

Study on Key Parts of No-tillage Transplanter and Control System

【作者】 耿端阳

【导师】 张铁中;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 农业机械化工程, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 本文在原来国家科技部“九五”攻关项目“工厂化育苗、移栽工艺及设备研究”的基础上,结合免耕工艺不仅缩短作业时间,而且可以对防止沙尘暴发生有利的特点,对可以提高栽植速度和工作可靠性、降低操作人员劳动强度的玉米免耕栽植机的关键部件进行了详细的研究,进一步采用单片机控制技术对其工作过程实现了自动化控制,为该技术尽快转化为社会生产力打好基础。全文内容概括起来主要有以下几点: 1 通过对玉米秧苗根系生长特性与蔬菜根系生长特性的对比性试验研究,确定了适合玉米秧苗生长的圆台形钵体;进一步通过玉米育苗试验,确定了能够满足玉米育苗生长需要的、体积相对比较小的钵体尺寸。采用该种类型的钵体不仅可以减少制钵过程营养土的消耗量,而且可以减轻育苗过程的劳动强度,提高栽植过程的钵苗栽直率。 2 采用可降解的纸质育苗盘,不仅解决了育苗过程钵体发生变形的问题,而且可以防止育苗过程钵苗之间的串根问题;同时,由于其成本低廉,便于操作,既适合我国目前这种单家独户式的家庭式应用,也适合工厂化育苗中心的使用。 3 利用圆台形钵体的外形特点,采用仿形导向轮式排队装置,解决了栽植过程的钵苗机械化排队问题,提高了免耕栽植机的作业速度,减轻了操作人员的劳动强度。进一步通过对其关键部件的运动和受力情况分析,掌握了各主要工作参数对钵苗排队速度和工作可靠性的影响规律,确定了各工作参数的工作范围,并通过大量试验验证了理论分析的正确性,解决了提高栽植速度的关键问题,为其实用化打下了基础。 4 采用直动——双挡销式分钵落苗系统,不仅解决了因为钵苗个体差异带来的分钵不清的问题,而且提高了钵苗分钵的准时性和钵苗落入导苗管的准确性;同时,通过对该系统工作过程的主要工作参数的运动和受力情况分析,确定了该系统各直动汽缸的工作频率,使分钵落苗速度达到3株/秒以上,进一步通过大量试验对其进行验证,证明了该系统在满足栽植速度要求的前提下,可以大大提高了系统的工作可靠性。 5 采用现代化技术手段,以MCS-51单片机为免耕栽植机的控制器,通过对各工作部件的计算机监控,实现了免耕栽植机所有执行部件的计算机控制;通过对钵苗栽植数的统计,实现了机器作业情况的在线显示;通过报警系统的设计,实现作业过程故障的及时报警;最后,本控制系统实现以上功能的基础上,采用软件形式与硬件相结合的办法,对其抗干扰性进行了设计,进一步提高了系统的工作可靠性。

【Abstract】 Based on the national "ninth" five years" key project-study on the equipment and techniqueof raising and transplanting seedlings as the kind of factory, combining the no-tillage specialty which can shorten the working period and reduce the intension of dust devil , the key parts of corn no-tillage transplanter has been studied which can improve both the transplanting speed and reliability ,reduce the labour intension of operator ,further more ,the method of automatic controlling whole working course has been applied by using single-chip microcomputer, the bedrock is made for transforming this technique into social productivity. In general, the content which is studied in this paper can be briefly summarized as follows:1 The conic shape of nutrition plug which suit the growing condition of the corn seedling is made certain through contrast study on the root grow character between the corn and vegetable seedling; then the plug size which bulk is smaller and meets the growing condition of com seedling through cultivating the corn seedling. Using this kind of plug can both save the nutrition soil during making plugs and reduce the working intension during cultivating seedlings, raising the plant-endlong rate in transplanting seedlings.2 The decomposing paper tray is used .which can not only solve the plug metabolic problem in cultivating seedlings ,but also avoiding the root bunch between different individuals; in the mean while, the paper tray can be used both in all single household and in the cultivating seedling factory of our country.3 Based on the shape of conic plug , the profile modeling-annulus equipment which can make plug in a line is designed. This equipment can not only solve the plug lining-up problem in mechanizing way when plug seedlings are transplanted, but also can raise the working speed of no-tillage transplanter, and reduce the working intensity of operator. And then, the influencing rule between the key factors to plug queue speed and working reliability of this set is ascertained, and the variety range of these factors is made, and the theoretic analysis correctness is validated by a great deal of experiments, and the key problem of improving the transplanting speed is solved. So the foundation is set for its practical use.4 The acting-straight-sorting and dropping plug set is designed ,which can solve the sorting plugs unclearly because of the difference between individual plug seedlings ,and can raise the punctuality of sorting plug seedlings and the veracity of plug seedling dropping into the lead-plug-seedling-tube, in addition, the working frequency of acting-straight cylinder is calculated by analysis to the movement and strength of the key parts in this system which can accelerate the transplanting rate to 3 plants per second , further more ,a lot of operated experiments indicate that the working reliability of this set can be raised under the condition of the proper seedling transplanting speed .5 The modernizing technical method is applied and MCS-51 is made as controller of no-tillage transplanter to control all of the execute parts of the equipment automatically by single chip microcomputer through watching these key parts by’ some transducer. In this system, the working state of this equipment is online show by calculating the number of transplanted plug seedlings; and the broken-down occurrence can be predicted by alarming system during transplanting plug seedlings; at last, anti-jamming system is designed to raise the reliability of this system further by the method of combine the software with hardware together in the condition of achieving all functions in transplanting plug seedlings.


