

The Feasibility Research of the Integration of Chinese Modern Architectural History

【作者】 邓庆坦

【导师】 邹德侬;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 中国近、现代建筑历史的整合,是把二者作为一个有着历史延续性和内在规律性的完整历史过程,对其历史演变的线索进行重新审视和梳理,进而建立新的研究框架。本文整合研究的切入点和侧重点,是20世纪上半叶的中国现代建筑历史,通过揭示中国现代建筑从发轫到第一个高潮的历史过程,追溯和探寻1949年之后中国现代建筑得以自发延续的历史源头。正文共分六章,前三章为第一部分,是在20世纪上半叶的中国政治、经济、文化乃至战争的多维社会环境下,分三个阶段考察中国现代建筑从初始到高潮的历史过程。第一章,1900—1926年,现代建筑的发轫与萌芽。把这一时期作为20世纪中国现代建筑历史的初始期,考察发源于这一时期的一系列具有开创意义的历史进程:现代建筑技术体系的引进,城市的早期现代化、新式建筑教育和新型建筑师的产生、传统建筑文化复兴以及现代建筑风格的萌芽等。第二章,1926—1937年,现代建筑的发展与成熟。把这一时期“中国固有形式”建筑作为具有折衷主义性质的建筑文化现象,揭示其产生的政治、文化根源和内在的矛盾性,揭示其向现代建筑演变的必然性。通过对这一时期现代建筑思想的传播、中国建筑师建筑思想的转变等方面的论述,揭示中国现代建筑思想体系的形成过程。第三章,1937—1949年,现代建筑思想的活跃与高潮。把这一时期作为榫接1937年抗战前中国现代建筑的实践高潮与1949年之后现代建筑自发延续的重要环节,通过战时建筑界对“固有形式”的反思、激进的现代主义、现代建筑教育、现代城市规划和建筑师的社会关怀意识等方面内容考察抗战爆发后中国的现代建筑思潮。 第二部分共分二章,从商品经济和社会文化两个方面阐述20世纪上半叶中国现代建筑的社会基础。第四章,通过剖析1920、30年代中国现代建筑实践与资本主义经济带来的商业化、商品化之间的必然联系,揭示建筑商业化与<WP=5>商品化对这一时期现代建筑兴起的经济驱动作用。第五章,阐述20世纪上半叶西方建筑观念在中国的传播和中国现代建筑意识的建立过程。通过论述20世纪上半叶中国社会文化的现代性因素,揭示中国现代建筑兴起的文化土壤。第三部分为第六章,是论文的总结,分三个重大历史阶段对20世纪中国现代建筑的整个历史脉络进行回顾和总结

【Abstract】 Professor Denong, Zou CET-6 Certificate: Not Passed Postgraduate: Qingtan, Deng Degree of Master of Engineering Awarded in Tianjin University in September, 1997 To establish a new research frame of the integration of Chinese modern architectural history is reached by reconsidering and rearranging the historical ductility and its inherent law. This thesis is emphasized the research from 1900 to 1949 in order to explore the historical source of the Chinese modern architecture’s self-development after 1949 by revealing the historical period from its beginning to the first climax.Part I (Chapter 1-Chapter 3) is mainly the inspection of the period from the initial stage to the first climax under the multi-social environments (political, economical, cultural, even the wars) from 1900 to 1949. Chapter1 (1900-1926), Chinese modern architectural history as its initial stage, the introduction of modern architectural technological system; the urban modernization in early stage; the emergency of new-style architects and education; the revival of traditional architectural culture; the rudiments of modern architectural style. Chapter 2(1926-1937), The mature period of modern architecture. To consider the Chinese intrinsic-style architecture as the cultural phenomenon, to reveal its inherent contradictions, the political and cultural origins, the inevitability of its evolution to the modern architecture. To show the ideological system of Chinese modern architecture by expounding the spread of modern architectural ideologies and the transformation of Chinese architects’ modern thought in architecture. Chapter 3(1937-1949), Active period and its climax of modern architectural ideologies. This period is considered the important sector as the joint of the climax of Chinese modern architecture before the Anti-Japanese War in 1937 and its spontaneous continuities after 1949. Researches on Chinese modern architectural ideologies after the anti-Japanese War broke out, through the reflections on "inherent-style", radical modernity, modern architectural education and modern urban plan by the architectural circle during the war.Part II(Chapter 4 & Chapter 5), The clarification of the social base of Chinese<WP=3>modern architecture in the aspects of commercial economy and social culture. Chapter4-To reveal the rising of modern architecture driven by commercialize architectural through analyzing the inevitable relations caused by Chinese modern designs and capitalism economies in 1920-1930. Chapter 5-To elaborate the western architectural concepts’ widespread in China and the establishments of Chinese modern architectural consciousness. The modernize factors of Chinese social and culture are the soils of Chinese modern architectural rising.Part III(Chapter)-Overviews and summaries on all Chinese modern architectural thoughts in twenties century which is divided into three important periods

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 03期
  • 【分类号】TU-092
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】2224

