

Study on Greenhouse Climatic Regionalization and Heating Meteorological Parameters of Multi-Span Greenhouse in China

【作者】 张亚红

【导师】 陈青云;

【作者基本信息】 中国农业大学 , 农业生物环境与能源工程, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 设施园艺生产有很强的区域性,不同地区的气候条件对设施生产的影响不同。为区分不同地区气候条件对温室影响的差异性,明确温室在不同地区的基本要求,进行我国温室气候区划。目的是为充分合理利用当地气候资源,因地制宜地制定设施园艺生产的发展规划,布局设施栽培和制定管理规范,提供参考;为寻求适应不同气候类型的标准化温室结构类型、合理选择温室建筑参数提供依据。通过确立连栋温室采暖气象参数,为连栋温室能耗的大小、运行方式及气象灾害的风险提供方向性意见。 1.采用综合因子和主导因子相结合的方法,首次将全国范围的温室生产气候区划。区划体系包括9个一级区和18个二级区。 2.一级区划选择南方区和北方区中与温室生产密切相关的指标,利用主成分分析对指标进行综合概括;系统聚类分析计算初始分区;运用判别分析方法对分区结果检验并确定边界走势,由此得到了一级区划结果。 3.采用主导指标法对一级区做进一步划分,通过绘制指标的等值线分布图,分析划分出18个二级区。 4.分区评述各一级区的气候特点和设施园艺现状,指出在本区内发展温室的气候资源优势和不利气象条件,提出各区温室的发展方向,为从总体上做到合理利用气候资源,防止气候对温室的不利影响提出建议;阐明各二级区内主要温室气候特征、极端气候条件和温室基本要求,为温室合理布局提供详细气候依据。 5.确定了连栋温室采暖室外设计温度和采暖期。室外设计温度确定为0.85倍最低日平均温度与0.15倍最冷月平均温度之和并向下取整;以当地累年逐日平均气温稳定≤10℃的持续日数确定为连栋温室的采暖期。 6.计算分析了我国18个温室气候区的采暖能耗分布,并结合温室气候区划给出的气候条件,从气候资源角度出发,对连栋温室在各区的适应性进行评价。 7.以北京为例计算分析降低温室热负荷的几个措施,得出,采用变温管理(室内设计温度白天23℃、夜间18℃)比恒温管理(室内设计温度21℃)可以节约采暖能耗5%;采用不同的维护结构覆盖材料也可节约能耗,玻璃温室比塑料温室节约能耗12%,双层玻璃比单层玻璃节能40%;利用镀铝保温幕一层(按夜间使用14小时计),可以节约采暖能耗29%;而提高锅炉的热利用效率10%,可以节能14%。

【Abstract】 In order to realize the influence of different climatic conditions on greenhouse, define the basic demands of greenhouse in different areas, the climatic regionalization of greenhouse in China has been made. The heating meteorological parameters of multi-span greenhouse have also been established so as to calculate the energy consumption in different climatic regions.1. The greenhouse climatic regionalization in China has been made for the first time by adopting the methods of comprehensive factor combining with dominant factor. Regionalization system includes 9 regions and 18 sub-regions.2. Selecting meteorological factors that play an important role on greenhouse production, the first regions are obtained by adopting principal component analysis to summarize the indexes, cluster analysis to calculate preliminary regions, and discriminant analysis to verify the results and estimate the border tendency.3. Using dominant index law, the regions are further divided into 18 sub-regions by drawing and analyzing the isopleth map of the indexes.4. Current situation and prospect of greenhouse development in different regions are analyzed and some suggestions are put forward from the pointview of climatology. Extreme climate characteristic and greenhouse basic demands in the every sub-regions are also given.5. Heating design temperature outside and heating period of multi-span greenhouse have been calculated and confirmed.6. Calculated and analyzed the energy consumptions in 18 greenhouse climatic sub-regions, and combined with the climate characteristic in the regions, the adaptability of multi-span greenhouse in different sub-regions have been appraised.7. Taking Beijing as an example, some energy-saving measures have been used to calculate the their energy reduce effects on multi-span greenhouse.

  • 【分类号】S625
  • 【被引频次】23
  • 【下载频次】1123

