

Reservoir Evaluation and Petroleum Pool Formation Model of CB 30 Hidden Hill in Chendao Oilfield

【作者】 高喜龙

【导师】 肖贤明;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(广州地球化学研究所) , 地球化学, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 潜山油藏的特殊性表现在:岩性复杂、风化剥蚀严重、经受多次构造和断裂的活动影响、埋藏较深等,往往造成勘探、开发及测井解释的难度较大。迄今,还没有一套完整、系统、准确的测井解释、储层评价和预测方法适应于潜山油藏储层评价与成藏模式的研究。埕岛油田CB30潜山为一典型潜山油藏,储层为太古代变质岩与早古生代碳酸盐岩,生油岩为第三纪暗色泥岩,油气资源丰富。然而,该区由于地处海域,研究程度低,加之油气成因复杂,长期以来对储层评价与成藏模式存在较大的问题,严重影响了下一步油气勘探部署。本研究综合应用构造地质学、岩石力学、储层地质学、石油地质学、岩石矿物学、地球物理学及有机地球化学等多学科理论,对埕北30潜山油气藏储集性能与成藏模式等问题进行了深入系统的研究,取得的主要创新成果为:(1)在埕岛油田首次应用综合测井数据结合岩芯物性实测数据,识别储层类型、评价储层基质孔隙度、总孔隙度、裂缝孔隙度及溶洞孔隙度,有效评价了一类与二类储层的地质分布;(2)应用生烃动力学方法对CB30潜山油源区生油岩生烃史进行了研究,指出有效油源区主要是分布于渤中凹陷斜坡带的ES3与ED2烃源岩;(3)应用流体包裹体分析技术确定潜山油气藏主要成藏期在2MY以后,属晚期成藏。(4)提出CB30潜山为它源缝洞复合型块状潜山油藏的成藏模式。这些研究成果不仅为潜山油气藏评价提供了实例,而且对该区CB30潜山油气勘探具有重要指导意义。

【Abstract】 Hidden hill petroleum reservoirs are characterized by a complicate combination of rock types, heavy weathering and erosion of strata, strong effects by multi-tectonic movements and fault activities, and deep burial, which lead to great difficulties for exploration and development as well as well data explanation. Up to now, there have been no systemic methods suitable to evaluate hidden hill reservoirs and petroleum pool formation model. CB30 structure unit from the Chengdao Oilfield is a typical hidden hill petroleum pool , rich oil and gas resources. The reservoir is Precambrian metamorphic rocks and early Paleozoic carbonates, and the source rocks are the Tertiary dark mudstones. Since this area is located at offshore, with the addition of not enough research and exploration work which was carried out, there have been many questions about reservoir evaluation and petroleum pool formation. In this study, a combination method has been applied which integrated different fields including tectonics, reservoir geology, petroleum geology, geophysics and organic geochemistry and so on, to investigate reservoir properties, petroleum origin, source rock petroleum generation history, petroleum pool- filling time and petroleum pool model. Some important results have been obtained: (1). A method has been suggested to identify reservoir types, and evaluate different kinds of porosity by means of systemic well data and the geological distribution of type I and type II reservoirs has been evaluated by this method. (2). Hydrocarbon generation kinetics method has been used to evaluate petroleum generation history of the source rocks and it has been realized that the significant source rocks of the CB 30 hidden hill are the ED2 and ES3 source rocks distributed in the slope area of the Bazhong Depression. (3). The petroleum pool model of the CB 30 structure unit has been established. It is hidden hill petroleum pool with fissure-cavity reservoirs, originated from deeper source rocks. This results are not only a case study of hidden hill petroleum pool, but provide very important guide to the petroleum exploration in this area.

  • 【分类号】P618.13
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】663

