

Research on Features, Mechanisms and Applications of Prospective Memory

【作者】 赵晋全

【导师】 杨治良;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 基础心理学, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 论文评述了前瞻记忆研究的进展情况,并从方法、特点、机制和应用四个方面开展了前瞻记忆的研究工作。在第一章中介绍了前瞻记忆的定义和产生背景,指出前瞻记忆是心理学中科学主义向人文主义演变对记忆研究产生影响的结果,是时代精神的产物;在第二章中以几个有代表性的实验为例介绍了前瞻记忆的三种研究方法,即自然法、实验法和情境模拟法;第三章中介绍了前瞻记忆的几个特点,如儿童前瞻记忆的表现,元记忆和前瞻记忆的关系等,并着重分析了当前备受关注的年老化效应;在第四章中介绍了前瞻记忆机制的几个理论解释,分别从神经心理学和认知心理学两个方面阐述了前瞻记忆的多重系统理论、熟悉-提取机制、自动激活机制以及前瞻记忆提取中的自动加工和策略加工。方法上,自行研制了两种实验材料。实验1、 2采用包含前瞻记忆任务的纯粹的前瞻记忆自评问卷,同时将延时和人格等变量高度集成,并首次采用频率逐渐增大的语义靶。实验3中设计了语义和知觉两种进行中任务,以及语义和知觉两种靶线索,与国外同类实验相比,实验3的两种进行中任务采用相同的材料,靶线索也完全相同,区别只在于指导语不同,增加了可比性,排除了无关变量的干扰。实验4在实验3的基础上增加了分心任务,实验5在实验3和实验4的基础上变化了呈现方式。特点上,首次利用具有可比性的材料在一个实验中研究了4个年龄段人群的前瞻记忆水平及其与自评的关系:研究了5种延时间隔的影响,得到了前瞻记忆的遗忘曲线。实验结果表明:(1) 前瞻记忆表现水平与延时有关,遗忘可能发生在最初的几分钟,之后在一小时内基本保持不变,与回溯记忆的遗忘情况不同。(2) 前瞻记忆表现水平与性别、智力无关,与艾森克个性问卷的4个指标无关,与16PF个性问卷中F因素有接近显著的弱相关。(3) 对前瞻记忆的认识、自我前瞻记忆的整体评价、自我完成各具体任务的评价、运用策略的评价与前瞻记忆的相关均不显著,原因可能与评价倾向有关。(4) 四个年龄阶段人群在前瞻记忆及对前瞻记忆的认识、评价和监控方面存在显著差异,中小学生的自我评价过高,而老年的自评和实际表现都较低。(5) 前瞻记忆与回溯记忆成绩无显著相关,支持前瞻记忆是与回溯记忆相对独立的记忆系统的假说。机制上,提出了准意识的概念,并构建了基于准意识的三加工自动激活模型,认为前瞻记忆的完成涉及准意识对应的策略加工、意识对应的控制加工和无意识对应的自动加工。控制性加工处理意向和靶线索的形成,策略的使用,以及意向的执行:策略加工处理阈下激活状态的意向,并在发现靶线索后作出是否提取意向的判断;自动加工处理意向编码、 储存,并辅助策略加工完成前瞻记忆的提取过程,是一种不需注意资源的非常程序化的加 工方式。实证研究了分心对TAP效应的影响,结果显示: (6)加工类型不一致比一致的情况需要另外的转换,其它条件相同的情况下,异型加工比 同型加工占用了更多的注意资源,导致前瞻记忆表现下降。 (7)靶线索和进行中任务类型一致时涉及更多的自动加工,对注意资源的需求较少,受分 心影响较小,反之,靶线索和进行中任务类型不一致时涉及更多的策略加工,对注意资源 的需求较多,受分心影响较大,支持三加工自动激活模型。 应用上,研究了不同呈现速度对前瞻记忆的影响和分心在两种情况下的效果,迈出了 紧张状态下前瞻记忆研究的第一步,实验结果表明: (8)紧张状态下,进行中任务占有较多的注意资源,完成前瞻记忆所需的资源随之减少,—前瞻记忆表现随紧张程度增大而降低。

【Abstract】 Research on prospective memory are cwhed out from three aspectS, i.e. feat’Ures, mechansms,and aPplications. And also, progress in this area is reviewed.In chaPtCr l, deAnition and research backgroUnd of prospective memory is introduced,particular1y, it is pointed out tha the zeitgeist in contemPorary cognitive psychology is becomingffiendlier toward prospective memory research as recent developments in psychOlogy arestiWng fresh inforest in the subect.In chaPter 2, three paradigms of prospective memory researcrtatUral, exPerimenta andsimulated scene, is illustrated by some tyPical exPeriments.In chaPter 3, some featUres of prospective memory especially the aging effect is sumxned uP.In chaPter 4, several exishng theories of prospective memory such as mu1tiple memorysystems, familiar-retrieval mechAnsm, and atomatic achvation theory is reviewed.EXPerimental stUdies is conducted in chaPter 5 as follows.A word-detect prospectlye memory taSk which is inlaid in some self confident assessment, items is adopted in experimeat l and 2. The frequency of the target word is increased across trials.The resu1tS shows that’(1 ) A short delay between prospective memory instrUctions and ongoing taSk will lower theprospecthie memory performance. Bat in the period of 7-57 minutes(7 min, l7min,27Inin, 37tnin,57min) prospective memory maintained. This result support the suggestion that prospectivememory forgetting may be occurring only during the first miflthes after the encoding of iniention;(ii ) There is no signiflcan corre1ation betWeen prospective memory and retrospective memoryso does some other vghables lilie, sex, intelligence, and personality(l6 indices of l6PF and 4indices of Eysenck);(iii)For all the puPil, the middle school stUdent, the undergraduate stUdeni and the elder,correlation betWeen prospective memory and retrospective monitor is significam, whilenonsignificam relationship is found for selfassessmeflt,(iV) Age greatly infiuence prospective memory and self assessment, the puPil and the middleschoQl stodent are overconfident and the elder is not so good as the young both in self assessmentand performance.ExPeriment 3 and 4 are conducted to exPlore the interaction betWeen the natUre of aneveni-based prospective intention and the ongoing activity in which it was embedded. The resultsshows that.(v ) The match of the ongoing task and the natue of the intenton results in better prosPectivememory performance than a misoth betWeen the tWo;(vi) Matched targetongOing task cOnditions is less disruPted by dlyided attenton thanmismatched targetongoing task conditions. The reason probably lies in that prospective memorywould need tO depend heavily on strategic processes, whereas in the matched conditions moretomatic processes would contribute as well as strategic processes to prospective memoryFor different grouPs, instrUction is the only difference in the eXPerAnents, i.e. the tWo kinds ofongoing task(semamic or perceptUal) and target (semamic or perceptual) are completelyidentified.Experiment 5 extend research on Transfer Appropriate Processirig(TAP) effect by eXPloringthe features and mechanism of prospective memory in different degree of tensions which wascapsed by different speed of preseniation, the resultS indicates that:(wt) the quicker the target occurred, the lower the prospective memory perfOrmance will be.There is a inclination thOugh haven’t reach significance that the qucker presehtaton condition isless dismpted by divided attentons than the slower presentaton conditon. Part of the exPlanationis the ditheeni rato of automatic and strategic processes in retrievaJ. Generalized to conditionsunder press, this results will be helpful to improve performance in emergence, such as eaIthquake,flood, atc., to sny nothing of leCtures, sportS, examinations and so on.To get a iek,. of hOw the mechAnsm of retrieval works, this dissertaion propose a retrievalmodel of prospective

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