

【作者】 撒利明

【导师】 陈广浩; 刘全新; 梁秀文;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(广州地球化学研究所) , 构造地质学, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 从地震储层反演油气检测的物理基础出发,对目前流行的Gassmann理论、Biot理论和BISQ理论进行了分析、对比,提出:①Gassmann方程可用于地震数据(<100Hz)和测井数据(~10~4Hz)的波速测量中,对于实验室超声波测量数据(~10~6Hz),尽量少用;②Biot理论应用范围限于孔隙度大,渗透率的饱和岩石,当岩石中的孔隙流体发生不均匀的局部化流动时,Biot理论将不再适用,BISQ理论充分考虑了“局部流动”效应,应采用BISQ理论;③Gassmann方程、Biot理论和BISQ理论仅是孔隙流体效应的部分解,更精确的解或完全解的理论和方程,还需进一步研究和发展。在此基础上,研究了速度、密度与储层物性参数(孔、渗、饱)及深度、岩石年龄、压力等之间的关系,推导了波阻抗与速度、密度、孔隙度及弹性系数之间的公式,并指出了各个公式的适用范围。 从地震波反射的基本原理出发,借助于Zoeppritz方程讨论了地震反演储层岩性、物性参数和油气检测的可能性。对目前几种常用的Zoeppritz方程的简化公式进行了分析和对比,得出:①各种简化公式在一定条件下,可以相互转换,其不同的表达形式主要在于所选用的参数和出发点不同,其目的是强调不同的参数变化对反射振幅的影响及其敏感程度;②弹性参数对反射系数的影响是综合的、互相约束的,且以剪切模量、体积模量等弹性参数最为敏感,只有将各种方法结合,才能较为准确地对岩性参数进行反演、对油气进行检测。 针对目前波阻抗反演方法存在的反演结果纵、横向分辨率低、多解性严重等问题,研究了一种将地震与测井、钻井、VSP、岩性分析等多种资料相结合,采用井点模型引导、地质模型和地震特征约束、动态面元控制的最优化三维波阻抗反演方法。该方法适用于我国陆相砂泥岩薄互储层反演,具有运算速度快、反演精度高、反演结果纵向分辨率可达到5m左右的特征。 针对常规波阻抗反演方法存在:地震反演子波求取不准,储层参数之间的转换采用的经验公式或量板精度不高,波阻抗对特殊岩性难于划分等问题,提出了一种基于场论、信息优化论和信息预测论,采用地震特征约束、地质模型约束和测井资料约束的非线性测井参数反演方法。该方法可反演出二维、三维多种测井参数数据体,反演分辨率可达到2m左右,可有效解决特殊岩性划分问题,并能用于油水边界划分及油藏动态监测等方面。 针对目前国内外油气检测方法基于单相介质理论所带来的油气检测结果存在严重的多解性问题,本文以多相介质理论为基础,以实验室测试数据为依据,在Biot理论基础上,提出了在含油气储层中传播的地震波具有在某一低频振幅衰减最小(能量最大),在某一高频振幅衰减最大(能量最小),即具有“低频共振、高频衰减”的理论,应用该理论建立了地震波在多相介质中传播时,频率与振幅衰减的理论曲线,并建立了利用地震资料检测油气的解释模型。该方法在实际生产中应用,其检测油气的符合率高于现有的其它烃类检测技术。 以本文研究的储层反演方法、油气检测方法为主要内容,补充了地震属性分析、测井资料处理、地震构造解释和多信息融合等方法,并增加数据管理、输入、输出等辅助功能,采用国际先进的软件设计工具(INT)、系统设计方法、流程,对储层反演油气检测软件系统进行了详细设计。研制的软件系统(SLRES)具有集数据管理、测井处理与解释、地震综合解释、储层反演油气检测和成果图显示及输入输出一体化功能。应用研究的储层反演油气检测软件(SLRES),在吉林四方坨子地区精细构造解释及储层预测中,成功的落实了幅度10m左右的低幅构造圈闭和识别了2m以上薄互储层,为选择勘探目标提供了有力依据。

【Abstract】 In this paper, some presently popular theories, such as Gassmann theory, Biot theory and BISQ theory , are analyzed and compared based on the physical basis of seismic reservoir inversion and oil&gas detection , and following conclusions are brought forward: (1) Gassmann equation can be used in wave velocity measurement of seismic data( < 100Hz) and log data( ~ 10 Hz) while should be used as less as possible in ultrasonic measure data from laboratory( ~ 10 Hz) ; (2) The use of Biot theory is confined in saturated rocks of high porosity and permeability. It is no longer in point when there is uneven local flow of the liquid in rock pores while BISQ theory should be used, for it has well considered the "Local Flow’ effect.(3) Gassmann equation, Biot theory and BISQ theory are only part solution to pore liquid effect. The more precise and complete solutions need farther study and development. Based on these conclusions, formulas of impedance to velocity, density, porosity and elastic coefficient are deduced by studying the relationships between velocity, density and petrol parameters ( porosity, permeability and saturability) of the reservoir as well as depth, rock age and pressure etc, The applying area of each formula are pointed out additionally.This paper discusses the probability of the inversions of reservoir’s lithology, petrol parameters and oil&gas detection basing on the basic theory of wave reflection and Zoeppritz equation. The simplified formulas of some Zoeppritz equations in common use at present are analyzed and compared and two conclusions has been arrived at; (3)All the simplified formulas can be converted into each other under certain conditions. Their differences mainly lies in their parameters and their starting, aiming at strengthening the effects on reflection amplitude by the variance of these parameters and its sensibility. (2) The effect on reflection coefficient by elastic parameters is synthetic and is restricted by each other. The most sensible elastic parameters are shear modulus and volume elasticity. Only when combining all these methods can more accurate results be obtained in lighology parameters inversion and oil&gas detection.Aiming at solving the problems ( such as low horizontal and vertical resolution of the inversion results, multiple solutions and so on) in impedance inversion, a new methods is studied. The methods is; by using seismic data, log data, drilling data, VSP data and lithology analysis data together, a 3D optimization inversion method restricted by well model, geology model, seismic attributions and dynamic binning are adopted to obtain high accuracy 3-D impedance and other data volume 0 The method can be well used in the inversion of thin - bedded reservoir of shale sandstone in China. High computing velocity, high inversion accuracy and high vertical resolution up to 5m are its characteristics,,Aiming at solving the problems (such as that the wavelet for seismic inversion can not be calculated accurately, that the experiential formula for reservoir parameters converting have no high precision in calculation, that it is hard to mark off special lithology with impedance, etc) in conventional impedance inversion , it is mainly discussed in this paper how to create an integral set of non - linear log parameters inversion methods, which based on field theory, information - optimizing theory, information prediction theory and non - linear theory and restrained by seismic attributions, geology model and logging. The method can be used to obtain 2D,3D impedance and varieties of log parameters data volume with high resolution up to 2m or so0 It can well solve the problems of special lithology division, oil -water bounda-ry identification and reservoir dynamic monitoring.At present, the oil&gas bearing detection methods based on single - phase medium result in serious problems of multiple solutions. In this paper, basing on the theory of multiphase medium, the testing data of laboratory and BIOT theory, a theory is proposed that seismic wave spreading in o

  • 【分类号】P618.130.8
  • 【被引频次】21
  • 【下载频次】1341
  • 攻读期成果

