

The Relationship between Solar Greenhouse Soil Environment and Cucumbers’ Quality and Yield

【作者】 王柳

【导师】 张福墁;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 农业生物环境与能源工程, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 本文对京郊日光温室的土壤环境特征、施肥特征以及施肥对土壤环境和黄瓜产量、品质的影响进行了研究。结果表明:京郊新建温室较多,所调查温室土壤pH均为中性到微碱性,70%以上的温室土壤pH适宜黄瓜生长;但土壤容重偏大;耕层土壤EC值高于亚表层,存在盐分表聚现象,但土壤盐分浓度障碍并不严重,只有15.8%的温室土壤盐浓度超标;土壤有机质和大量元素平均含量均处于中等偏低水平而微量元素平均含量除硼外均处于高水平;随种植年限的增加,温室土壤养分状况表现出增加的趋势,其中有机质、全氮与种植年限呈极显著正相关,有效磷、有效锌也与种植年限呈显著正相关,而容重与种植年限呈显著负相关;经过一季果菜栽培,温室土壤中各种营养元素除硼外均有极显著提高,而存在盐分浓度障碍的温室比例也提高到50%以上,土壤硝酸盐与EC值呈极显著正相关,是土壤产生盐分浓度障碍的主要因子。 京郊日光温室的有机肥施用量非常大,平均有机氮、磷、钾的投入量为2373.0kg/hm~2、2040.9kg/hm~2、1494.9kg/hm~2,有机肥品种单一,以鸡粪为主,占有机肥施用总量的70%以上;无机肥施用量不同地区温室间差异很大,出现两极分化;氮、磷、钾化肥的施用比例为1:0.63:0.76,钾肥高于磷肥,比较符合果菜的生育要求;土壤养分表观平衡表明氮、磷、钾盈余量大,盈余量氮最多、磷次之、钾最少,分别为2922.1kg/hm~2、2414.1kg/hm~2、1752.1kg/hm~2;化学肥料的农学效率氮、磷、钾分别只有24.2%、14.3%、49.1%,施入的氮、磷、钾大量残留,特别是磷肥和氮肥最严重。 随施肥量的增加,黄瓜表观品质变好,营养和风味物质含量提高,风味变好但肥料的施用不是越多越好,施肥过量会使黄瓜脆度降低,商品瓜率降低,果实的硝酸盐含量提高。过量施肥还严重抑制了黄瓜植株的生长,使株高降低,叶面积减小,净光合速率减小,茎叶干鲜重减小,根体积减小,吸收能力减弱,产量严重降低,土壤发生次生盐渍化,这种作用在低温弱光季节表现比高温强光季节更加严重,因而在低温弱光季节应适当减少肥料施用量。 在目前京郊土壤肥力水平下,温室黄瓜产量与土壤有机质、速效钾、有效铁、有效硼呈极显著正相关,与土壤全氮、有效锌、有效铜呈显著正相关。而温室黄瓜品质受品种影响较大,与土壤环境特征无显著相关性。在校内试验条件下,黄瓜产量与土壤硝酸盐含量存在二次曲线关系,与其它土壤环境因子无显著相关性,单瓜重与土壤硝酸盐含量、EC值呈极显著正相关。黄瓜品质指标中游离氨基酸含量、有机酸含量受土壤理化性状影响大,而在影响因子中,土壤硝酸盐含量、EC值对黄瓜品质指标影响大。黄瓜的硝酸盐含量与土壤硝酸盐含量、EC值呈极显著正相关,但黄瓜属于低硝酸盐积累蔬菜,硝酸盐向果实分配很少,即使土壤中硝酸盐含量超标5倍(1000mg/kg),出现严重盐害,绝大多数黄瓜果实中的硝酸盐含量仍能达到无公害蔬菜的要求。 本文还就京郊日光温室果菜施肥中存在的问题和科学的土壤调控措施进行了讨论。

【Abstract】 The characteristics of soil and fertilization of fruit vegetable in solar greenhouse in Beijing were investigated. Based on it, the influence of fertilization on cucumbers’ quality and yield was researched. The results indicated that most of the solar greenhouses in Beijing now were builted in recent years, soil pH ranged from litmusless to alkalescent, the soil bulk density was on the high side, and soil pH of more than 70% greenhouses investigated was suitable for cucumber cultivation. The EC in 0-20 cm soil depth was higher than 20-40 cm depth. It was showed that salinity accumulated in soil surface of greenhouses tested, the salinity was too high for cultivating cucumber in about 15.8% greenhouses. The soil organic matter, available N, P, K were all at a middle or low level of soil fertility, whereas, all available micror.utrients, except boron, were at high level. The soil nutrients content in solar greenhouse increased with the number of cultivation years. Soil organic matter, total nitrogen, available phosphorus and zinc were significantly related to the number of greenhouse cultivation years, correlations were 0.675 (P<0.01), 0.690(P<0.01) 0.523 (P<0.05) and 0.528 (P<0.05), respectively. The bulk density of greenhouse soil were negatively related to the number of greenhouse cultivation years (r=-0.509, P<0.05). After fruit vegetables were cultivated for a season, the soil nutrients content in solar greenhouse, except boron, increased, but soil salinity problem increased by more than 50%. The soil NO3-N was the primary reason for the soil salinity problem, and it significantly related to soil EC as well.The organic manure fertilization rate of greenhouse fruit vegetable was excessive in greenhouses investigated. The average quantities of organic N, P and K applied on greenhouse fruit vegetables were 2373.0kg/hm2, 2040.9 kgm/hm2 and 1494.9 kg/hm2. It was a problem that the sort of organic manure was not diversity, chicken manure account for more than 70% of the organic manure. The chemical fertilization rate of greenhouse fruit vegetable was different in different greenhouse, some of them was too much for vegetable to uptake and the other was zero. The ratio of chemical N, P and K applied on greenhouse fruit vegetables was 1: 0.63: 0.76, and it was relatively reasonable for fruit vegetable to uptake. The agronomic efficiency of chemical N, P and K was 24.2%, 14.3% and 49.1%, respectively. There were a lot of fertilizers were left over soil.With the increase of fertilizer application rate, the nutrient quality and flavor quality as well as market quality of cucumber increased. But cucumber yield, quality characteristics, including crispness and market ratio of cucumber, and morphological and physiological characteristics including cucumbers’ development height, leaves area, net photosynthetic rate, leaves and stems’ dry and fresh weight, roots’ volume and absorbency, decreased by excessive fertilizer application on greenhouse cucumber, whereas NO3-N concentration increased. In poor light and low temperature season, the effects were more significant, and it was recommended that less fertilizers should be applied in that season.The results showed that in current soil fertility level in Beijing, cucumber yield was significantly related to soil organic matter, available K, Fe, B, total nitrogen and available Zn Cu. There was a parabola relationship between soil NO3-N and cucumber’s yield according to field experiments. The soil NO3-N and EC were main factors which affect cucumber’s quality, and dissociative amino acid and organic acid were main factors which were affected. The NO3-N of cucumber was significantly related to soil NO3-N and EC, but the ratio of NO3-N which was distributed to fruit of cucumber is little.The problems in fertilizer application on fruit vegetable in Beijing and scientific soil management methods were discussed in the dissertation.

【关键词】 日光温室黄瓜土壤环境品质产量北京
【Key words】 solar greenhousecucumbersoilenvironmentqualityyieldBeijing

