

Study on the Theory and Typical Models of Industrialization of Ecological Agriculture on Countywide

【作者】 王静慧

【导师】 吴文良;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 生态学, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 与国外生态农业相比,我国生态农业与安全食品开发相分离,没有形成产业化、一体化的经营体系,限制了生态农业经济效益的进一步发挥。因此,我国生态农业要想从整体上升级、在兼顾生态效益的同时提高经济效益,就必须借鉴国外成功经验,对生态农业相关产业实行一体化经营,从解决当前农业实际问题和生态农业理论体系自我完善的角度出发,通过生态农业产业化与国际接轨。本文通过理论与案例相结合的研究,取得了如下结果: 理论研究结果:(1)提出了生态农产品生产、生态农产品加工和生态农产品销售纵向连接的产业化体系;生态耦合与纵向连接相结合的设计原则;生态农业产业化动力是可持续的消费需求;“安全—绿色—有机”金字塔体系与国际接轨的生态农业产业化途径;(2)总结了“主导产业带动型”和“龙头企业带动型”两种生态农业产业化发展模式;(3)归纳了标准化、企业化、层次化、品牌经营、科技支撑以及政策措施和组织保障等保障体系,指出生态农业产业化保障体系是生态农业产业化体系的有机构成和重要支撑。(4)指出生态农业产业化需要在生产、加工、销售过程中严格按照安全食品、绿色食品或有机食品的标准生产,在加工过程中可同时采用ISO14000、HACCP或ISO9000等国际标准进行控制;在销售过程中注重依靠品牌战略提高产品的“绿色”效益。 案例研究结果:在构建理论框架的基础上,本文采用定性和定量分析相结合、理论与实际相结合的方法,对平谷和怀柔的生态农业产业化发展进行了较为系统、全面、深入的研究,并取得如下结果:(1)平谷大桃产业和怀柔板栗、西洋参、冷水鱼都建成了生态农业生产、清洁生产加工和绿色品牌经营纵向一体化经营的生态农业产业化体系,并且取得了显著的经济效益。(2)平谷生态农业产业化发展模式是主导产业带动型,果品加工企业和产销协会等是应运而生,仍未成为产业化的核心;怀柔生态农业产业化则属于龙头企业带动型,龙头企业承担着组织生产、加工、销售和树立品牌的作用,是产业化的核心。(3)两个县域的生态农业产业化都采取了如下保障措施推动生态农业产业化发展:组织企业化、生产标准化、产品层次化、营销品牌化、科技支撑以及组织、政策等保障措施。(4)平谷和怀柔的生态农业产业化都处于初级阶段,但怀柔的生态农业产业化正往发展阶段过渡。(5)平谷的生态环境协调度处于良好协调和优质协调之间,怀柔的生态环境协调度属于良好协调,说明平谷、怀柔两县域的可持续发展态势良好。(6)在综合分析利弊的基础上,针对平谷大桃和怀柔板栗、西洋参、冷水鱼的产业化发展制定了发展战略。

【Abstract】 Compared with the international ecological agriculture, the Chinese ecological agriculture separated with the non-pollution-food development; therefore, the integration management system of agriculture has not been in form. As a result, the economic benefit was limited. Therefore, if we want to wholly upgrade the Chinese ecological agriculture with the increasing of economic benefits and ecological benefits, or if we wanted to solve the practical problem and perfect the theoretic system of Chinese ecological agriculture, we must introduce the profitable experience from overseas and integrative the relative industries within ecological agriculture system. By this way, the connection of tracks on advanced standards between Chinese ecological agriculture and that abroad can be realized. Some conclusions were made from the combination of theory study and case study.The theories of the ecological agriculture integration were shaped out. (l)It was pointed out that the ecological agriculture integration system should integrate the ecological production, the ecological processing and ecological marketing into vertical industry chain and network by the principles of ecological link and longitudinal joint, and the evolution to realize ecological agriculture integration in China was to develop non -pollution food, green food, and organic food stage by stage. The evolution path to develop ecological agriculture in China gradually was also the effective and practical path fitted to the situation of China to realize the connection of tracks with the international criterion. (2) Two development models of ecological agriculture integration were summed up. One was propelled by the leading industry; the other was driven by the leading corporations. (3) The support and safeguard system was summarized in the dissertation, including the development of agriculture agribusiness, the application of ecological agriculture standardization, the hierarchy of ecological products, the green-brand marketing of ecological products, the usage of advanced and clean technologies, and other means to ensure the ecological agriculture integration in China. The support and the safeguards system was the important structural element of ecological agriculture integration. (4)The realization of ecological agriculture integration depended on the non-pollution, green, and overall process control along the production, the processing and the marketing industry chain. That is to say, the production must be controlled by non-pollution food criterion, the green food criterion, or the organic food criterion, the processing need to be controlled at the same by clean techniques to ensure the environment protection and products quality, such as ISO9000, ISO 14000 or HACCP series standards should all be carried out and used in the processing. As for the marketing procedure, it was proposed to increase the green benefits by green-brand-strategy.Some results of cases study were obtained. On the basis of theoretical framework above mentioned, the Pinggu district and Huairou district in Beijing as two typical cases were chosen and studied systematically, comprehensive, and in depth. (1) Great economic interests and good ecological benefit were gotten in Pinggu and Huairou through the establishment of ecological agriculture integration system, including ecological production, ecological processing and ecological marketing. (2) Thedevelopment of ecological agriculture integration in Pinggu was propelled by the leading industry, and then the processing corporations were developed with other industries by the expansion and the promotion of leading industry. Compared with Pinggu district, the propelling of leading corporations developed all the three leading industries in Huairou, and the leading corporations acted as the kernel role in the ecological agriculture integration. (3) Following detail support and safeguards system in two districts were adopted and applied: the development of agriculture agribusiness, that is, the processing corporation was built, w


