

Study on Hybrid Petroleum System of Northern Dongying Area

【作者】 郭汝泰

【导师】 肖贤明;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(广州地球化学研究所) , 地球化学, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 东营凹陷是一个含油气十分丰富的第三纪裂谷盆地。经过三十多年的勘探与研究,探明了一大批油气田,并取得了许多重大成果与认识。然而,随着勘探的推进,勘探难度增大,勘探领域由中浅层转向中深层,油气藏由构造油气藏转向隐蔽性油气藏。传统的油气地质研究已满足不了生产的需要,要求在成烃成藏方面不断创新与开拓,才能促进勘探工作的新进展。从国外油气地质研究看,有两点发展趋势比较明确,在烃源岩地球化学方面,加强了新技术、新方法的应用,轻烃、重烃、非烃所含地球化学信息越来越受到重视,同位素分析技术在油气成因研究方面将发挥重大作用;在成藏方面,开展多期多源复合型含油气系统的成藏规律的研究,地球化学与地质背景相结合的综合性研究方法成为国际学术界的热点问题。在这种背景下,本研究针对东营凹陷北部生烃成藏存在的上述理论与实际问题,采用了一系列先进技术手段,如激光显微探针,激光诱导荧光显微镜,显微光度计,GC-MS,碳同位素分析技术,流体包裹体研究技术,对东营凹陷北部含油气系统进行研究,取得了如下几点创新性成果: 1.东营凹陷生油岩存在明显的反射率抑制作用,针对东营凹陷生油岩生烃母质特征,建立起了镜质组反射率校正方法,并且建立起了埋藏深度与VRo相关图版; 2.对东营北部原油地化特征进行了系统研究,并提出了将原油分为三种类型:这三类原油的特点是:类型Ⅰ:较低Pr/Ph,较高含量的伽玛蜡烷指数,较高比例的C29甾烷,Ts/Tm较低;类型Ⅲ:较高Pr/Ph,伽玛蜡烷指数很低,一般不到0.1,Ts/Tm值较高,介于0.80-1.30,C29甾烷比例较低;类型Ⅱ:其特征介于Ⅰ类原油与Ⅲ类原油之间。 3.通过对东营凹陷生油岩的研究,可将生油岩分为二种类型:第一类母质类型以Ⅰ型为主,特点是较低Pr/Ph,较高含量的伽玛蜡烷指数;第二类是母质类型以Ⅱ型为主,特点是较高Pr/Ph,伽玛蜡烷指数很低。建立起了东营凹陷不同类型原油有效油源对比指标,提出:第Ⅰ类原油与第一类生油岩具有较好的可比性;第Ⅲ类原油与第Ⅱ类生油岩具有可比性,而第Ⅱ类原油具有混源的特点。 4.东营北部构成一个完整的含油气系统,它不是一个简单的含油气系统,而是一个复合型含油气系统。典型特点是:发育两套生油岩;两个生油期;多套储盖组合;发育多种储油模式;原油成因较复杂;包括两个成烃事件,油气藏 围绕生油洼陷呈环状分布; 6.建立起了东营北部油气藏成藏模式。将油气藏类型分为构造、构造岩性及岩性油气藏。提出了五种成藏模式:上倾尖灭型,背斜型,断裂切割封档型,薄泥岩封盖型和砂岩透镜体,在综合研究的基础上,提出了6个有利勘探目标。总预测储量超过2000万吨。 本研究成果具有重大理论与实际意义。在理论上,丰富了含油气系统理论与方法,在应用上对东营北部油气勘探具有重大指导作用。

【Abstract】 The Dongying Depression is a Tertiary rift basin with rich petroleum resources. More than 30 years’ exploration and research has been carried out in this area, and many data and important recognition on petroleum geology and geochemistry have been obtained and a number of petroleum pools have been discovered. However, with the progress of petroleum exploration in this area, exploration has become more and more difficult since the targeting areas have moved from middle -shallow strata to middle- deep strata, and types of oil pool from structures to hidden types. Thus, conventional petroleum geological investigation methods can not meet the need of exploration, which requires creative ideas and new methods to get more deep scientific information to guide exploration. From the tread of petroleum geochemistry, two aspects should be noticed. One is in the field of petroleum-generating geochemistry, new techniques and methods have been applied, and great attention has been paid to the original information of petroleum from light hydrocarbon, heavy hydrocarbon, non-hydrocarbon geochemistry, and isotopic data. Another is in the field of formation of petroleum reservoirs. Formation of oil pools and their distribution pattern in a hybrid petroleum system with multi-sources, multiphase petroleum events become a hot academic point in the world. Under this background, the petroleum system of the Northern Dongying Area has been investigated by some new methods and techniques, such as laser microprobe, Laser-induced fluorescent microscopy, MPV III microscopy, GC-MS, carbon isotopic instrument, fluid inclusion analysis technique. The following results have been achieved:1. A strong vitrinite reflectance suppression in the ES3-ES4 source rocks were found. Based on the source matter of these source rocks, a method was suggested which are used to get an equivalent VRo from the measured VRo. A model plot of VRo and depth has been established in this area.2. The crude oils can be subdivided into three types. Type I is characterized by lower Pr/Ph and Ts/Tm, relatively higher content of gammaceral and C29 sterane, and conversely, Type III by higher Pr/Ph and Ts/Tm, lower content of gammaceral parameter and C29 sterane. Type II is between both.3. The source rocks can be largely subdivided into two types based on their geochemical characteristics. Type I has the feature of lower Pr/Ph and Ts/Tm, relatively higher content of gammaceral, but Type II is with higher Pr/Ph and Ts/Tm, relatively lower content of gammaceral. The source /oil correlation based on biomarker and carbon isotopic data shown that Type I oil has a original relationship with Type I source rock, and Type III oil can be compared with Type II source rock. There are no source rocks having a obvious relationship with Type II oil, and it was believed to form from a mixture sources.4. The Northern Dongying Area forms a complete petroleum system, It is not a simple one, but belongs to a hybrid petroleum system. This petroleum system has some outstanding characteristics, such as two types of source rocks, three types of crude oils, a few sets of reservoir-cap rock combination, complicated oil pools, two petroleum events, and a round distribution of oil pools around depressions.5. The formation model of oil pools in this area was established, including three types and five models. On the basis of this, seven prospecting structures were indicated as for further important exploration areas with a total petroleum resources over than 2000 x 104 tons.

  • 【分类号】P618.13
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】332

