

【作者】 张桂春

【导师】 李其龙;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 比较教育学, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 建构主义于20世纪80年代后期在欧美兴起,并形成一股冲击力很强的理论思潮,然后迅速波及到各个学科领域,尤其对教育学科领域的影响更为广泛和深刻。被称为当代教育心理学中的一场“革命”,是对传统教学理论和学习理论的一场“革命”,甚至被誉为是“革新传统教学的理论基础”。建构主义何以如此神通?它从何而来?其基本主张和合理内核是什么?其思想张力在哪?其缺陷何在?建构主义作为一个“洋货”能否在中国实现“本土化建构”?等等。总之,建构主义带着这些“问号”向我们走来。然而,建构主义作为一种认识论是由多学科交叉渗透、杂交而生的产物。其来源驳杂,流派纷呈,有时甚至自相矛盾。因为,有多少个建构主义者,可能就有多少种建构主义。在建构主义的大家庭中,“激进建构主义”可以说是独特的一员。它不仅为建构主义理论确立了基本原则,使建构主义得以迅速崛起,而且最早切入教育领域,对当代教育理论和实践冲击最大。所以,本研究将视角和论题具体锁定在激进建构主义教学思想的维度上,从求解激进建构主义的合理内核入手,去梳理、描述、理解、把握和建构“建构主义”教学思想。本文共分四个部分:第一部分共有两章:主要考究激进建构主义的历史起源,追寻其发展轨迹,描述其思想生成,梳理其基本假设。本研究认为,激进建构主义思想开启于18世纪意大利著名学者维柯“真理即创造”的“新科学”,发展于康德“主体建构客体”的“哥白尼倒转”,确立于皮亚杰“主客体双向建构”的“发生认识论”,生成或定位于冯·格拉塞斯费尔德的两个基本原则--“(a)知识不是由认知主体被动地获得的,而是积极主动地建构的;(b)知识的功能是适应并服务于经验世界的组织,而不是对本体论的客观现实的发现”。激进建构主义本质上是一种知识理论或认识理论。第二部分共有四章:主要探究和论述激进建构主义思想建构的理论基础或智力来源。本研究认为,激进建构主义思想不仅受到维柯、贝克莱、休谟、康德、皮亚杰等人的哲学思想的影响,而且主要来源于冯·格拉塞斯费尔德、冯·弗尔斯特、马图拉纳等人的科学研究成果。传统的思辩哲学认识论为其反对客观主义的实在论和反映论开道,现代系统论、二阶控制论、脑神经生理学、认知生物学等科学学科为其认识论假设奠定坚实的科学理论基础。这些学科的最新研究结果表明,人作为生命系统是一个自我生成、自我组织、自我反馈、自我更新、自我保持的自生产系统:大脑作为自我反省和自我解释的系统不是与环境隔绝的,但却是自我封闭的,其工作机制是在封闭系统中的自我加工;人是利用语言和符号来描述和解释客观世界的观察系统。由此,激进建构主义得出的认识论结论是:客观世界是不可及的,我们对它所知道的一切都是由人创造的;我们只能认识我们的经验世界,即我们所创造的世界;认识是循环的,认识不可能有准确无疑的开始和准确无疑的终结;一切知识原则上都是建构起来的,并始终具有暂时性,科学知识也是如此:知识的功能是适应,它服务于经验世界的组织,不是对本体论的客观现实的发现:我们经验的和我们生活中的知识、认识及现实都是我们的主观建构;每个人建构他自己的世界;不存在客观真理,能对我们的建构作出检验和论证的只有“生存力”的标准,因此要用“生存力”标准取代传统的“真理”标准。 第三部分共有四章:主要梳理和解读激进建构主义的教学思想。本研究认为,激进建构主义在其认识论或知识论的基础上对现代教育问题作出了独特的审视和思考,提出了具有冲击力的教育哲学思想。激进建构主义教学思想的核心观点是,知识不是对现实的客观反映,也不是对现实的准确表征,知识是认知主体积极建构的,而不是被动接受的;学习是学生个体根据先前经验积极主动建构知识的过程,而不是接受和记忆教师和教科书所传递的信息和知识;教学是为学生提供真实的学习环境和学习任务,而不是知识的简单传递和灌输:学生是学习活动的积极参与者和知识意义的主动建构者,而不是知识的被动接受者和被灌输的对象;教师是学生建构知识的帮助者和促进者,而不是知识的提供者和知识权威。 第四部分共有两章:主要对激进建构主义教学思想的张力、价值、缺陷、发展等进行建构、解构和再构。激进建构主义教学思想兴起于人类社会由工业社会向知识经济转轨的时代,它以自己独有的建构性特征与当代社会的各种新理念合拍,对世界各国教育产生重要的影响,对我国教育理论与实践所产生的影响尤为深刻:激进建构主义正在发展过程中,其认识论的极端性和相对主义使其不可避兔地存在很多缺陷,有必要对它作出符合时代发展精神的认识和评价;激进建构主义自身也要不断地消除认识的偏激,在强调个体建构的同时,更加关注每个建构者在社会共同体中的合作建构,即把“知识是个人与他人经由协商与和解的社会建构”作为自己的第三个原则,这是激进建构主义建构自身“生存力”的出路。 激进建构主义

【Abstract】 Constructivism started in Europe and America in the late 80s of the 20tn century.Since then it has become a strong tidal current of thought in theory, and its influencehas quickly reached many fields. It has especially given strong and deep influence inthe field ofpedagogy, so it is called "a revolution in the pedagogical psychology". It isa revolution to the traditional theory of instruction and learning. It is even named as "abasic theory to renovate the traditionaI instruction".Why does constructivism work? Where is it from? What is its basic assertion andrational core? Where is its tension of thought and where is its defect? As it’s exotic,can it be constructed with Chinese culture? There are so many questions to beconsulted and answered.As an epistemology, Constructivism is something that cornes out of the mixtureof the multiple disciplines. It originates from many fie1ds. There are many kinds ofconstructivism and sometimes they are antilogy, for where there are constructivists,there is constructivism. In the family of constrtJctivism the radical constructivism isquite unique. Not only has it set essential principles for the constTUCtivist theory, but itis the first one to enter the field of pedagogy. It gives the strong influence on thetheory and practice of modem pedagogy. This study puts more emphasis on theradical constructivist teaching thought, from where to describe, comprehend, masterand construct the constructivist teaching thought.There are four parts in this dissertation.In part one there are two chapters. The study is about the history of theradical constructivism. I think the idea of the radica1 constructivism stemmed in thel 8th century from the famous ltalian scholar Vico’s Scienza Nuova, who had an idea,namely, "truth is creation", and was nurtured by Kant’s Kopernikus inversion whichmeant subject built object and Piaget’s theory of Genetic Epistemology made it growuP, which was "subject and object built each other". The idea of the radicalconstructivism was finally produced by v. Glasersfeld’s tWo essential principIes. Oneis that knowledge is not passively obtained but actively constructed by the individual,and the other is that the function of knowledge is to accommodate and serve theorganization of the empirical world, but not to discover the objective reaIity ofontology. In essence, the radical constructivism is a theory about knowledge or atheory about cognition.In part two therc arc fOur chaptcrs. The foundation of the theory or theintelligence source on the construction of the radical constructivist thought is deeplyexplored and expounded. I think the thought of the radical constructivism isinfluenced by the philosophy ideas of Vico, Berkeley, Hume, Kant, Piaget, as welI asthe outcomes of v. GIasersfeld, v. Foerster, Maturana’s scientific research nurtured it.The traditional epistemology is the pioneer to object to the theory of being andreflectionism, and modern systematology, cybernetics, cranial nerve bionomy andcognitive biology, etc. has set up a solid theoretical scientific foundation fOr itsepistemological assumption. As a life system, human being is a self productionsystem including self generation, self organization, self feedback, self regeneration,self preservation. As a system of introspection and self explanation, the brain is notisolated from the environment, but self blocked, the principle of which is to work byitself in the bIocked system. People describe and explain the world with language andsymbol. Therefore- the conclusion drawn by the radical constructivism is that theobjective world can’t be grasped and we can only get to know our empirical worldcreated by ourselves. Recognition is circulating and it is impossible to have its exactbeginning and end. In essence all the knowledge is constructed and always hastemporality, and it is the same with the scientific knowledge. The function ofknow1edge is to adapt. It isn’t t

  • 【分类号】G424
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