

Tectonic Evolution and Mineralized Pedigree in the Qinlin-Bashan Area of Shaanxi Province

【作者】 翟刚毅

【导师】 赵鹏大;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 矿产普查与勘探, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 本文以地质异常致矿理论为指导,以构造演化与成矿谱系研究为主线,以GIS技术为手段,用历史的分析方法建立了区内构造演化序列和成矿谱系;采用现代信息处理技术,通过对地物化遥资料的分析处理,定量化圈定了地质异常,划分了成矿远景区。 将区内构造演化归纳为太古—早元古代原始地壳形成、中新元古代大陆地壳裂解、震旦—三叠纪板块构造体制、中新生代陆内造山等四个演化阶段。对各时期、各构造单元的成矿谱系进行了详细研究,提出构造运动演化从早期拉张→过渡→晚期挤压的演化序列,分别对应于以幔源岩浆和火山活动有关的成矿作用→沉积及海底喷流—喷气成矿作用→中酸性岩浆及构造热液成矿作用;在成矿物质上由幔源→盆内及深源→壳源的成矿谱系。 采用GIS技术,定量提取了各种地质变量要素,通过筛选和优化,建立了区域成矿预测模型。利用信息量法和BP人工神经网络模型进行了地质异常的定量圈定和靶区优选。在此基础上结合区域地质背景分析,圈定了十一个找矿远景区,并对各远景区的找矿潜力进行了分析。

【Abstract】 Following the theory of geological anomalies of mineralization and along the major guidelines of study on tectonic evolution and mineralized pedigree, the sequence of tectonic evolution and mineralized pedigree in this area has been created by means of GIS technique and historic analysis; Adoption of modern information treatment and analysis of geology, geophysical and geochemical prospecting and remote sensing methods has quantitatively delineated geological anomalies and potential areas of mineralization.Four tectonic evolution phases have been made out in this area. They are original crust formed in the Archean-Early Proterozoic era, continental crust shearing in the middle-new Proterozoic era, plate tectonic developed in Sinian-Triassic period and intracontinental orogeny in the Middle Cenozoic period. Detailed studies of tectonic unit and mineralized pedigree in each tectonic unit and each period provided that tectonic evolution passed an evolutionary sequence from early extension-transition-late compression that correspond to mineralization-sediment and submarine eruption-exhalation mineralization-moderate to acid magma and tectonic hydrothermalism that are relevant to mantle-derived magma and volcanic activities; the mineralized pedigree can be indicated as mantle derived-inner basin and deep source-crust source ore-forming materials.Variable factors of geology have been taken by mean of technique through section and optimization, thus creating a model of metallogenic prognosis. Quantitative delineation of geological anomalies and optimized target areas has been made out by means of informational method and the model of BP artificial innervation network. On the basis of above and background analysis of regional geology, eleven prospecting areas have been delineated and the prospecting possibilities in each potential area have been analyzed.

  • 【分类号】P542
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】415

