

Research on Optimal Design of Wheel Permanent Magnet Motor with Rectangular Wave Forms

【作者】 乔静秋

【导师】 倪光正;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 电工理论与新技术, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 本文基于有限元法,对一台矩形波永磁电动机样机的参数、静态转矩特性、稳态运行特性等进行了系统的分析和计算。文中首先阐述了矩形波永磁电动机电磁场数值计算数学模型的建立,在有限元磁场分析的基础上,提出了斜槽式永磁电机磁场的分段计算法;利用分段计算法,对电枢斜槽结构的样机的空载和负载磁场进行了计算,并由此计算了样机的反电动势对应于转子位置角的变化波形和反电动势系数曲线;对直槽和斜槽式结构的气隙磁密分布、反电动势波形和反电动势系数给出了详细的比较和分析。此外,用磁链法和能量法分别计算了样机的自感和互感系数;详细分析了积分路径的选择对电感参数和反电动势计算结果的影响。计算值与实测值的对比表明,本文提出的算法具有较高的计算精度。 文中分别采用麦克斯韦应力法和虚位移法对样机的电磁转矩进行了数值计算。详细分析了有限元网格剖分中,三角单元的形状、求解域内剖分节点的配置以及积分路径选取等对电磁转矩数值计算误差的影响,提出了关于麦克斯韦应力法应用中积分路径所经单元剖分形式的见解;计算和分析了电枢电流相位超前于反电动势时的电磁转矩特性。此外,还对直槽和斜槽式电机的转矩特性作了分析和比较;与直槽结构相比,计算和分析了定子斜槽对纹波转矩的抑制程度以及槽口宽度对纹波转矩的影响。结合实测数据的验证,阐述了两种算法在永磁电机电磁转矩计算中各自所具有的特点。在上述分析基础上,基于场路耦合法,提出了计及电感压降的稳态电路电压方程。与不计电感压降的电路方程比较,采用本文算法计算的稳态转矩/转速特性与实际工况更为接近。 本文把改进的禁忌搜索算法(Tabu Search Algorithm)与电机电磁场逆问题的研究相结合,成功地实施了矩形波永磁电动机的优化设计。文中详细分析了该算法中的目标函数和优化变量的确定原则。对单目标和多目标函数的优化结果进行了深入的分析和比较。在不降低样机电气性能的前提下,优化设计后电动机永磁材料的用量可显著减少,从而使得优化后电机的价格、体积和重量都有相应的减小。 在上述研究工作的基础上,本文完成了以FORTRAN语言编制的轮毂式矩形波永磁电机优化设计软件包。该软件也可用于普通内转子结构的矩形波永磁电机的优化设计,且对正弦波永磁电机的设计和参数计算具有现实的参考与推广价值。 本文还对相应驱动控制电路的特点和原理作了简要叙述。浙江大学博士论文 摘要

【Abstract】 The finite element method is applied to analyze a prototype square wave permanent-magnet motors using in electric vehicles. The parameters, electromagnetic torques and characteristics of the machine are calculated, tested and analyzed systematically. A software package for optimum design of the motor based on an improved Tabu Search Algorithm and inverse problems of electromagnetic field is completed and used to reduce the price and weight of the motor.At first, the magnetic model of the prototype machine for numerical field calculation is formulated. The magnetic fields, the curves of counter EMF and coefficient of EMF for both straight and skewed slots are calculated. In the case of skewed slots, a subsection method is introduced especially. The self and mutual inductances are obtained by flux linkage method and energy method. The computed results are verified by the tested values.Then, the electromagnetic torques of the motor with y means of both methods, Maxwell’s stress and virtual displacement methods, with straight and skewed slots are determined by Maxwell stress method and virtual displacement method. To reduce the computation error, the technics of mesh division are discussed. Moreover, the electromagnetic torques while the phase of current leads the EMF, and the oriented torques with straight and skewed slots are also calculated and discussed. Compared with test values, it is shown that the numerical results have satisfying accuracy.Based on the above investigation, the steady state circuit voltage equations established with the inductance voltage included. Compared with conventional formulation, the new one is accurate and useful for engineering practice.Finally, by using an improved Tabu Search Algorithm combined with inverse problems of electromagnetic field, the prototype machine is optimally designed and a software package is completed. The objective function and optimal variables are discussed. The numerical results show that the consumption of permanent-magnets for the optimized motor is reduced to a great extent compared with the original machine, thus leads to a significant reductions in motor price and weight. The software package is useful for sine wave PM synchronous motor also.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 02期

