

From "Moral Education" to "Communication

【作者】 冯海

【导师】 张永健;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2003, 博士


【摘要】 本文主要通过童话文本分析,揭示中国新时期童话创作思维的新突破以及童话观念的承接与走向,进而探寻童话的意义与价值。全文共分三章。 导论部分简述新时期童话多元并存、百花齐放的创作格局,提出只有通过理清童话创作的发展流程与走向,才能贴近“童话”的真实性相。 第一章探讨儒家文化底板以及民族文化心理对中国现代童话创作产生的深入影响。中国童话中教育性因素的渗透与定型同儒家文化思想的浸润有着不容忽略的联系,积淀深厚的教化情结导致现当代童话的“训诫”模式。 第二章阐释“儿童本位”观在新时期童话中的复苏与呈现。教育型、热闹型、抒情型等童话文本中部体现出对“儿童本位”观的回归,既充分展现其“发现儿童”的合理性,也暴露出其“子孙崇拜”的非合理性。提出“儿童本位”论势必作为历史性的话语框架被创作实践所溢出、撑破。 第三章从人际以及天人之际两个方面分析新时期萌生的侧重沟通融合的“童心交谈”型创作思维。“交谈”型童话摒弃了源于成人心性的“主—客”分离对立的跷跷板式的相关模式,描摹出以儿童主客合一、亲善开放的本真之心与他者、自我及世界相依相融的温馨图景。 结语通过上文对新时期童话创作发展流程及走向的梳理,对“童话”概念进行释义,并进而探讨童话的终极价值。

【Abstract】 This thesis, through a text analysis, reveals a breakthrough in conception about new period Chinese tale writing and its trend. The thesis consists of three chapters.The introductory part gives a brief account of the free development of different forms and styles in new period tale creation and comes up with the idea that only after we have combed out the trend in the development of tale creation, can we get closer to the truth of" Tale".The first chapter probes into the strong impact on modern Chinese tale creation of Confucian culture background and ethnic cultural psychology. The penetration of educational factor in Chinese tales has much to do with the nurture of Confucian thoughts. It is this " Education Complex" that results in " Moral Education" Pattern in contemporary and modern tales.The second chapter elaborates the presence of" Children - basis" in new period tales. The return to " Children - basis" concern in such tales as educational, bustle and emotional ones manifests the reasonableness of " Children Discovering" as well as the unreasonableness of " Offspring Worshipping". The coming up with the " Children - basis" argument, as a historic Word Paradigm, will inevitably break the practices of tale creation.The third chapter, from two aspects concerning the relationship between people and the relationship between human and nature, analyzes the new period " Children Communication" tales that lay a great emphasis on Communication. These "Communication" tales break with the " Seesaw" Pattern resulted from the separate "subject - object" views held by adults, and vividly depict a warm picture which displays the unity of" subject - object" matter in children, their good - willed, open heart true to itself and the interdependence of children themselves, others and the world.The conclusion part, based on the previous discussion on the trend in the development of new period tale creation, tries to define the word " Tale", and further explores its ultimate value.

【关键词】 新时期童话训诫本位交谈
【Key words】 New Period TaleMoral EducationBasisCommunication
  • 【分类号】I207.8
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】562

