

Study on Satisfactory Optimization of ITS Dispatch Management System and Adjusting Train Diagram

【作者】 陈彦如

【导师】 蒲云; 武振业;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 本论文以列车运行调度指挥智能化系统为研究背景,在基础理论研究、应用理论研究及实际应用研究三个层面对满意优化基础理论、ITS指挥系统的满意优化理论框架以及复线列车运行调整的满意优化模型展开了深入的研究。本论文的研究内容主要包括以下几个方面: 讨论了ITS指挥系统及列车运行调度指挥系统的核心工作——列车运行调整计划的优化与满意优化理论的国内外研究概况及存在问题,同时对满意优化理论的某些方面进行完善,包括满意优化问题中满意解、性能评价准则及满意映射函数的基本定义及其相互关系;描述了单参数单准则单映射、单参数单准则多映射、多参数单准则单映射、多参数单准则多映射、单参数多准则单映射、多参数多准则单映射、单参数多准则多映射、多参数多准则多映射等各种满意优化计算模型结构;论述了遗传算法作为满意优化模型的有效求解算法的依据。 讨论了如何解决由于存在多参数、多准则或多映射而出现了各满意度为多维向量的综合评价问题,提出设计综合满意度函数、理想法(理想法、目标贴近度法)及相对熵法等几种综合评价方法;给出权系数的确定方法(委托法、最大值、熵模型法),并总结了各种不同满意优化模型所适合的综合分析方法,从而建立了多参数、多准则或多映射的多满意度综合评价体系。以上部分为基础理论研究部分。 描述了ITS指挥系统的满意优化准则(最大限度地合理匹配移动设备与固定设施的满意程度),并就ITS指挥系统的性能指标评价体系的建立进行了说明。同时,讨论了建立ITS指挥系统的满意映射函数的几种方法,给出ITS指挥系统的满意映射函数的几种形式;定义满意映射函数的一些运算法则。并以ITS指挥系统之一——公交智能调度系统为例说明了满意优化模型的建立过程。 分析列车运行调整问题的特性,并根据复线列车运行调整问题运行特征详细的描述其约束条件和目标函数,建立了性能评价指标(列车区间运行时分、有作业要求的列车在车站的停留时分、连发间隔时分、追踪列车间隔时间、施工天窗、最早可发车时刻、列车乘务人员工作时间、旅客列车在有旅客乘降作业车站的发车时刻、越行约束、停车标识变量约束、到发线约束、正点率)及相关的满意度函数,并就各权值系数的选取进行了讨论,从而建第I页 西南交通大学博士研究生学位论文立了完整的复线列车运行调整的满意优化模型。以上部分为应用理论研究部分。 以哈尔滨铁路局的实际列车运行调整为计算背景,建立该实例的性能评价指标、满意度函数及综合满意度函数,构造了该实例的满意优化模型,同时采用遗传算法进行求解,得到令人满意的列车运行调整结果。此为实际应用研究部分。 最后总结本文的研究工作及研究结果。 本文进一步完善了现有满意优化理论体系,同时丰富ITS指挥系统优化问题的研究手段和方法,是对解决智能运输系统的关键技术的一种有力探索和尝试,并在一定程度上提高我国的列车调度指挥水平,产生良好的经济效益和社会效益,在理论和应用方面都具有重要意义。 本文工作得到国家自然科学基金资助(NO.79970046人

【Abstract】 The paper mostly develops the theory of satisfactory optimization, builds the structure of satisfactory optimization in ITS and sets up the model of satisfactory optimization for adjusting train diagram on double-track railway in three hierarchies of basic theory, practical theory and actual application. The main contents obtained in this paper are as follows:The general situation of ITS dispatch management system, adjusting train diagram and the theory of satisfactory optimization are expatiated; The definitions of satisfactory solution, performance specification and satisfactory rate function are developed; The structure model of all kinds of satisfactory optimization problems are studied including one parameter -one criterion-one satisfactory rate function, one parameter -one criterion梞ulti-satisfactory rate function, multi-parameter -one criterion梠ne-satisfactory rate function, multi-parameter -one criterion梞ulti-satisfactory rate function, one-parameter -multi-criterion梠ne-satisfactory rate function multi-parameter-multi-criterion梠ne satisfactory rate function and multi-parameter -multi-criterion梞ulti-satisfactory rate function. The specialty of GA is summed.How to synthesize multi-parameter, multi-criterion, multi-satisfactory rate function is studied. That is, the problem is solved by defining a synthesis satisfactory rate function, using optimization method and relative entropy method. How to get the power value is discussed. And all methods for synthesis satisfactory rate function that is just used for some models of satisfactory optimization are summed.The satisfactory optimization principle of ITS dispatch management system is described. And this paper explains that how to define the performance specification and satisfactory rate function in the ITS dispatch management system. Then the operating rules of satisfactory rate function are developed. To show how to build this model, the satisfactory optimization for public trafficdispatch management system-one of ITS dispatch management system is setup.This paper analyses the characteristics of adjusting train diagram and the requirement of making the adjusting plan for passenger train and freight train. Accounting to the operation characteristics of train, constrains and object function in adjusting train diagram are described and performance specification and satisfactory rate function are defined. After setting the weight vector, we can get the satisfactory optimization model of adjusting train diagram now.Take adjusting train diagram in HA ERBIN an practical example, this builds the satisfactory optimization model and gets an satisfying result by using GA.Achievements of the research work are summarized in the end of the paper.Through further studying on satisfactory optimization and ITS dispatch management system, the work has contributed to solving the difficulties in ITS and improved the dispatch ability on railway to a certain extent, and is significant in theory and applications.This work is sponsored by the Natural Science Fund of China (No.79970046)


