

Dynamic Changes and Sustainable Development Strategies of Farming System in Inner Mongolia

【作者】 张海明

【导师】 陈阜;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 本研究针对内蒙古农作制度存在的主要问题及发展趋势,以近50年内蒙古种植业、养殖业和农畜产品加工业的发展轨迹作为研究材料,通过历史动态分析与截面研究相结合,农户调查与田间试验相结合,利用农学、经济学,生态学和系统学等研究方法,对内蒙古自治区农作制度发展变化规律及其驱动因子进行剖析,并提出该地区农作制度高校持续发展的调整优化方向。研究得出: 1.近50年来,内蒙古以种植业为基础的种养加相互依存、相互促进的农业经济新格局已经形成,农作制度正向市场化和多元化,现代技术投入集约化发展。主要农产品的综合供给能力得到提高,农业产值及农民人均纯收入连续增长。主要粮食作物播种面积由以杂粮为主演变为以玉米、小麦、大豆、马铃薯四大作物为主的格局。 2.按照农作制度区划的原则与方法,把内蒙古农作制度区划分为5个类型区,包括东北部半湿润半干旱旱作丘陵大豆、小麦、油菜、奶牛种养加工区,东部半干旱平原井灌玉米、水稻、肉牛、肉羊种养殖与肉类加工区,中东部半干旱草原牧草、肉羊种养殖与羊肉加工区,中部半干旱、干旱黄灌井灌小麦、玉米、葵花、奶牛、绒毛羊种养殖、奶制品与皮毛加工区,西部干旱荒漠草原骆驼养殖与驼绒加工区。各类型区由于自然资源环境和经济的差异性,其农牧业的结构和技术发展模式有显著不同。 3.农畜产品区域化趋势特征表现明显,中部和东部两大粮食主产区地位突出,东部区玉米,占全区的66.98%;中部区与东北区小麦,分别占46.98%与27.07%,中部区马铃薯,占全区的81.83%;大豆主产区为东北部于与东部区,分别占全区的62.76%与34.22%;两大粮食主产区又是肉类主产区:东部占44.10%,中部占34.61%;奶类主产区:中部占39.31%东北部占28.65%。 4.50年来第一产业产值对人均GDP的影响度最大,种植业产值与畜牧业产值呈高度的正相关,农业内部种植业产值长期保持在50%以上,畜牧业产值占比例为30-40%,属于以农牧为主体的典型的单一农业经济。全区农机总动力、农村用电量、化肥施用量、作物品种及栽培技术和有效灌溉面积等是粮食增产的重要因素,其作用在不同的阶段表现有所差别。对农业总产值增长起最重要作用的是有效灌溉面积的扩大和农机总动力的增加,其次是化肥的使用量和良种及农作技术;全区主要畜禽生产资料及产品对农业总产值的影响因时间区段不同而异,生猪存栏数和牛及大牲畜存栏数对牧业总产值的影响最大,1979年-1991年,羊毛产量成为对农业总产值贡献最大的因素,1992年-1998年,牛奶产量成为对农业总产值贡献最大的因素。 5.分析表明,各区主要农畜产品的生产布局和竞争优势是:(1)玉米优势区:通辽市、赤峰市、兴安盟等地;(2) 小麦优势区:大兴安岭沿麓,巴彦淖尔盟;(3)大豆优势区:呼伦贝尔市;(4)马铃薯优势区:乌兰察布盟; (5)羊肉优势区:赤峰市、锡林郭勒盟; (6)牛肉优势区:通辽市; (7)牛奶优势区:呼伦贝尔市、呼和浩特市、锡林郭勒盟,这三个盟市的牛奶产量占到内蒙古全区牛奶产量的70%以上;(8)羊毛和羊绒优势区:赤峰市、锡林郭勒盟;羊绒优势区:赤峰市、巴彦淖尔盟、鄂尔多斯市和阿拉善盟。 6、农作制度调整优化及发展途径是以市场为导向,以农畜产品优势区域和农业产业化龙头企业为依托,为养而种,为工而养,减粮油增林草,通过粮草畜工贸结合,走区域性种养加一体化,商二牧农一条龙的产业化之路,生产经营和生态建设并重,发展具有资源和地区特色的主导产业,由西向东形成驼绒、面粉、乳制品、山羊绒、马铃薯、肉羊、毛、皮、肉鸡、大豆等优势农畜产品的加工转化龙头产业群,拉动相关农畜产品的增值转化和结构调整,促进内蒙古农牧业经济持续高效发展。 7、研究提出了不同农作区的多熟高产高效种植模式与关键技术;主要农作区主要农作物高产高效栽培的技术模式:不同类型区生态环境持续高效发展模式。

【Abstract】 Based on 50 years historical materials, typical investigation and field experiments on agriculture, animal husbandry and industrialization of agricultural and animal products, applying ecological, economic and systematic analysis methods, farming system in Inner Mongolia are analyzed, such as the increasing of agricultural production and its contribution factors, and the change characteristics agriculture and its motive factors, and the developing situation and drawback factors of agricultural industrialization. According to above data and analysis methods, the developing laws and mechanism on farming system and optimize countermeasures and technical supporting approaches to agricultural structure are deeply discussed.1. New structure of agriculture-based and conbination of agriculture and animal husbandry has come into being in Inner Mongolia. Fanning system now tends to market-oriented, advanced techniques, intensive input and sustsinable objectives. With the increasing of grain yield, food supply has increased, and the same time, agricultural values, per capita food possession and income of fanners increased signifisantly. Sowing areas of Inner Mongolia changed from low-yield crops to maize, wheat, soybean and potato, in 2001, total sown areas was 5031 thousand hm2, grain production was 14.285 million tons. Animal husbandry in Inner Mongolia had developed steadily, total animals were 73872 thousands and meat production is 1370 thousands tons. And animal production values is RMB 479.5 billion, some big companies such as Yili Co.,Ltd, Mengniu Co.,Ltd and Erdos Co.,Ltd, which are as the processing chains of agricultural and animal products, are playing important roles in whole areas.2. According to compartmentalize principles and methods to farming system, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is divided into five fanning system types: Northeastern semi-humid and semi-arid low-hill soybean, wheat and rape planting and cow feeding and processing areas, simply called Northeast Farming Areas; II. Eastern semi-arid plain well-irrigated maize, rice planting and cattle and sheep feeding and processing areas, simply called Eastern Farming Areas; HI. Middle and eastern semi-arid prairie feed planting and sheep feeding and processing areas, simply called Middle and Eastern Fanning Areas; IV. Middle arid and semi-arid river-irrigated wheat, maize and sunflower planting, and cow, sheep and goats feeding and meat and hair processing areas, simply called Middle Farming Areas; V. Western arid oasis camel feeding and camel hair processing areas are simply called Western Farming Areas.3. Production of agricultural and animal products has showed localize significantly. Middle Farming Areas and Eastern Faming Areas are main grain production areas or 87% of total grain production. Maize is mainly in Eastern Farming Areas or 66.98% of total maize production; Wheat is in Middle Farming Areas and Northeastern Farming Areas or 46.98% and 27.07% of total wheat production, respectively; Potato is mainly in Middle Farming Areas or 81.83% of total potato production; Soybean is in Northeastern Farming Areas and Eastern Farming Areas or 62.76% and 34.22% of total soybean production, respectively. As same as grain production, Eastern Farming Areas and Middle Faming Areas are main meat production areas or 44.10% and 34.61% of total meatproduction; Middle Faming Areas and Eastern Farming Areas are main milk production areas or 39.31% and 28.65% of total milk production.4. It showed that through analyzing the motive factors to farming system evolvement in past 50 years in Inner Mongolia: Total agricultural machines, rural electric power, chemical fertilizer use, effective irrigation areas and species and cultivation techniques are factors to grain production, and these factors played different roles in different periods. Among above factors, Total agricultural machines and effective irrigation areas are the most important factors to total agricultural production values, and chemical fertilizer use, species and cultivation tech

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