

【作者】 黄新华

【导师】 许经勇;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 经济思想史, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 从制度分析的角度看,经济体制是一个社会一定时期关于资源占有方式与资源配置方式的系统化的制度安排。计划经济体制最核心的制度安排是生产资料国家所有制,以指令性计划为资源配置的基本手段。新中国成立后,在学习和借鉴苏联经验的基础上,从1949年到1957年,逐步建立和形成了计划经济体制。中国计划经济体制是由一系列互为条件、互相适应的制度安排构成的。这些制度安排存在明显的内在缺陷。正是计划经济体制的内在缺陷导致的现实困境凸现的制度低效,使得从计划经济向市场经济转轨,成为中国经济体制改革在探索后的必然选择。从实质上说,纵观中国经济体制改革的历程,就是一个制度的替代、转换与交易的过程,就是制度创新和制度结构的变迁过程。作为人类历史上最重大的制度变迁之一,中国经济体制改革时期的制度变迁,既表现为正式制度安排的变迁,也表现为非正式制度安排的变迁。但是如同任何经济体制的运行都需要支付成本一样,中国经济体制改革导致的制度变迁是一个费用昂贵的过程,只有使制度变迁的成本保持在一定的限度内,才能使社会成员对改革给予持续的支持。改革以来20多年的制度变迁进程表明,中国经济体制改革取得了阶段性的巨大成就,初步实现了从计划经济向市场经济的制度转型。但是迄今为止,并没有实现预期的改革目标,改革中仍然存在着不少的欠缺和问题,这些问题概括起来说,就是改革中存在明显的制度缺失。在制度缺失存在的情况下,要进一步推进中国经济体制改革的进程,必须以制度创新为核心。但是制度创新从来都不是一帆风顺的,21世纪中国经济体制改革的制度创新面临着一系列的困难。在存在制度创新困难的条件下,要完成建立社会主义市场经济体制的目标.必须采取有效策略推进制度创新。通过制度创新建立社会主义市场经济体制,是中国经济体制改革的最终目标。与这一目标相联系的制度框架可以分解为四个方面:一是建立市场化的农村经济制度;二是构建有效率的微观经济制度;三是创建稳健的宏观经济制度:四是培育适应市场经济的非正式制度。

【Abstract】 From the perspective of institutional analysis.economic system is a systematic institutional arrangement about patterns of resources possessing and resources allocating in a society in a certain time.the corest institutional arrangements of planned economic system aremeans of production belong to state and using mandaory planning to allocate recources.On learning from and drawing on the Soviet Union’s experience,New China had gradually established the planned economic system from 1949 to 1957.China’s planned economic system are made up of a set of institutional arrangements that condition and suit mutually .There exist obvious internal drawbacks,which lead to realistic dilemma in these institutional arrangements.lt is the institutional ineffectiveness resulted by these dilemma that made the transition from planned economy to market economy become the necessary choice after economic system reform of China.The process of China’s economic system reform is,in essence,a process of substitution,transformation and transaction,and a process of change of institution innovation and institutional structure.As one of the greasiest institutional change.China’s economic system reform represents formal as well as informal institutional changeJust as each economic system’s operation need cost.instirutional change resulted by economic system reform of China is an expensive process.Only if these costs is limited in a certain extent can social members support the reform steadily.The process of 20 years institutional change indicates that China’s economic system reform has gained enormous achievement,which is the early implementation of institutional change from planned economy to the market economy.Up to date,however,the planned reform goals have not been.There are still many problems in the reform.In general,these problems are the obvious institutional dificiency .Under such conditions,we must take institutional innovation as the core task to promote of economic system reform of China.But institutional innovation is never plain sailing,21 Gentry’s institutional innovation of China’s economic system reform will face with lots of difficuties.Thus,if we want to establish socialism markert system,effective measures should be taken to push the institutional innovation.Establishing socialism market system by institutional innovation is final goal of economic system reform of China,this goal can be dismentled four institutional structures:(l)to establish rural market economic institutions;(2)to create effective microeconomic institutions;(3)to build steady macroeconomic institutions;(4)to establish informal institutions suitable to market economy.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 02期
  • 【分类号】F121
  • 【被引频次】22
  • 【下载频次】5032

