subtle traps N sub -fan near fault -stepping faults-turbidity subtle traps and fan-delta-furrow-sub-fan -sliding turbidity subtle traps.This paper shows that favourable oil-pool-forming condition can be found in Linnan sag. There are three main kinds of subtle oil-gas-pools: up-acclivity pinch-out sandstone, lenticle and fault-stratigraphy subtle oil-gas pools. The most favourable sequences for subtle traps are cycle 3 and cycle 4,and the most favourable oil and gas-pool forming regions are Jishan sandstone, fan-delta sandstone of south part ofLinnan Sag,sliding turbidity sandstone of the slope part of Shuangfen delta front and turbidity and sub-fan near fault of Jiangjia Dian .The successes of the exploration of Xia 94 demonstrates that Linnan Sag is a big and potential subtle trap oil-gas-bearing zone, accelerates the collective research on the exploration technology leading by sequence stratigraphy and other subtle oil-gas pool theories ,and provides re

  • 【分类号】P539.2
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】855

