

【作者】 金春仙

【导师】 李岩;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族语言文学, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 本文研究中朝两国杰出的作家茅盾与李箕永二十世纪二、三十年代小说创作的类似性与差异性,旨意乃在两位作家的比较中,寻绎中朝文学的共性。因为至今未能证明这两位作家相互间产生过影响,所以本文采用平行比较的方法进行研究。 在中国与朝鲜的历史上,二十世纪二、三十年代帝国主义与民族主义、革命与反革命、西方文化思潮与传统文化、启蒙与封建思想等产生了激烈冲突,因此具有许多共同的社会问题。在这种相类似的社会环境中产生的两国文学也表现出颇多类似性。笔者认为,探讨中朝两国文学的类似性与差异性,对于探索文学的普遍性是一件有意义的事情,而比较研究在二十世纪二、三十年代激浪中产生的茅盾与李箕永小说的类似性,更是寻绎中朝两国文学之共性所在的很好视角。 茅盾与李箕永分别是中朝两国的著名作家,他们的创作发展过程,为我们勾勒了一条两国文学史的发展脉络。他们的作品真实地反映了那个时代确有很多方面相似之处,这也就为我们开展平行研究提供了重要依据。 对茅盾与李箕永的研究已经取得了很多成果,但比较研究成果迄今只见一部论著和一篇论文。本文在继承前人研究成果的基础上做了一些新的探讨。首先,对茅盾与李箕永的比较研究中,突破了以往比较研究中仅限于个别作品的缺陷,对两位作家二十世纪二、三十年代的小说创作做了全面的分析比较;其次,首次对人物形象系列进行了比较研究,对茅盾与李箕永小说的人物形象系列,迄今未曾有人进行过比较;再次,在茅盾与李箕永小说的艺术性比较中,对结构形式,心理描写、环境描写等方面也做了一些新的探讨。 本文共分五章: 第一章:主要考察了茅盾与李箕永小说产生的社会、文化背景,探讨了二十世纪二、三十年代中朝两国社会环境与文学发展状况的类似之处,论述了茅盾与李箕永作品的类似性与中朝两国历史发展相类似紧密相关。 第二章:主要探讨了茅盾与李箕永的社会思想和文学观。茅盾与李箕永进步的社会思想中,对消极文学的尖锐批判与对新文学的不断探索、向往社会主义与社会主义现实主义文学观等共同点颇多。两位作家都主张文学的社会功利性,又强调文学的特殊性和川界观U创作方法的统一、内容与形式的统一,这成为他们作品类似性的基础,山促成门山们取得卓越的文学成就。 第三章:对茅质与李箕永_川-趾纪二、三十年代的小说做了全面的比较,把具体的作品放在他们整体创作l!1进行考察,既把握他们各自创作发展的脉络,也发现了两位作家小说创作卜的斤同点。两位作家山于文学观念相类似,在作品中都表现出鲜明的倾向性,从刑露现实人生和社会黑暗发展到对观实社会的整体反映。塑造“新人”形象以揭,广引;会发展的未来前景,也是两位作家创作上的共同点。但是由于他们有不同的生活经历,两国的汁会背景与文化还有些差异,所以他们的作以,题材卜个尽川M,茅盾以自己熟悉的城巾生bfi为上,对半殖民地、半封建的中国社会做了整休的反映;李箕永则以自己熟悉的农村生活和亲身体验为主,对殖民地、半封建的铡鲜汁会做了整体的反映。 第四章:卞要研究了茅盾与李箕永小说中的人物形象系列的异同点。通过分析发现,他们小说中共同出现的叛逆女性形象系列与知识青年形象系列,体现出强烈的现实性与鲜明的时代性。但是由于作者的经历与写作目的不同,人物形象有一定的差异。茅盾要表观时代,所以叛逆女性形象系列与知识青年形象系列部以时代风云为背景表现他们的精神上的苦闷、仿惶、追求:李箕永则要用文学启蒙_11农大众,而他本乌是个’Ilffi的受害秆,所以他作.*!I的叛逆女性形象多被理想化,知识青年多以先驱音形象3;7砚。 第*i章:黍点探讨厂刘R*李箕永个说的艺术性斤同点。通过分析发现,塑造人物时他们部刻而Z了人物性格的多而件与复杂性,从而具有典型性。茅盾的网状密集结构与李箕永的-平纠构,-引山们所要反映的复杂内容取得了某种一致性,艺术表观千法也显示山精湛。但是茅盾在从事文学创作之前,通过译介外国作品和文学评论活动U具何+川’}的文学素养和理沦水平:李箕永则更多是从古典小说和新小说中吸取文学素养。所以刻画人物心理时,茅盾的理性色彩更浓厚:结构形人]:,茅盾小说的纤j构亚为多样;n汁”密n 虽然茅盾与李箕永未曾交汁过,山毫儿影响关系,们他们的小说却有很多类似性n他们小说的类似忖休忐杉小匆]两恫文学的类似性,也证实了处在历史发展相同或相类似阶段的小同冈家、小同K族的丈学,阑然行着各自的特点,但也可以各门独立的产个川扣类似的文学。

【Abstract】 The dissertation makes a study on similarities and differences of the literary works written by Mao Dun, the prominent Chinese writer, and Lee KiYeoung, an outstanding Korean writer, in the 1920s and 1930s, on purpose of searching the general characters of Chinese literature and Korean literature by the comparison of the two writers. Since it has not been proved up to now that the two writers had ever affected each other, the dissertation adopts the method of paralleled comparison of the two writers.Both in the Chinese history and Korean history, there were severe conflicts in the 1920s and 1930s between imperialism and nationalism, revolution and counterrevolution, the Western culture and traditional culture, enlightenment and feudalism. Therefore, some social problems are common to the two countries. The literature of both cov ’tries created in the similar social contexts presented some similarities as well. The author assumes that to explore the similarities and differences of the literature of both countries is significant for an inquiry of the literary universality. Furthermore, it is a good viewpoint for searching the general characters of Chinese literature and Korean literature by comparison of the similarities presented in the novels written by Mao Dun and Lee KiYeoung in the 1920s and 1930s.Mao Dun and Lee KiYeoung were well-known writers in China and in Korea, whose creative works highlighted the development in the literary histories in both nations and actually represented that there had been some similarities in the era so as to provide some important basis for a paralleled study of the two writers.There have been many achievements in the separate study of Mao Dun and Lee KiYeoung. But so far, there has been only one monograph and a treatise in the comparative studies concerned. The dissertation makes some new explorations on the basis of the achievements in the studies by the predecessors. Firstly, the study in the makes a breakthrough in the comparative studies before, in which only particular literary works were analyzed. This dissertation presents a comprehensive comparison of the novels written by the two writers in the 1920s and 1930s. Secondly, a series of characters in Mao and Lee’s novels are comparatively studied, which had not been done before. Thirdly, the dissertation gives a description of rationalities in psychological activities through the comparative studies of the artistic qualities. The dissertation is divided into five chapters:Chapter 1 makes an investigation on the social and cultural backgrounds in which Mao Dun’s and Lee KiYeoung’s novels were written and explores the similarities in the social environments and literary developments in both China and Korea in the 1920s and 1930s with an argumentation that Mao Dun’s and Lee KiYeoung’s literary works were closely related with the historical similarities in both nations.Chapter 2 inquires into the social ideology and literary outlooks of Mao Dun and Lee KiYeoung. In the progressive social ideology of Mao Dun and Lee KiYeoung, there are quite many general characters such as the severe criticism of negative literature, continuos exploration for new literature, and the tendency towardsocialism and socialist realism. Both writers stand for the social utility as well as the particularity of literature. They also emphasize the unity of world outlook and artistic technique and the unity of content and form, which make up the foundation for the similarities of their works and their prominent literary achievements.Chapter 3 draws a comprehensive comparison of the novels by Mao Dun and Lee KiYeoung in the 1920s and 1930s with an inquiry on the particular works in their whole writing caret, us to grasp the threads of their creations respectively and discover the similarities and differences of their novel writing. Since the two writers hold the same literary outlooks, they present distinctive tendency in their works from revelation of actual human life and social darkness to the whole reflection of social reality. They


