

Study on the Chaling School

【作者】 司马周

【导师】 陈书录;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 论文以成化、弘治年间的茶陵派为研究对象。台阁体文学发展到正统初年以后,开始渐趋式微。当时文坛不少作家对台阁体文风进行了批驳和纠正,而以李东阳为宗主的茶陵派就是在此文学思潮中脱颖而出的,茶陵派文学创作和文学理论逐步占领文坛的显著地位,引导文学时尚,盛行一时,凸现出他所在时代的精神内涵与文学魅力。茶陵派作为中国文学发展史上衔接“台阁体”与“前七子”的过渡流派,它担纲了历史赋予的重任,在对台阁体纠编起衰的同时,又为“前七子”复古理论的张扬奠定了基础,它扮演了文学史上承上启下的重要角色。对茶陵派进行研究,能够有助于加深对其认识,明确其应有的地位,从而揭示这一流派在文学史上承前启后的重要意义。 本选题研究的主要内容包括:一、茶陵派的形成。主要是从台阁体文学的刺激和诱发、当时文学观念与审美趣味的回归、李东阳个人的领袖示范作用来探讨其流派形成的原因,除此之外,还廓清了茶陵派名称的源流演绎过程;二、茶陵派成员考。主要通过茶陵派成员的界定宋研究其组成成员,并对组成成员的生平事迹进行简单的介绍;三、茶陵派与家族世系的关系。以李东阳和谢迁两家族为例,探讨家族文学对茶陵派创作的影响和互动关系。四、交叉研究。重点关注茶陵派与当时政治、理学的关系:一是分析在刘瑾为首的阉党擅权时期,茶陵派在文学作品中对时局的反映以及各自的心态;二是论述茶陵派成员在抗击理学过程中,与理学所形成的错综复杂的关系。五、茶陵派文学创作的总体研究:一是研究主题取向;一是研究艺术风格。作为一个流派,他们的创作在某些方面呈现出群体性特征。六、茶陵派创作分论。探讨主要作家作品,展现派中作家独特的个性和才情。李东阳作为茶陵派的宗主,领袖群伦,其文学作品特立专章分析。他的《拟古乐府》、诗歌和散文创作无不表现出作为领袖人物的大家风范,尤其是他的杂文对现在的社会文明仍具有指导意义。七、茶陵派诗话理论研究。宗主李东阳的《麓堂诗话》不仅是个人的理论的集大成,也是该派理论的纲领性著作。对诗话的研究,有利于探讨茶陵派的理论基石,特别是茶陵派“格调”说的形成对整个明代诗话理论产生深远的影响。另外,何孟春的《余冬诗话》、杨慎的《升庵诗话》对李东阳诗话理论既有继承又有创新,体现出流派成员的互异性。八、流派创作与理论的传承。通过对茶陵派和台阁体、前七子等关系的研究,论述茶陵派文学创作与理论在文学史上的因袭和革新,对前辈的认定与叛逆使茶陵派不同于台阁体,对后代的开启与刺激使茶陵派有功于复古派。对茶陵派文学创作和理论在文学史上嬗变历程的研究,可以重新确立其在文学发展长河中的地位。

【Abstract】 This dissertation is mainly studying and analyzing the Chaling school. The Taige style has developed crest, and begin to fall into a decline. At the same time, the literary world criticizes the style of writing of the Taige style, the Chaling school is possessing markedness step by step, including its literary works and theory, and finally leads literary style. The Chaling school has linked up the Taige style and the Former Seven Men in the Chinese literary phylogeny, and it shoulders the important task has been endowed by history. The Chaling school is not only puts right the Taige style, and but also establishes foundation for the Former Seven Men, and it acts as an important role in the literary history. Thus, the study of the Chaling school will help us to know it further, and quite clear about its class, so we can open out its historical significance which connecting link between the preceding and the following.This dissertation mainly comprises eight aspects. First, it discusses the reason of the Chaling school formation, which explores the Taige style’s stimulation and inducement, the literary idea and aesthetic gusto of the time, and the individual demonstration of Li Dongyang. Besides, it ravels the syllogistic course about the dialing’s appellation. Second, it studies the members of the Chaling school through establishing standards, and introduces briefly the all members’ life. Third, Li Dongyang and Xie Qian’s kindred as two examples to explain the connection between the Chaling school and their families. The fourth part of this dissertation discusses the affiliation between the Chaling school and the current affairs, and the moral-ethic. One is reveal the works in which have reflected the current political situation and theirs spirits when Liujing’s eunuch group has controlled the kaiserdom, and the other is tries to analyse the relationship between the Chaling and the moral-ethic when has been criticized by the members of Chaling. The fifth part embodies the Chaling school in two aspects: theme orientation and aesthetic taste. As s poetry school, the creation of Chaling school is a reflection of groupchoice. The sixth of this dissertation probes into the major works to setting out their personality and acqierement. Li Dongyang as the chief writer of the Chaling school, his works are studied and analyzed with special chapters. Li Dongyang’s YueFu poems that has imitated the Han Dynasty’s poem, and other poems and prose have not only been gained great reputation in the literature circle but also extremely influenced in modem time. Seven focuses on theoretics about the Chaling school. Li Dongyang’s LuTang Poetics has been acted as the academic creed by the school. It studies this theoretics can help us to elaborate on their system info, especially the Gediao theory has far-reaching influences on the later theory. The other theories, for example He Mengchun’s YuDong Poetics and YangShen’s ShenAn Poetics, succeed and reform Li Dongyang’s theoretics. The last part of this dissertation concentrates on the succession and innovation with the Chaling school’s works and theoretics. It views that the relationships between the Chaling school and the Taige style, the Chaling school and the Former Seven Men are either similar or different. By means of studying the Chaling school’s works and theoretics in conversion course in the literary history, we can reestablishes its position.

  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】720

