

Retention and Drainage Mechanism of Amphoteric Polyacrylamide in Pulp Slurry Suspension

【作者】 王海毅

【导师】 谢来苏;

【作者基本信息】 天津科技大学 , 造纸工程, 2001, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,新型造纸助剂层出不穷,并在实际应用中取得了良好效果。但是实际应用中的很多现象难以解释,因此有必要进一步对两性助剂助留助滤进行研究,以期达到知其然并知其所以然。 两性助剂是近年初涌现出的新型助剂,它具有其它单组分助剂无法比拟的优点。本研究的特色与创新之处在于从两性助剂的基本结构着手,结合湿部的一些研究分析手段,对两性助剂助留助滤的机理进行全面、系统的研究。 本研究从两性聚丙烯酰胺的分子结构分析开始,牢牢抓住助留助滤过程中助剂分子与纤维,细小组分分子间电荷相互作用这条主线,并在分子结构、分子量方面及有关机理予以充分考虑。 聚丙烯酰胺(Polyacrylamide,简称PAM)是丙烯酰胺(acrylamide,简称AM,分子式CH2=CHCONH2)及其衍生物的均聚物和共聚物的统称。 PAM产品主要形式有水溶液胶体、粉状及胶乳三种,根据聚合物所带的电荷又可将PAM系列分为以下四类:非离子型、阴离子型、阳离子型和两性离子型。 两性PAM是一种多功能的水溶性高分子材料,可望在水处理、石油钻采、选矿、造纸、流体输送、皮革复鞣等方面得到应用。 本研究首先以内烯酰胺单体和丙烯酸单体及阳离子单体进行共聚反应。使用氧化还原体系,通过调节不同用量的氧化剂和还原剂以及不同的单体浓度,在室温下pH值6.4左右,利用水溶液聚合法制得一系列用于增强和助留助滤的不同分子量的两性聚丙烯酰胺,对影响合成的诸种因素进行了讨论;对所合成的两性聚丙烯酰胺用红外光谱和核磁共振氢谱进行了分析,并与其它离子型的聚内烯酰胺进行了比较。 纸浆悬浮液是一种复杂的多组分体系,除了纸浆纤维和微细纤中文摘要维外,还视纸种的不同而含有填料、淀粉及特定的化学助剂等。因此,了解纸浆悬浮液的湿部化学特性是非常重要的。 研究了影响纸浆悬浮液电荷衰减的一些因素如搅拌速率、纸浆的种类、电解质的加入量、阳离子聚合物的添加量等;测定了不同纸浆悬浮液梭基的含量并讨论了影响纸浆梭基变化的因素;测定了不同纸浆悬浮液的比容比表面,讨论了一些因素如打浆等对比容比表面的影响。 用实验室常用的评价助留助滤的仪器Britt动态滤水罐(DynamicDrainage Jar)对两性PAM的效果以及各种化学参数对一次留着率的影响进行了研究讨论;研究了两性聚丙烯酚胺在不同条件下对不同浆种的助滤作用,并与带其它电荷的聚丙烯酚胺进行了对比;用两性PAM作为助剂加入到浆中,进行了抄片并进行了物理强度的测。试,与加入其它类型电荷的PAM的浆所抄的浆片进行了比较。 用胶体滴定法测定了不同纸浆的可溶阴电荷、可溶阳电荷、表面阴电荷、表面阳电荷以及胶体滴定比率CTR,研究了pH和两性PAM的加人量对纸浆电荷的影响,并初步探讨了电导率与CTR的关系;用 JS94型微电泳仪和 MUETEK System Zeta Potential SZP 04电位仪分别测定了不同纸浆悬浮液和纸浆滤液的Zeta电位、电导率,并探讨了二者的关系。 最后用 PHILIPS XL30型环境扫描电镜(ESEM)观测了各种不同纸浆加入不同助剂的助留助滤情形,通过观察、分析和研究认为:两性PAM的助留助滤机理主要是电荷的作用,两性PAM在这其中起到的是一种类似粘合剂的作用,增加了纤维与纤维、纤维与细小纤维之间的结合点间的结合力,也可以说两性PAM在纤维。之间起到了桥梁或纽带的作用,当纤维结合到一定程度,或者说纤维层达到一定密度时,就会对细小粒子起到机械截留的作用。所以,两性PAM所起的助留助滤效果实际__L是各种因素综合作用的结果,既有电荷中和,也有桥联作用,也有机械截留作用,不能把它们截 11 天津轻工业学院博士学位论文 然分开。 上述研究是国家九五科技攻关课题“造纸用高效中性施胶刑。 增干强剂、助留剂、助滤剂的开发与研究”(项目编号97分 个1- 04)的内容之一。

【Abstract】 A lot of new types of wet end chemicals emerge recent years, and better results attained in factual use. Because many phenomena occurred during the usage of chemicals in papermaking could not be explained well, it is necessary to study their intrinsical characteristics further so as to understand them will be do and why them will be do.Amphoteric polyacrylamide is a newly aid appeared at the few years ago, it has unexampled advantages over other one component aids.Polyacrylamide (PAM) is a general designation of a kind of homopolymer and copolymer of acrylamide (its molecular formula is CH2=CHCONH2) and its derivative.The product modality PAM are mainly divided into colloidal, powdery and emulsive, it can also be classified by its ions carried, i.e. non-ion, anion, cation and amphoteric ion.Amphoteric polyacrylamide is a multi-functional water soluble macromolecule material, and expected to be used in water processing, petroleum-drilling, mining, papermaking, fluid transportation, leather tanning etc.Firstly, copolymerization reaction is carried out with acrylamide, crylic acid monomer and cation monomer. Through adjusting the amount of oxidant, reductant and monomer concentration, at room temperature and pH around 6.4, a series of PAM of difference molecular weight were made with water-dissolvable polymeric method. Several factors affecting synthesizing of PAM were discussed, infrared spectrum and nuclear magnetic resonance hydrogen spectrum were applied to analyze the structure of synthesized amphoteric PAM,and compared with other PAM carrying different ion.Pulp slurry suspension is a complex multi-component system, it contents filler, starch and some other special chemical aids in addition to pulp fiber and fibril. So it is very important to understand wet end chemical characteristics of pulp slurry suspension.Secondly, factors influencing charge decay of pulp slurry suspension, such as stirring rate, pulp species, adding amount of polyelectrolyte, adding amount of cationic polymer etc. were discussed.Carboxyl contents in different pulp slurry suspension were measured and various factors affecting on content of pulp carboxyl were discussed.Specific surface and specific volume of different pulp were measured with fluid-permeability method and some affecting factors such as beating degree were taken into account.Thirdly, Britt Dynamic Drainage Jar which to evaluate retention and drainage in lab was used to seeing about the effect of amphoteric PAM and others chemical parameters’ effect on first pass retention (FPR) were considered also.The effects of amphoteric PAM at different conditions on drainage operation of different pulp slurry suspension were studied and compared the impact with other PAM carrying cationic ion.The effects of pH and adding amount of amphoteric PAM on pulp slurry suspension charge were studied and probed briefly into the relationship between electric conductivity and CTR.Zeta potential and electric conductivity of different pulp slurry suspension and pulp slurry filtrate were measured respectively with MUETEK System Zeta Potential . SZP 04 and Model JS94 Zeta Potential and relationships of them were investigatedFinally, cases of retention and drainage adding different aids in different pulp slurry suspension were viewed at PHILIPS model XL30 environmental scanning electrical microscope (ESEM ) .Studies show that electric charge’s affect carried by polyelectrolyte is the mainly retention and drainage mechanism of amphoteric PAM. Amphoteric PAM has a effect in pulp slurry system same as mucilage glue, they add bonding force among bonding point of fibre-fibre and fibre-fibril, in other words, amphoteric PAM takes effect as bridge and tache in the system. Subsequently, mechanical trap for fine particle take place when bonding of fibre to some extent and fibre mat formed. So, the retention and drainage mechanism of amphoteric PAM is integrate results on which all kinds of affecting factors effect, i.e. they have electric charge neutra

【关键词】 两性聚丙烯酰胺助留助滤机理
【Key words】 Amphoteric polyacrylamideRetentionDrainageMechnism

