

Study of the Composite Structure of Special-shaped Columns with Concrete Small Hollow Blocks Based on Pseudo Dynamic Test

【作者】 马乐为

【导师】 吴敏哲;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 结构工程, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,异形柱结构体系在我国发展迅速,各种相关的结构形式层出不穷。本文针对异形柱及空心砌块的特点,提出了“异形柱混凝土小型空心砌块组合结构体系”的概念。这种新型结构形式的主要特点包括:异形柱与砌块为马牙槎连接、墙体内含有暗梁、施工顺序为先砌墙后浇柱、梁浇筑时以砌块为底模。本文的研究旨在为这种新型组合结构体系提供试验依据、弄清整体结构的抗震性能和破坏机理、提出理论分析方法和设计原则。 本课题进行了12层1/3.2比例模型房屋的模态试验和拟动力试验,这是迄今为止国内首次对该结构类型进行的拟动力试验、也是同类试验中模型最大的。通过试验,掌握了该结构体系在水平地震荷载作用下的受力特点、变形与耗能性能、结构的破坏形态等力学指标:得到了结构在不同地震烈度条件下的刚度变化、自振频率、阻尼比等动力特性;综合结构的顶点位移、层间转角以及钢筋的微应变,提出了适合于该结构体系简化设计的“等效剪力墙法”。最后,结合工程实例说明了这种新型结构体系在实践中的应用情况及国内外现有设计软件对该结构形式的计算特点。 在模态分析方面,本文利用相似性原理,解决了模态试验在配重不足时,求解原型结构自振频率误差过大的问题,并且得出了在不同配重条件下,试验模型与原型结构的频率可以达到一致的相似准数。通过对传递函数的分析以及对模态振型的回归计算,找到了该结构体系由于其特殊的施工方式和构造措施与一般框架结构体系及异形柱填充墙体系相比所具有的特点。 在拟动力试验方面,指出了联机试验中初始刚度矩阵的影响因素,建立了模型质量矩阵的等效方法。通过基于MATLAB的地震波频谱分析,说明了小波分析方法在拟动力试 西安建筑科技大学博士学位论文验中地震波截取方面的应用;在拟动力分段试验数据的处理方面,本文将试验结果的无纲量表示方法以及曲线的多项式拟合法引入滞回曲线的数据处理,这将有助于拟动力试验不同加速度峰值条件下,各阶段结构耗能能力的客观比较。 为了比较准确地反映混凝土小型空心砌块在地震荷载作用下的抗侧移能力。给出结构的简化计算方法,本文利用砌块墙体的斜压杆等效原理,并考虑了异形柱的塑性抵抗矩、0梁的抗弯能力以及马牙搓连接等多种因素,解出了斜压杆的等效宽度,在此基础上按杆系模型对结构进行了简化静力验算,结果与试验基本相符。 另外,本文还提出了可考虑马牙搓连接及暗梁刚度的非线性有限元计算模型,对该结构体系进行了时程反应分析、做出了三维结构的应力云图,全面地分析了该结构形式的受力特点和抗震性能。 综上所述,通过对这种新型组合结构体系所进行的拟动力试验和理论分析,论证了该体系的抗震性能、提出了该体系的内力计算方法、设计方法及相应的构造措施。本文的研究内容可以为有关规程的制定提供参考。

【Abstract】 Recently, the special-shaped-column structural system has been developed very rapidly in China. Many relative structural systems emerged in endlessly. The article aims at the character of the special-shaped-column and hollow concrete block and puts forward the conception of the composite structure of special-shaped columns with concrete small hollow concrete blocks. This system is the new type, in which the connection between the special-shaped column and concrete block is stronger than that of frame structure and the dark beams are located and its constructional sequence is brickwork first and placing columns second and concrete blocks are as bottom forms when beams are placing. This paper wants to provide the experimental data base and theoretical approach of this new type structural system and assess earthquake-resistant behavior and destroying characteristics of this new system.The modal analysis and pseudo dynamic test of the twenty-story building with 1/3.2 scale is the first and the largest size in the same testing field in China by now. The mechanic character, destroying pattern, the ductile and dissipation energy capacity of this composite structure under the earthquake have been clarified. The stiffness degradation, natural frequency, damping ratio of this structural system with the development of intensity of earthquake have also been investigated. With consideration of the top displacement, drift of story and micro-strain of longitude steel bars, the equivalent shell wall method has been presented in order to simplify the design of such type structure. Finally the article described the application with this new type of structural system in practice and also introduced the application programs that can suitable for the design of this composite structure, domestic and abroad.In the modal analysis, the similarity laws has been introduced to reduce the error during theassessment of the prototype building’s natural frequency under the insufficient balance weight testing. By the author’s theory, the prototype natural frequency can be the same even the balance weight of model is changeable. By analysis of the transfer function and modal shape, we can draw a conclusion that this system is different from the common frame structure and even different from other types of structure with special-shaped columns. So the necessity of the studying has been verified.In the respect of pseudo dynamic test, the author explained the influencing factors of initial inputting stiffness matrix and the equivalent method of mass matrix of model. By analysis of frequency spectrum based on MATLAB platform, wavelet method in the application of cutting out a section of inputting earthquake wave was presented. In the process of pseudo dynamic test results, the method of non-dimensional representation and analytic representation of hysteretic curve was provided. The above two methods will help to compare dissipation energy capacity of this structure at the different acceleration peak value stage of pseudo dynamic test more precisely and comparably.In order to simplify the calculating on the stress of concrete small hollow blocks subjected to in-plane forces and clarify its anti-drifting capability under seismic action, the equivalent diagonal strut method of in-filled wall was introduced. But this time, the authors considered more factors that can influence the precise, which include plastic resistant moment of special-shaped columns, bending stiffness of beams and cracking of walls. Then, the equivalent width of diagonal strut is worked out. Based on above results, the bar system model is used to calculating the internal force of the structure and the results were match the testing data basically.Furthermore, the paper also provided the approach of non-linear finite element of this new type of composite structure, hi which the factors of cracking of small type hollow concrete block and dark beam’s stiffness were being considered. At the same time, the time history analysis and stress cloud chart of this spatial


