

Migration and Social Changes in Northeast in the Qing Dynasty: 1644-1911

【作者】 张士尊

【导师】 赵毅;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 相对于中原而言,东北为边疆地区,在数千年的历史发展进程中,其人口迁移相当频繁,总的趋势是北部少数民族人口不断南下,中原汉族人口不断北上,双方往往交汇于辽河流域下游,形成一个既不同于中原也不同于边远地区的文化过渡带。 明朝时期,在东北南部设辽东都指挥使司,进行直接管理,在北部设奴儿干都指挥使司,进行羁縻统治。明代末期,清朝兴起,努尔哈赤为造成人口优势,把北部各族人口大量南迁。占领辽沈地区以后,又继续南迁人口,同时从蒙古和朝鲜半岛,特别是从中原大量迁移人口进入辽沈地区,使辽沈地区的人口数量达到历史新高。顺治元年(1644年),清朝入关,辽沈地区的人口大部迁往中原,东北南部地区人口只剩三万人左右,北部和西部的土著也不过二十余万。顺治六年(1649年),清朝政府开始向辽沈地区迁移人口,顺治十年(1653年),正式颁布“辽东移民招垦令”,鼓励向辽沈地区移民。从顺治十年到宣统三年(1911年)的二百五十余年时间里,在东北移民这个问题上,清朝决策者一直处在开发与封禁的矛盾之中,正是这个矛盾推动着清朝东北移民政策的变化。如果按照时间划分,我们可以大略把东北移民政策变化过程划为如下几个阶段:从顺治十年(1653年)到康熙六年(1667年),清朝对东北移民的基本政策是鼓励招民开垦,虽然也修建柳条边对移民范围进行限制,但以鼓励为主,这个时期移民开始迁徙东北;从康熙七年(1668年)到乾隆初年,清朝对东北移民基本采取不作为的政策,因此移民迁入的速度较慢;从乾隆初年到嘉庆初年,清朝对东北采取严格的封禁政策,可就在这个时期,东北移民大批涌入,东北南部奉天和热河地区从人口输入区转变为人口输出区;嘉庆道光时期,清朝统治者面临封禁与开发两难处境,严格封禁已不可能,但又不甘心完全对移民开放,所以采取在封禁中开发,在开发中封禁的政策;咸丰初年以后,东北移民的步伐已经到达松花江北,清朝统治者的封禁范围基本限于围场参山,到同治光绪年间,困场参山也厂始放垦,甲午战后,东北终于对移民全面开放。经过二百五十余年时间,清朝东北移民政策经历了招民开垦到严格封禁,再到全面开放的全过程。 随着移民的不断迁入,东北的社会结构也在变迁。政治结构卜的旗民二元行政管理体制山于民署权限的逐渐扩张而过渡到民署为主的一元化行政管理体制;土地占有体制上旗地与民地的二元结构也随着民地的增长而山旗向民转化;在文化结构上,通过寺庙建设完全可以反映出民间信仰结构与移民源之间的密切关系,是移民的信仰结构与当地信仰结构相互包容,从而在东北形成有别于中原的新的文化体系。 随着移民的不断迁入,东北区域的功能也在逐渐发生变化。通过移民活动,东北从历史卜的粮食输入区变为粮食输出区,农产品商品率大大提高,交通运输迅速发展,城市蓬勃兴起,到清朝木年,东北己经完成了自身的经济一体化。同时东北作为边疆地区,山于移民不断地向北推进,到清朝木年,己经到达黑龙江边。东北移民活动虽然不都是出于巩固边疆这个直接的目的,但是,东北移民活动的客观效果则直接服务于巩固边疆这个目的,排除列强对东北边疆威胁这个因素,历史卜从来没有一个时期有如清朝那样把东北边疆建立在如此稳定的基础之上。 清朝初年,东北的文化过渡带还停留在历朝形成的大致范困之内,但是,随着移民的不断迁入,这个过渡带不断向北推移,到清朝木年,已经到达黑龙江等边远地区,东北社会基本完成了它内地化的变迁过程。

【Abstract】 Compared with Central China, Northeast was a borderland. For a few thousand years, there had been great migrations of people and the trend was that the minority nationalities from the north kept moving down while the Han people from Central China continued migrating up. The two met each other in the lower reaches of the Liao River valley and formed a cultural transition belt differing from Central China and border areas.In the Ming Dynasty, two headquarters were set up in the south and north of Northeast respectively to administrate it. At the turn of the Ming dynasty and the Qing Dynasty, Nuerhachi moved many minority nationalities in the north down in the hope of having an upper hand in population. Migrants occupied Liaoning and then moved on down. Meanwhile, a large population were moved to Liaoning from Mongolia, Korean Peninsula, and especially Central China, making the population in Liaoning reaching an ever high. In 1644, the Qing Dynasty entered Shanshai Pass, leaving the number of the population in the south of Liaoning and the north and west reduced to approximately 30,000 and no more than 200,000 respectively. In 1653, the government encouraged people to move to Liaoning to open up wasteland. During the following years, the decision-makers in the Qing Dynasty had been in a dilemma of developing and banning Northeast from development. It was the contradiction that made it possible for the policies on migration in Northeast to change. The processes of changing migration policies can be divided into the following phases: Phase 1(1653-1667), the Qing Dynasty basically encouraged people to move to Northeast to open up wasteland and people did; Phase 2 (from Year 7 of Rang Xi to the early period of Qian Long), the Qing Dynasty adopted a passive policy, and the speed of migration slowed down; Phase 3(from the early period of Qian Long to the early period of Jia Qing), the Qing Dynasty banned Northeast from development. But just during this period, a large population poured in and Fengtian and Rehe in the south of Northeast became from migrant importing areas migrant exporting ones; Phase 4(periods of Jia Qing and Dao Guang), the Qing Dynasty rulers were in adilemma of developing and banning. Total banning was impossible, and they were reluctant to open Northeast to migrants. Therefore, they developed in the process of banning and banned in the process of developing; Phase 5: After the early period of Jian Feng, migrants had moved to the north of the Songhua River, and what the rulers banned were only enclosed fields and hills. Towards the period of Tong Zhi and Guang Xu, enclosed fields and hills were allowed to be opened up. After the Jiawu War, Northeast was eventually open to migrants.With migrants constantly moving in, the social structure in Northeast also changed. In political structure, the administrative system by both Flag and People’s Office became a People’s Office dominated one with People’s Office expansion; More land was taken over by people from Flag in terms of land system structure; Culturally, building temples fully demonstrated the close tie between people’s faith structure and migrants’ sources and the combination of migrants’ faith structure and local faith structure. Thus, a new cultural system different from that in Central China took shape in Northeast..With migrants continuously moving in, the functions of Northeast region also changed gradually. Through migrants’ activities. Northeast became from a grain importing region a grain exporting one, more produces were sold, transportation developed rapidly, and cities sprang up. By the end of the Qing Dynasty, Northeast had been unified economically. Meanwhile, as a borderland, with migrants constantly moving in. by the end of the Qing Dynasty, Northeast had reached the Heilong River. Not all migrating activities were to stabilize the borderland directly, but those activities did stabilize the borderland and eliminate the threat to Northeast, a border area from the Great Powers. Never before had Northeast, a borderland been

【关键词】 清代东北移民社会变迁
【Key words】 Qing Dynastymigration in Northeastsocial change
  • 【分类号】K249
  • 【被引频次】25
  • 【下载频次】3171

