

【作者】 赵玉田

【导师】 赵毅;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 14世纪后期至15世纪末的百余年间,明朝在其北方地区实施了大规模的社会经济开发。本文把“灾荒”、“环境”与“社会经济开发”置于明代北方多样化而又变动着的生态系统与复杂而具体的社会环境之中,从自然与社会相互作用的新视角诠释灾荒现象与社会经济开发实践本身,并运用社会经济学、灾害社会学、环境学等学科理论和研究方法就明代北方灾荒、环境与社会经济开发三者之间恶性互动关系的具体机制及相关问题进行了尝试性的研究。 本文研究内容拟从如下几个方面展开: 第一章为生态环境与历史背景分析。明初貌似荒芜的北方地区,其生态系统呈恶性的疲态且继续退化;14世纪后期至15世纪末,北方气候由暖转冷;明代以前频繁战乱造成的北方社会经济落后之事实与充满灾变可能的自然环境为明代北方社会经济开发底定一个脆弱社会空间。 第二章主要分析明代北方社会经济开发期间灾况及其特征。通过灾次统计与灾频比较,研究表明: 1、明代前期虽是盛世,盛世灾荒却异常严重。 2、北方是明代灾荒高发区。 3,14世纪后期至15世纪末,明代北方灾荒频度与严重性不逊其后表现; 4,北方地区的灾荒具有明显的区域特征。 第三章从历史的角度透视明初“理想国”内涵及北方社会经济开发的战略目标,即通过培育小农经济以增强北方农民抗灾自救能力,建构具有稳定结构的北方社会藉以实现“理想国”,备荒与经济开发在“理想国”中实现统一。 第四章通过个案研究,从生态环境与社会经济双重视角就灾荒与经济开发规模之关系进行探究。由于备荒理念的丢弃、开发者的贫困,地方经济再发展能力的丧失,灾荒、生态环境与社会经济开发恶性互动,凡此导致开发区社会脆弱性,灾荒是社会脆弱性的外化形式与症结所在。 第五章以北方流民问题为切入点,从生态环境、灾荒的双重视角透视社会经济开发期间北方的流民问题及灾荒、环境与流民现象三者之间的关系含义。本文认为:经济开发造成北方生态环境恶化而灾变频繁,土地承载力不足及农民贫困则导致北方社会抗御灾害机能衰竭,灾荒与流民问题是明代北方社会经济开发的症候。 第六章,明代灾荒控制思想与控制模式未能逾越古代中国的传统范式,但是,北方社会经济厂发却赋予灾荒控制新的角色与含义。这虽是一个夫败的尝试,却演绎灾荒控制与经济开发关系的全部内涵。 第七章为本文总结部分。社会经济开发使明代北方地区的贫困(Poverty)、人口(Population)和环境(Enviroment)乙间形成恶性循环关系;明朝人对北方地区灾荒与社会经济发展问题的思考足以令我们为之动容;强化社会保障功能,注重生态环境保护,实施区域社会经济同步发展战略是明代留给历史的座右铭。

【Abstract】 In the more than a hundred years between the late 14th century and the end of 15th century, the Ming dynasty began vastly its social economic developmenThis thesis puts "disater" and "social economic development "in the Ming northern society which was a various and changing ecologic system and at the same time complex and specific. It tries to explain the relationship between the disaster phenomina and the practice of social economic development from a totally new aspect of the interfunction between nature and society;It tries to do some research in the specific mechanism and relevant issues of viciously interactive relationship between the famine and the social economic development in the Northern Ming dynasty.The thesis is going to cope with the following issues.Chapter one is the analysis of ecological environment and historical background.At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty,in the seemingly waste Northern region,its ecological system went on fading and worsening ,Though,from the late 14th centuey to the end of 15th century,the Norther climate had turned warm,At the beginning over 60 years of the Ming dynasty,unexpectedly alternating hot and cold became the main feature of the Northern climate.The fact that there were frequent wars causing economic failure before the Ming dynasty and the disaster threatening natural environment made a fragile social space for the economic development of the Ming dynasty.Chapter two mainly reveals the disasteral facts and their features during the social economical development period of the Ming dynarty.Chapter three,historically sees the connotation of "ideal kingdom"and its strategy to cultivate farming economy,to consolidate the self-savingability of the peasants and to build a steady Northern society so that they could made the "ideal kingdom"come true.Chapter four does some research into the relationship between disaster and the scale of economic development from both ecological th enviroment and social economical points of view. The notion of preparation for disaster was deserted; the poverty of the pineers, the loss of the local ability to redevelop economy, all these led to the fragility in the developing society, disaster is the external form and symptem for its social fragility.Chapter five economic development resulted in ecological worsening and frequent disasters in the North. The soil was unstandabie and peasants were poverty-striken, which led to the worn-out of the capacity to resist disasters. Migrating proble was its symptom in the North of the Ming dynasty.Chapter six tells us that people did not break the traditional models in how to control disasters. But, the Northern economic development was a new practice in disaster-control,though it was a failure, It deducted the whole connotation of the relationship between disaster-control and economic development.Chapter seven serves as the conclusive part. The social economic development of the North caused a "strange PPE phenminon" in the North part of the Ming dynasty, that is, there was a vicious circle among "poverty","population",and "environment". The mediation of the people in the Ming dynasty to the problems of the Northern disaster and social economic advancement is strong enough to touch us today. Strengthening the function of society security, putting emphasis on the protection of ecological environment, applying the strategy of the locally equal social economic development are the example left by the Ming dynasty in history.

  • 【分类号】K248
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1133

