

A New ERP Model and Implementing Technology Based on SCM and Its Application in Dynamic Alliance of Electrical Manufacturing Industry’

【作者】 蒋玉明

【导师】 殷国富;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 机械制造及自动化, 2001, 博士

【摘要】 随着现代集成制造系统(CIMS)在网络信息化时代的不断发展和市场竞争越来越激烈,制造技术、信息技术和管理技术的有机结合将推进和加速全球化敏捷制造的进程。企业战略和制造模式将从生产方式和生产手段上对制造业产生根本性的改变。动态联盟、敏捷制造、网络化制造、供应链及其管理、ERP等新理论和新技术正成为各国政府、企业和研究人员所关注和研究的热点。在现代集成制造系统CIMS中,制造技术、信息技术和管理技术正朝着相互交叉、相互渗透的方向发展,这也是现代技术发展的必然趋势。因此,对动态联盟中面向供应链的ERP模型与实施技术的研究具有非常重要的理论价值和现实意义。 长期以来MRPⅡ在我国的应用效果并不理想,除了MRPⅡ系统的本地化和行业化较差以外,系统大都是按闭环式设计的,导致系统的柔性和快速反应能力较差。本文结合国家863/CIMS项目“四川电器股份有限公司CIMS应用示范工程”、“四川电气设备成套厂CIMS应用示范工程”,较系统地对动态联盟中面向供应链的ERP模型的有关理论、实现方法和实施技术进行了研究,其主要研究内容和成果如下: (1)针对动态联盟企业(又称为敏捷虚拟企业,AVE)运行的特点和需求,改进了动态联盟企业的组织方法体系(DAM)。并在此体系内,提出了AVE的组织结构、DAM的建模框架、动态联盟企业模型(VEM)、AVE的模型化框架及其方法、AVE的过程建模、DAM的集成化支持系统的结构、虚拟组织的群决策支持系统(VO-GDSS)的结构,并阐述了它们之间的关联关系。在AVE体系的建立和运行策略方面,本文提出了一些技术、方法及其相关工具,对作为二十一世纪的企业组织形态——动态联盟的研究和实施具有重要的指导意义。 (2)在详细剖析供应链及其管理的特点、结构模型和基本理论及其技术的基础上,提出了集成化供应链管理的理论模型和实施方法,较好地满足了面向动态联盟企业的新一代ERP系统的要求,同时还提出了供应链管理SCM环 摘要境下的生产计划与控制的改进流程、基于协调中心的联合库存控制新策略、订单驱动的采购业务原理和基于Internet的企业业务总流程,以便解决企业内集成向企业问集成发展过程中的核心问题——如何通过应用MRPll系统来实现企业问的供应链管理。 *)针对面向供应链管理的虚拟企业建立过程中被选择对象、选择过程和实际问题的特点,提出了三步选择方案和伙伴企业选择的综合评价体系,建立了多目林综合优化选择模型,并应用整数规划法、基准对比法和层次分析法…HP)等量化方法来确定企业间诸多抽象、模糊因素棘能力的互补性、先进技术的一致性和管理水平及管理文化的兼容性)的决策值和关键决策因素权重因于,使优化选择模型更科学。合理。因此,该模型能较好地保证所选择的合作伙伴企业群具有较强的综合能力。 仰 本文提出了有匹配条件的伙伴企业定性选择搜索算法。通过建立同行业企业能力与本行业的基本能力之问的关系,应用该算法可在同行业中按需求峭力与任务的匹配)寻求到满足必要条件(组合能力与任务的匹配)的多种后选组合(动态联盟企业)方案。该算法可通过冗余度值的设定来控制后选动态联盟方案的伙伴企业的组合数,为实现定量确定最优的动态联盟企业创造了条件。 *)为了在多个动态联盟企业方案中进一步确定一个最优的组合方案,提出了伙伴企业质量评价系统的体系、功能结构和工作流程模式。 仰 根据产品大批量定制生产的特点,建立了面向大批量定制产品的过程集成模型,还给出了面向供应链管理并适应多种生产方式的ERP系统体系结构。 门 针对ERP系统网络化、敏捷化、柔性化的发展趋势,本文采用了具有敏捷化特点并基于InterneUIntranet的三层系统体系结构。并根据企业业务活动的本质特征,将企业业务抽象为相互关联的、具有层次及网状结构的若干过程(可分为稳定的原子过程和易变的复合过程两类广实体(被抽象为对象类)构成,提出了山对象类。过程及其相互关联关系组成的系统模型,又将对象类、过程、系统模型作为敏捷化信息系统的基本构件。将三层系统体系结构和快速重构技术应用于开发具有RRS特性(可重构性、可重用性、可扩展性)的ERP系统,使ERP系统具有敏捷化、网络化和柔性化的特点。 指 根据集成化供应链管理的理论及实施方法和ERP系统的体系结构,以及中小离散型制造企业的生产经营特点,按照MRPll/JIT混合模式,采用Windows NT、SQL Server、DCphli软件及其网络、多任务分布式、数据库。面向对象、快速重构等技术,研制开发了中小离散型制造业Eny系统。并根据电气/器行业的特点进行了行业化,四川电气设备成套厂进行了成功应用。通过实际应用验证,该ERP系统具有统—一致的信息编码、较好的开放性、集成性、外延性,并兼顾了自动与人工、通用化与行业化两方面,使系统具有较高的柔性和较强的实用性,可辅助企业实现科学、可靠的产品报价和即时生产*IT卜该ERP系统既不失Mnyll的系统性和严密性,又保持了JI

【Abstract】 With continuous development of contemporary integrated manufacturing systems (CIMS) and intense market competition in the age of networking information,the global agile manufacturing is being boosted and accelerated by organic integration of manufacturing technology,information technology and management technology. The manufacturing mode and the enterprise strategy are facing the fundamental change in production method and tool for manufacturing industry. Some new manufacturing theories and implementing technologies,for example,dynamic alliance,agile manufacturing,network manufacturing,supply chain management (SCM),enterprise resource planning (ERP) and so on,are becoming the important researching issues which are attracting more attention of the governments,enterprises and many researchers in the world. It is inevitable trend for modern technology development to integrate manufacturing technology,information technology and management technology by intersection and inter-penetration one another into CIMS. As the result,the research of supply chain-oriented ERP model and implementing technology have great theoretic and practical importance.For a long time,the effectiveness of the application of MRPII in our country was not perfect as it was expected. Some of the difficulties are due to the fact that MRPII software systems exist problems of poor localization and industrialization and are almost designed in the closed way,which made its flexibility and quick adaptation poor. Being associated with the projects of both CIMS application engineering of Sichuan Electrical Apparatus Co.,Inc and Sichuan Electrical Complete Sets Plant,which are sponsored by the CIMS subject fund of national 863high technology plan,the dissertation studies systematically supply chain-oriented ERP model and implementing technology in dynamic alliance of electrical manufacturing enterprises. The main contents and key achievements are as follows:(1) According to the characteristics and requirements of operating dynamic alliance enterprise (or agile virtual enterprise,AVE),this dissertation deals with establishing dynamic alliance methodology (DAM) and an improved architecture of AVE,which are mainly concerned with the organization structure of AVE,the modeling framework of DAM,the virtual enterprise model (VEM),the modeling framework and modeling method of AVE,the process model of AVE,the structure of integrated support system of DAM and the structure of virtual organization’s group decision support system (VO-GDSS). The relationships among them are also discussed here. Some technologies,methods and tools are also put forward for establishing the architectures of AVE and operating the strategy of AVE. It is very importance for the research and application of such dynamic alliance as the enterprise organization form in the 21th century.(2) On the basis of detailed analysis of the characteristics,structure model,basic theory and technology of SCM,the theoretic model and implementing method based on integrated SCM are proposed to meet the needs of new AVE-oriented ERP system. In addition,the improved process of production plan,the new strategy of alliance inventory based on coordination center,the new purchase business principle driven by order and the total program of enterprise business activities based on Internet in SCM are also presented in order to solve key problems from the integration inside an enterprise to the integration among enterprises,which are how to use MRPII system to realize SCM among enterprises.(3) According to the characteristics of the selected objects,the selecting processes and the practical problems in the process of establishing a SCM-oriented AVE,a three-stage plan and evaluation architecture of partner enterprise selection are presented and a multi-objective optimization model for selecting partner enterprises in AVEs are given. By means of the methods of integer planning,benchmarking,analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and so on,the fuzzy values of critical decision-making factors (such as

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期

