

Intelligent Transport System--Research on Millimeter Wave Radar for Automotive Anti-collision Technique and Experiment

【作者】 贺乐厅

【导师】 翟羽健;

【作者基本信息】 东南大学 , 精密仪器与机械, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 智能运输系统(ITS)又称智能车辆公路系统(IVHS),是当前国际上正在探索和研究的一种集道路、车辆、通讯和驾驶于一体的尖端技术,其目的是最终提供一个更安全、更有效、无污染的地面运输系统。在江苏省交通厅的资助下,东南大学目前正大力开展对智能运输系统的研究工作。本论文作为其中智能辅助驾驶系统的一个子项目,对车辆防撞技术进行了理论和实验研究。本课题研究的规划是:一方面作为跟踪现代先进技术发展的探索,与我校“汽车自动驾驶机器人”课题研究成果结合,进一步构建智能辅助驾驶系统:另一方面考虑当前实际应用,制成独立单元,形成人一机组合,开发在高速公路行驶中使用的防撞系统,本课题研究具有理论意义和实用价值。本论文取得的研究成果主要有:1. 对三角波信号方式进行了改进,采用多波段的信号发射波形,从而解决了三角波方式不能识别多目标的问题。2. 提出了利用小波分析技术对雷达的中频信号进行处理的方法。相对于传统防撞系统中常用的短时傅里叶变换方法来说,小波技术的应用可以方便地对雷达中频信号按照频率的不同进行分解,有助于多目标环境下的识别。另外,考虑到在高速公路运行环境应用时,由于道路、路边栅栏、树木和楼宇的影响而导致的干扰,小波处理方法可以有效将其滤除。3. 构建和开发了一套车辆防撞实验系统,并完成了实验研究。实验系统采用ATMEL公司的AVR单片机作为信号发生器的控制中心,其高速度和低功耗的特点对雷达发射信号的线性度校正具有突出的效果,并可根据需要修改发射信号波形,便于对不同波形进行实验研究。实验系统在车辆上进行了实测,试验结果与理论分析基本相符,并为开发实用系统提供了技术基础。车辆防撞技术作为智能运输系统的一个子课题,将不断成熟和完善,防撞系统的应用可以缩短车辆间的安全行车距离,保证高速运行车辆的安全性,提高公路运输效率,促进经济的快速发展。

【Abstract】 Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) are the same as Intelligent Vehicle-Highway Systems (IVHS),which are a high technique that covers road vehicles communication and drive technique, the researcher is exploring and researching it in the world, to gain a transport system of much safe, much efficient and no pollution is its intention. Southeast University is developing this technique at present by support of Jiangsu Transport Bureau. As the sub-item of Safety Drive Assist (SDA) system, the theory and experiments of anti-collision technique are researched in this paper.Follow is the layout of this task .One side is to track new technique developmental trend, combine with "Vehicle Drive Robot" -the achievement of our university to develop Safety Drive Assist (SDA) system; The other side is to make independence cell as human-machine combination, and get a practical anti-collision system as final intention. So the article has academic meaning and applied value, and there is referenced value for other related field.Follow is the main achievements of this article:a. For triangle radar waveform can’t satisfy the expressway anti-collision’s need, it only meets the single target situation, improved waveform is used in this paper. The improved waveform adds signal segment in a cycle to distinguish multi-targets.b. The signal processing technique of Wavelet is put forward in the paper. Traditional automotives anti-collision radar uses Short Time Fourier Transform(STFT) to deal with signal, it can’t do as wavelet technique which can decompose signal according to frequency, it is useful to distinguish multi-targets, and wavelet technique can get rid of disturb of signal which is caused by road* fence, trees and buildings .c. A vehicle anti-collision experimental system is explored and manufactured, and the experiment and research is accomplished. The microcontroller of AVR is used as center in the experimental system, which has excellent effect in linearity correction for its high speed and low power merits, and waveform can be changed easily according to experimental need. The experimental system has been tested by detecting vehicles ahead, the result suits with academic analysis, so it provides the foundation of practical system-Vehicle anti-collision technique as sub-item of Intelligent Transport System will grow up andbe perfect in future. It will shorten the safe space between car heads and guarantee vehicles safety, so it will help to increase transport efficiency and keep economic fast growth.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 02期

