

【作者】 张振助

【导师】 薛天祥;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2001, 博士

【摘要】 首届世界高等教育大会指出,大学的根本使命就是促进社会的可持续发展和进步。在即将来临的知识经济时代,高等教育将由社会的边缘走向社会的中心,成为社会发展的发动机。西方发达国家的发展历程表明,高等教育与区域社会建立良性的互动发展关系,是促进两者共同发展的必由之路。 经济体制改革、科技体制改革及高等教育体制改革的深化,终身学习时代的来临为我国高等教育与区域互动发展提供了良好的发展机遇和政策环境。两者互动的改革与发展取得了卓越的成效:互动主体向多元化发展,官、产、学、研、银的互动合作日益密切;互动的区域界限正在淡化,跨区域互动合作发展迅速;高等教育产业成为提升区域综合实力的有效途径等。 但我们不得不承认,在我国高等教育与区域互动发展过程中,仍然存在校企互动“两张皮”等互动主体相互支撑力度不够;互动机制不畅;互动制度不健全;高等教育发展区域不平衡现象严重等问题。这些问题阻碍了高等教育与区域互动发展,不利于区域综合实力的提高。 组织创新、机制创新、制度创新是解决互动中存在问题,促进互动改革发展的有效对策。组织创新是互动改革发展的基本前提,包括:通过高校衍生知识型企业;建立、完善科技中介服务机构;走多元化发展道路,形成公私立并举的高等教育办学体制等;机制创新是改革与发展的核心,包括:树立共同成长的观念,激发互动内驱力;以股权、证券为纽带完善风险投资机制;以“才”为核心,重构人才柔性流动机制;以政策为主导完善激励机制;发挥中介评估机构作用,改革评估机制。制度创新是高等教育与区域互动改革发展的最终保障。包括:完善、落实高科技企业和风险投资发展的有关配套制度,建立有利于更多人接受接受高等教育的教育制度,改革用人制度等。

【Abstract】 It is addressed in the first International Conference on Higher Education that the essential mission of the universities is to give impetus on the sustainable development and progress of society. In the coming age of knowledge economy,higher education will move from the margin to the center of society and become the engine of social development. The history of western advanced countries shows that the mutually promoting relations between higher education and regional society are necessary for the both to develop jointly.In China,with the deepening of the system reform of economy,science and technology and higher education,the spread of the ideal of life-long education and the coming age of mass higher education,there has been a favorable opportunity and policy environment for the mutual promotion between higher education and regional society. And distinguished results have been achieved in this kind of reform,which include:More subjects take part in the mutually promoting process. Governments,industries,universities,institutes and banks are cooperating more closely.The regional limit in the mutually promoting process is broken and cross- region cooperation is expanding rapidly.The industry concerning higher education is becoming the effective way to reinforce the regional economic strength. Etc.In spite of these results,we have to admit that there remain many problems during the process:Universities and industries are still separated seriously.The investment of government in higher education is insufficient while the government intervene too much in the development of universities.The mechanism of mutual promotion is not perfect and the regulationsconcemed need to be amplified and carried out effectively.There is great gap in the development of higher education in different regions.These problems hinder the mutual development of higher education and regional society and are unfavorable to the improvement of regional comprehensive strength.Innovations of organizations,mechanisms and regulations will be the effective ways to solve these problems and promote the common progress. The innovation of organizations is the basic prerequisite of the reform in the mutually promoting process,which includes:to improve the ability of universities to create knowledge-based industries;to build and perfect the intermediary organizations of technology;and to formulate a running system of higher education which includes both public and private institutions. The innovation of mechanisms,the core of the reform,includes:to adopt the idea of common progress;to improve the mechanism of risk investment by stock and bond;To reform the flexible mechanism of personnel mobility by taking the ability as the most important factor;to perfect the incentive mechanism by policy guiding;and to make use of the intermediary organizations of evaluation and reform evaluation system. As the final insurance of the mutual promotion between higher education and regional society,the innovation of regulations includes:to improve and put into effect the regulations concerning hi-tech industries and risk investment;build a learning system favorable to the widening of access to higher education;and to reform the personnel regulations,etc.

  • 【分类号】G649.2
  • 【被引频次】38
  • 【下载频次】2882

