

【作者】 白菊红

【导师】 袁飞;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 农业经济管理学, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 人力资本是经济增长的重要源泉,教育是人力资本的主要构成因素,因此教育对经济发展的作用不言而喻。教育投资与各国经济发达程度之间具有明显的正相关关系,它是各国经济发展的决定因素,目前全球已经步入知识经济时代,教育将成为一个国家发展水平和国际竞争能力的决定性因素。 就农村而言,农村教育也是农民收入水平提高的基础,是农村经济发展的关键,本文采用实际资料与逻辑推理、定性分析与定量分析、静态分析与动态分析相结合的方法,对我国农村人力资本、农民收入分配与经济增长之间的关系问题进行了研究。 研究思路为:通过系统分析人力资本理论的发展过程,根据农村人力资本积累的理论机制,提出人力资本积累决定模型,以此衡量人力资本存量的大小。利用人力资本积累理论和模型进行实证研究,从动态角度,系统地分析我国农村人力资本现状、农村人力资本投资的理性行为以及农村人力资本积累对农民收入分配和农村经济增长的影响。 研究的主要结论有: (1)在系统分析人力资本理论发展的基础上,根据人力资本的概念界定,提出了人力资本存量测定模型,将人力资本积累过程的影响因素以一个完整的模型反映,为人力资本的衡量和比较提供了统一标准。 (2)以人力资本积累理论为依据,对影响农村人力资本积累的一般因素进行了系统分析,结果表明,劳动报酬、劳动者年龄、国民经济发展水平、国民收入分配和代际间收入分配是影响人力资本积累的主要因素。 (3)系统地、动态地考察了我国农村的人力资本状况,得出结论:①农村人力资本存量小、分布不均:②农村人力资本积累速度慢、投资不足。 (4)以人力资本投资理论为依据,对我国农村人力资本投资的理性行为进行了分析,并对我国农村教育私人投资报酬率进行了测算。根据Mincer收入函数法,按国家规定的中小学学杂费计算,农村小学教育投资报酬率为7.6%,初中教育投资报酬率为8.0%,高中教育投资报酬率为5.4%;按照实际调查的农村中小学学杂费支出计算,农村小学教育投资的报酬率为2.3%,初中教育投资报酬率为2.1%,高中为1.6%。采用内部报酬率方法,按国家规定的中小学学杂费计算,农村教育投资的内部报酬率(IRR)为小学22.6%,初中24.7%,高中23.8%;按照实际农村教育投资计算,内部报酬率(IRR)分别为:小学11.4%,初中13.7%,高中12.8%。目前影响我国农村教育投资的主要因素不是投资收益率,而是农民收入水平低和农业发展水平对教育的需求不足。浙江大学博土学位论文 农村人力资本积累与农民收入分配机理研究 (5)在农村人力资本与农民收入分配关系研究中,分析了户主文化程度和户主年龄差异对农民收入分配的影响。随着户主文化程度的提高,农民收入水平也越高,两者关系为一条向右上方倾斜并凸向横轴(户主文化程度)的曲线;不同受教育水平的户主年龄与农民收入水平之间的关系均呈抛物线形状,随着户主生产实践经验的积累,受教育水平高的户主比受教育水平低的户主具有更高的收入增长率和收入中值,即户主受教育水平越高,其年龄一收入曲线的位置越高。 (6)在对人力资本与农民收入分配之间关系分析的基础上,利用 DAD(DistributiveAn&lysiS/AnslySC DIStriblltiVC)V4刀软件,测量和分解了吉尼系数和广义嫡指数,研究了农民收入分配不平等程度及其形成原因。结果表明,①地区间农民人均纯收入分配不平等程度较小,收入分配吉尼系数2000年为0.2239,地区内农民人均纯收入分配不平等程度较大,收入分配吉尼系数2000年为0.4218,随着经济的发展均具有扩大的趋势;②工资性收入分配不均等是造成省际间农民人均纯收人分配不均等的主要因素;③省际间农民人均纯收入分配的不均等主要表现在东、中、西部之间的收入差异(对广义嫡指数的影响程度为es石0o,0)和东部内部的收入差异(影响程度为ic.soo;o)上;④造成农民收入分配不平等的原因有:农村教育发展不平衡、非农产业发展不均衡、衣村市场化发展不同步和资源环境不均等。 门)在人力资本对经济增长作用理论的基础上,从多个侧面分析了农村人力资本与农村经济增长的关系。首先,采用 Romer ( 990)内生经济增长模型分析农村人力资本对农村经济增长的作用,农村人力资本对农业增加值增长的贡献率为6.3%,物质资本贡献率为84.7%,劳动力数量贡献率为9刀%,表明现阶段农村经济增长的诀定性因素是物资资本投入;其次,采用 Kuznets“倒 U”假说,分析了农村收人分配对经济增长的影响,结果表明我国农村正处于经济增长早期,即“倒U”形曲线前半段,农民人均纯收入对吉尼系数变化的弹性系数为 4.176。同时,农业增加值对吉尼系数变化的弹性,随着吉尼系数的增加而增大,表明现阶段我国农村低发展水平上的收入分配不平等促进了农村经济增长;最后,通过对实际资料模拟,阐述了农民收入分配对农村经济增长的影响是通过人力资本积累差异产生的,即农民收入分配差异决定了人力资本积累,而人力资本存

【Abstract】 The main source of economic growth is Human Capital. The main component of Human Capital is education. Investment to education is positively associated with economic developing in each country. Nowadays,the global is experiencing the "Knowledge Economy". Education will be the key factor of developing and increasing international competitiveness for each country.For rural,education is the basis of increasing farmer’s income. It is also important for rural economic development. Combined data with logic,qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis,static analysis with dynamic analysis,the association of rural human capital,farmer’s income inequality and economic growth in China was researched in the dissertation.Research process:through the systemic analysis of human capital theory,the model of human capital accumulation was introduced in the mechanism of human capital accumulation. It was used as measuring the human capital stock. The empirical analysis was done adopting the theories and models of human capital investment. The current situation of rural human capital,rational behavior of rural human capital investment and the effects of rural human capital accumulation upon inequality of farmer’s income and economic growth in China were analyzed by dynamic and systemic ways.The main results given:(1) On the basis of systemic analysis of development of human capital theory,the measurement of human capital stock was introduced according to the concepts of human capital. It is a unified model that includes all the factors of affecting human capital investment. It also served as a unified standard of measuring and comparing the human capital.(2) According to the theory of human capital accumulation,the general factors of affecting rural human capital investment were discussed in systemic ways. The main impact factors of human capital accumulation include earning,age of labor,national economy development,national income distribution and income distribution between generations.(3) Reviewed the current situation of human capital in rural China,it is achieved that(1) The human capital stock in rural China is small and distributing unequally. (2) The human capital accumulation in rural China is slow and insufficient.(4) The rational behavior of human capital investment in rural China was explored and the private rate of return to education in rural China was measured. Estimating by adopting to earning function of Mincer and the tuition fee of primary and middle school by government,the ROR for investment to primary school is 7.6%,the ROR for investment to middle school is 8.0%,the ROR for investment to high school is 5.4%. Estimating by adopting real tuition fee of school in rural China,the ROR for investment to primary school is 2.3%,the ROR for investment to middle school is 2.1%,the ROR for investment to high school is 1.6%.Estimating by adopting Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and the tuition fee of school by government,the IRR of investment to primary school is 22.6%,the IRR of investment to middle school is 24.7%,the IRR of investment to high school is 23.8%. Estimating by adopting real tuition fee of school in rural China,the IRR of investment to primary school is 11.4%,the IRR of investment to middle school is 13.7%,the IRR of investment to high school is 12.8%. The key impact factors of human capital investment in rural China are lower farmer’s income and insufficient demand to education rather than the rate of return of investment.(5) The association between difference of years of schooling and ages of householder and farmer’s income inequality was discussed. Farmer’s income is increasing as increasing years of schooling of householder. The association between two is assumed as a curve,which is right-upwards and convex to horizontal axis (years of schooling of householder). The association between farmer’s income and ages of householder with different education attainments can be assumed as parabola. As learning by doing for householder,the growth rate of income is higher for

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 01期

