

Freeway Alinement Research Based on Driver’s Psychological and Physiological Reaction

【作者】 郑柯

【导师】 任福田;

【作者基本信息】 北京工业大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 在主要以汽车行驶理论支持下的传统道路线形设计理论,随着道路交通不断高速化的趋势,面临着越来越严峻的挑战。为什么经过精心严格设计的各种道路,特别是高速公路,在数年的运行中,就会留下一串串触目惊心的事故多发路段或叫交通安全的黑点?本文的研究企图以一种新的思想,新的方法,从另一个角度上,对高速公路线形的某些部分做一番新的审理,以期对道路交通安全与行车舒适的改善做出一定的贡献。正是在上述思想的指导下,本研究应用医学和心理生理学方面的理论方法和仪器设备,通过大量的行车试验,寻找道路线形与行车心生理需求的内在关系和规律。人的心理和生理变化是瞬时的、动态的,使得其表现出的各种生理信号往往具有较复杂的波动现象。为了从驾驶员的行车试验中检测出与道路线形有关的心理信息,本文研究中引进信号处理技术的波谱分析理论与方法来研究驾驶员行车时的各种心生理信号,例如从驾驶员行车试验的心率功率谱上,能读出驾驶员心率受到路线线形影响最突出的频率范围,从而能定量确定各种道路线形对驾驶员心理影响的程度。应用回归分析方法,从大量的行车试验中,寻找驾驶员行车时道路平、纵线形及其组合与其心生理变化的的各种关系和模型,并在对模型分析中讨论适合驾驶员心生理需求的各种道路线形。道路平面线形是道路线形最主要的部分,所以本文以较大的篇幅分别研究了在平曲线行车时驾驶员的心生理特性。在平曲线研究中,发现平曲线的半径小到一定值后,会使行车驾驶员心理紧张的反应急剧加强。在较小半径平曲线入口处的缓和曲线上,大部分驾驶员都在此作较大幅度的减速。行车途中,被迫的减速就意味着某种危险。所以驾驶员在缓和曲线入口处的减速点附近,视减速幅度的大小,心理会表现出不同强弱程度的紧张反应。较小半径的平曲线间夹着太长的直线段是不利于行车安全与舒适的,因为太长的直线会使驾驶员不知不觉的加速,太小的平曲线半径又会迫使驾驶员作不情愿的大幅度减速。从驾驶员行车安全舒适出发,本文定量地分析和计算了较长直线段后应接多大半径的曲线。从行车速度的连续性和心理反应的平稳性出发,两较小半径的同向曲线或反向曲线间不宜设置太长的直线段, 但从视觉特性及操纵车辆的方便性出发,该直线段又不宜太短,所以同向、反向曲线特别是同向曲线间的直线段选取时必须综合考虑这两方面的要求。在顺直的不同纵坡路段上行车时,不管是上坡或下坡,坡度似乎对心理紧张的影响较小,而此处的心理紧张仍主要是与车速相关。下坡的弯坡路段对行<WP=4>车人心理紧张的影响比较剧烈,纵坡越大、半径越小,剧烈的程度就越高,这种心理反应的现象与常识是一致的。本文的最后应用文中分析和建立的行车心理生理反应与道路线形、车速的各种关系和模型,定量确定了建立在行车人安全舒适的心理生理需求上的高速公路线形的一些主要指标。

【Abstract】 The theory of traditional road alignment design based on vehicle driving theory is challenged increasely. Here is a question: why many kinds of road through excelsior and strict design, especially for freeway, after several years’s run, appear a series of segment of a highway where accidents are facile to happen.The research attempts to newly scrutinize some parts of freeway alignment from a different point of view in expectation of making a contribution to traffic safety and traval comfort. Under the guide of above ideas, in order to find out the inherent relation and law between hignway alignment and driving physical request, the theory and the instrument on medicine , psychology and physiology are applied to the research, at the same time ,lots of driving experiment are done Because human’s mental and physical variation is instant, and dynamic, the physical signal during driving become complex and fluctuant. In order to get the physical signal relating to road alignment, the technology of signal processing, that is the theory of spectrum analysis, is introduce into the research to study the signal of driver during driving, for example, from driver’s the figure of heart rate and power, we can obtain the frenquency range in which the heart rate is extraordinarily affected by road alignment, consequently, can quantificationally determine the effect that all kinds of road alignment have on driver.By regression analysis and many driving tests, we attempt to get the relationship and the modal between mental and physical variation and road horizontal and vertical alignment and its combination, and according to the modal, discauss the road alignment meets driver’s mental request.The horizontal alignment is the main alignment in highway, so the paper give emphasis to mentality characteristic when driver is travelling at the horizontal curve the research discover that response of drive’s mentality is to very sharp, when the radius of curve reduce to a fixed value .at the approach of easement curve followed by small circular curve, majorities of riders obviously decelerate .as a vehicle travel along the curve , compelled deceleration means certain danger the degree of the tension in drive is accord to the deceleration range. having a long straight line between two small radius curves is adverse to riding and comfort, because too long straight line result in rider unconscious accelerationaccerat, in addition, too small radius curve lead rider to decelerate reluctantly. From the safety and comfort of drivers, the dissertation analyzes and calculates how much the curve is after long straight line quantificationally. From continuum of the speed and the placidity of<WP=6>psychology reponse, too long straight line is not appropriate between two small compound Curves or Reversing Curves.But from the characteristic of the vision and the convenience of operating cars, the straight line is not also too small.Therefore the two aspects must be considered when straight line is chosen between compound Curveor Reversing Curves, especially compound CurvesWhen traveling on straight segments with different slope, regardless of down slope or up slope, driver is slightly affected. However, the tenseness of driver is mainly correlative to speed. When traveling on curve segment with down slope, driver is greatly affected. The more the slope is large, and the more the radius is small, the more the degree is acute. The phenomenon of mental reaction is accordant with common sense.In the end, athe paper quantificationally established some index of freeway alighment that meet the mental and physical request of driver with the modals in the paper

  • 【分类号】U412.366
  • 【被引频次】98
  • 【下载频次】2481
  • 攻读期成果

