

Geochemical Studies of Petroleum Accumulation of Hade 4 Oil Field

【作者】 肖中尧

【导师】 彭平安;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(广州地球化学研究所) , 地球化学, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 哈得4油田位于塔里木盆地满加尔凹陷北部的哈得逊构造带。自1998年在哈得1井发现哈得4油田以来,该地区已成为盆地黑油勘探的重点地区。对哈得4油田成藏地球化学的研究,对塔里木盆地台盆区海相原油的成因理论和油气勘探均具有重要的实际意义。 应用GC、GC/MS、GC/MS/MS等定性和定量研究方法,在精细剖析原油化学组成的基础上,深入探讨了哈得4油田油藏流体在化学组成上的相似性和横向分布上的非均质性。分析表明,与相邻地区海相原油比较,除最南端的HD401井原油外,其它井区原油均具有下述特点:轻烃馏分组成十分接近、植烷系列类异戊烯烷烃分布较为一致、甾萜类和芳香甾萜类环状化合物浓度较高、重排甾烷丰度较高、伽马蜡烷含量低、规则甾烷组成中C28丰度低(C28/(C274+C284+C29)<20%)、甲基甾烷中以3-甲基甾烷为主、甲藻甾烷和4-甲基甾烷丰度极低、降胆甾烷中以27-降胆甾烷为主、24-降胆甾烷和24-重排降胆甾烷丰度低。对比分析表明,包括塔河油田、乡3井、轮南1、轮南11等井区的环哈拉哈塘凹陷原油,其化学组成与哈得逊油田原油十分相似,具有时代意义生物标志物的油源对比结果表明,这些原油主要源自O2+3烃源岩。 横向上,哈得4油田C油藏原油的化学组成仍存在一定的非均质性。如自北向南,芳烃馏份中的芳香甾烷浓度、饱和烃馏分中的甾萜烷类浓度等总体表现为增加趋势。显然,这种分布特征是和原油的运移和充注过程联系在一起。 对哈得逊及相关地区原油不同结构中性含氮馏分的分析表明,“屏蔽”型与“暴露”型的相对组成、相关比值、化合物浓度等均表现出较好的协同变化关系。对其中13个运移参数的相关分析表明,总体上它们均呈显著的相关关系,充分说明了它们在表征原油运移特征方面的有效性。据此,笔者提出了综合运移参数的概念。从哈得4C油藏综合运移参数的分布特征看,原油具有自北向南的运移和充注过程。区域上,自靠近哈拉哈塘凹陷的X3井、塔河油田原油至哈得逊油田,运移参数同样呈现了自北向南的增加趋势,与哈得逊油田原油的充注方向完全一致。 HD401井原油的组成具有明显的特殊性。原油的物性、正构烷烃分布、甾萜类化合物浓度、不同结构特征的甾烷相对丰度、芳烃馏分成熟度参数等均有别于哈得4油田的主体原油。具有时代意义生物标志物的对比表明,其化学组成总体上具有下奥陶统-寒武系烃源岩生成产物的特点。可见,HD401井原油,是先期注入的少量下奥陶统-寒武系烃源岩生成的产物,在O2+3烃源岩主体原油自北向南的充注过程中,“波阵面”式的推进结果使其处于该油藏的最南端。原油的充注方向和HD401井原油的分布特点,预示着寻找哈得逊这类原油的有效地区应在HD401井以北的地区。 论文最后通过圈闭形成期、生排烃期和包裹体均一化温度的分析,认为油气的充注时期应是第三纪库车组沉积时期,具有晚期成藏的特点。

【Abstract】 Hade 4 oil field is located in the Hadexun structural zone in the north of the Manjia’er depression, the Tarim Basin. Since the Hade 4 oil field was found in 1998, this area has become the important district for black oil exploration, Geochemical studies on petroleum migration and accumulation of Hade 4 oil field is significant to the forming theory of marine crude oil and oil / gas exploration in Tarim cratonic basin.Applying qualitative and quantitative analysis (such as GC, GC/MS, GC/MS/MS), similarity and heterogeneity of reservoir fluid chemical composition in horizontal distribution are described according to the detailed analysis on crude oil chemical composition. Comparing with marine oils in the adjacent areas, all crude oils in Hade 4 oil field (except for HD401 well) have following peculiarity: very similar in the composition of light hydrocarbon fraction, and the distribution of of phytane-series isoprenoid alkanes, high concentration in steranes, terpanes and their aromatized compounds, as well as rearranged steranes; low concentration of gammacerane, 24-norcholestanes and 24-rearranged steranes, and low C2g regular steranes (C2g/(C27+C28+C29)<20%); 3-methyl steranes and 27-norcholestane predominated, respectively; very low concentration of dinosterane and 4-methyl steroid. The oil-oil and oil- source correlation indicated that chemical composition of crude oils in Hade 4 oil field was very resemble to adjacent oil fields surrounding the Halahatang depression, including Tahe oil field, well XiangS, Lunnanl and Lunnanll. Those oils are originated from middle & upper Ordovician source rocks according to the age-specific biomarker assembly.In the other hand, chemical composition of crude oil in Cm oil pool in Hade 4 oil field also exhibited heterogeneity in horizontal distribution, the concentration of aromatic steroids, terpanes and steranes generally increases from north to south. Obviously, this distribution character is related to the petroleum migration, charge process and filling direction.Analysis of nitrogen-containing compounds (NCs) in crude oils in Hadexun and surrounding areas indicated that the relative composition distribution, concentrations and ratios of " shielded " type and "exposed" type NCs were coincidently varied. Geochemical parameters based on NCs are effective tools to indicate petroleum migration direction and distance according to correlation analysis of 13 migrating parameters. The distribution of migrating parameters in Hade 4 Cm oil pool suggested the crude oils charged from north to south. Furthermore, from north to south migration and filling trend also exist in the large scale, from well Xiang3 and Tahe oil field surrounding the Halahatang depression to Hade oil field, the migrating parameters show an increasing trend from north to south.The crude oil composition of well Hade 401 is obviously unusual, which differs from crude oils in Hade 4 oil field in the physical properties of crude oil, the distribution of normal alkane, the concentration of sterane and terpane, relative concentration of different structural steroid and maturity parameters of aromatics fraction etc. Correlation of age-specific biomarkers suggested oilsin well Hade 401 originated from lower Ordovician and Cambrian source rocks. Obviously, crude oils of well Hade 401 were charged in early phase, and petroleum derived from middle & upper Ordovician source rocks was charged from north to south in the later phase. The later emplacing process of hydrocarbon fluids from north to south induced oils from lower Ordovician and Cambrian source rocks located in the most southern area. The filling direction of and unusual distribution of crude oil in well Hade 401 predict that effective areas occurred with Hade-type crude oil should be in the north of well Hade 401.In conclusions, petroleum in Hade 4 oil fields was accumulated in very later phase (Pliocene Kuche formation depositing period (N2k)) according to timing of trap forming, hydrocarbon generation and expulsion period, homogenization tem


