

How to Improve China’s Competitiveness of Major Agricultural Products

【作者】 白宏

【导师】 田维明;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 经济全球化和国际贸易活动日益增强是当今世界经济发展的重要趋势,这两方面息息相关。当今的全球化是由市场开放推动的,所以在全球化进程中贸易一直居于主导地位,谁在国际市场竞争中占据有利地位,谁就在全球化进程中取得了主动权。正是因为这一点,各国都希望自己的产品在日益开放的国际市场上占有较多的份额。而农产品贸易就是其中重要的组成部分之一。在这样一个大背景下,如何提升本国农产品在国际市场上竞争力,显得尤其重要。 随着乌拉圭回合谈判最终达成协议,农产品贸易已被纳入到多边贸易体系的规则约束之下,并且成为了贸易自由化的焦点。根据《中美关于中国加入世界贸易组织的双边协议》,到2004年,中国农产品平均关税要下降到17%。粮棉油等大宗农产品将实行关税配额制。短期内看,中国目前已有部分农产品价格高于国际价格,而品质也远低于国外同类产品,降低关税和实行关税配额制后,中国农业会受到怎样的影响呢?在新的贸易制度下,国家对农产品生产、消费和贸易的政策干预将受到约束,农产品贸易格局将会愈来愈多地取决于各国在不同商品上具有的比较优势和所采取的竞争策略。在这种新形势下,我国提升农产品国际竞争力只能以培植比较优势作为基础,否则不仅农业部门竞争力的提高会以其它部门竞争力的损失为代价,而且可能会由于未来的多边贸易谈判将进一步限制扶持措施而无法持续性地实现目标。 本研究以竞争优势理论为依据,围绕根据理论依据得来的基本假设展开,通过全面测算中国主要农产品各种竞争力指标,在详细分析影响农产品竞争力的各种因素的基础上,寻求提升中国主要农产品国际竞争力的途径。 研究以全国的农产品为考察对象。按照农产品的资源密集度分类,从各种类型中选择不同的代表农产品来进行分析。研究通过对中国主要农产品的竞争力的测定,详细剖析了我国近年来农产品竞争力的变动趋势,对一些生产上具有比较优势,而实际贸易中却不具有竞争力的农产品进行了分析对比,在上述分析基础上,研究将影响农产品国际竞争力的因素分为要素、需求、贸易壁垒和同业竞争四大类,并分别从各类因素入手进行理论和实证研究,分析这些农产品竞争力减弱或不具有竞争力的症结所在。 研究表明,从国内的角度来看,我国虽然劳动力要素丰裕,但是由于劳动力素质低,而且随着经济增长,劳动要素的费用也越来越高,因此对一些特定的农产品,使用劳动力要素的替代其他要素来生产农产品的效果并不理想;另外中国的过度经济增长也造成了一些农产品竞争力的减弱。从国际角度来看,各种贸易壁垒,入世后特别是技术壁垒是影响农产品国际竞争力的主要障碍。要跨越技术壁垒,从长远看,人力资本的投资和创新能力的开发是中国提高产品竞争力的根本。 最后论文在得出结论的基础上,提出了提升中国主要农产品竞争力的途径:短期内发挥劳动力优势,但中长期必须培植具有长期可持续性的资源;确立农产品贸易市场的重点目标;按照WTO规则创造有利的农产品贸易环境。

【Abstract】 Intensifying of economic globalization and international trade is an economic development’s important direction in this world. Because today’s globalization is pushed by opening market, the trade occupies main status in the globalization process. The country that holds the inside track in the international competitiveness will obtain initiative. Just because this, every country hopes that own products can have quite big share in opening international market.And agricultural trade is an important composing part. So under this backdrop, how to improve China’s competitiveness of major agricultural products become more and more important.With the Uruguay Round coming to an agreement, agricultural trade was brought into rule of multilateral trade system, and became the focus of trade freedom. Now the prices of some agricultural products in China are lower than international prices, and the qualities are lower than the same products of other countries, how the WTO’s access influences China’s agriculture? Under the new trade system, interference of government to agricultural products’ produce, consume and trade will be restricted, the structure of agricultural products trade will more and more depend on every country’s competitive strategies about comparative advantage and competitive advantage of every agricultural product. Under this new position, improving agricultural products’ competitiveness must on the basis of implanting comparative advantage, otherwise not only competitiveness of agriculture’s improvement will at the cost of the losses of other industries, but also this goal unable to be realized because of multilateral trade negotiation further restricting support measurements.On the basis of the theory of the competitiveness and encircling basic hypothesis, this research found approaches of improving competitiveness of China’s agricultural products by measuring competitive indexes and analyzing factors of influencing competitiveness of agricultural products.The whole country’s agricultural products were researching object of the thesis. Classifying agricultural products according to resource intensity of, the research choused and analyzed representative products of different types. By measuring international competitiveness of China’s agricultural products, the thesis anatomies their changing trend, and analyzes some products which have comparative advantage but haven’t competitiveness in the practice. On the basis of this analysis, the thesis carries through theory and demonstration research from four aspects, factor, demand, trade bulwark and rivals, and analyzes the reasons why these products’ competitiveness became lower.The research shows that although labors are copiousness in China, but because of lower education lever and ascending labor’s cost with the developing economy, the effect of substituting labor factor for other factors is not very well; in another hand excess growth of economy in China lowered competitiveness of some agricultural products. In international markets, many trade barriers; especially technology barriers are main obstructions that influence competitiveness of agricultural products. In the long term, manpower and innovation is the fundamentality of improving competitiveness.Last the paper put forward the approaches of improving competitiveness on the basis of conclusion: exerting advantage of labor in a short run, but implanting sustainable resources in a long run; establishing key trade markets of different agricultural products; creating favorable trade environment of agricultural products according to WTO.


