

The Research on the Development Strategy of the Innovative Enterprises

【作者】 黄品奇

【导师】 李光泉;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 世界已进入知识经济时代,企业竞争环境日趋复杂动荡。创新成为时代特征,也成为了企业生存发展的关键。本文力求从时代发展的角度探讨企业战略研究理论的发展趋势,将知识经济时代的特质与企业战略相结合,从战略的刚性和柔性两个方面讨论了创新性企业的发展战略。本文首先介绍了企业战略的基本理论,为全文奠定理论基础。随后分析了知识经济时代的特点,并由此提出创新型企业的发展战略。接着,分别从技术创新、管理创新以及激励制度创新三个方面研究了知识经济条件下企业创新的方式和内容。其中,技术创新探讨了技术创新策略研究、创新项目组合研究以及技术扩散和引进等。利用DEA(数据包络分析)方法对企业技术创新活动进行了评估。设计了新型的企业创新体系,其特点是以研发中心为核心,各部门间信息交互频繁,紧密合作,形成各职能并行交错、共同发展的创新机制。管理创新着重阐述了人力资源管理和管理创新的信息化手段等问题,充分分析知识经济时代人力资源地位的变化,提出人力资源管理是新条件下企业管理创新的重点。分析了计算机技术在企业管理创新中发挥的重要作用,描绘了创新性企业IS战略的形成过程。激励制度创新主要是从信息经济学的一般原理出发,分析了企业技术创新活动中存在的二级委托代理关系,根据其不同特点,以委托代理理论为基础,设计了各自的激励契约。最后,以维尔康制药有限公司为例,以对各种战略思想及理论的深入分析为基础,总结出企业战略研究重点和螺旋式不断上升发展变化的轨迹,并预测了今后企业战略研究发展的方向,制定了该企业的创新发展战略。

【Abstract】 Now, with the whole world entering a totally new era-the Knowledge Economy Era, the enterprises are facing more complex and turbulent challenges. Innovations have become the very character of this era and the key that can make the enterprises competent and survive the drastic competition. In this dissertation, with both qualitative and quantitative analysis, enterprises strategy making is studied from the view of the essences of Knowledge Economy Era.We first introduce the basic theory of enterprise development strategy, and then analyze the characteristics of the Knowledge Economy Era, and finally bring forward the strategy of innovative enterprises, which involves Technology Innovation, Management Innovation and Incentive Systems Innovation.The Technology Innovation mainly focuses on the basic theory of technology innovation tactic, combination of innovative items, technology spread, and technology introduction from abroad. The Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is employed to assess the benefits of the technology innovation and a close-knit innovative system is designed with the R&D department being the core.The Management Innovation chiefly probes into the changes of the status of the human resources and points out its pivotal function in today’s enterprises development. Informative technologies, such as MIS, ERP and CRM, which are important tools in management innovation, are also studied.As for the Incentive Systems Innovation,different contract relations in the technology innovation activities are expounded, and thus different incentive contracts are designed with the principles of the Information Economics. Finally, a case study of Welcome Ltd. is made. Spiral-developing orbit of the company is drawn out and the development strategies in the future are proposed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 01期

