

【作者】 聂露

【导师】 白钢;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 本文通过考察英国选举制度的历史演化、制度构建、理论渊源,旨在讨论政治学的一个核心理论问题,即代议制理论的形成和发展问题。 继绪论交待研究对象和研究方法之后,第一章从历史的角度阐述英国选举制度的演变。英国宪法史上关于选举的规定始于12世纪初年,威斯敏斯特立法第1号第5条规定自由选举的原则。中古时期,即英国贵族政治时期,在部落民主传统、血族复仇制度、经济因素、法治传统与贵族政治传统的综合作用下,早期的选举制度表现为贵族与王权博弈的工具、表现为政治权力分化的缺口。工业革命后到19世纪末,既是资产阶级革命时期,也是英国宪政改革时期,资本主义经济替代了原有的封建经济,宪政观念和代议理论广为传播,选举制度在普选、秘密原则、平等性、定期、法治化等方面,都有立法上和实践上的长足进展。20世纪至今,是现代选举制度的形成阶段。英国经济垄断发展的同时,政治集中的程度也在加强。政党政治和女性选举权运动完成了英国现代选举制度最后的塑造。 对英国现代选举制度的介绍分为两个部分,一个是国会选举。一个是地方选举,前者是介绍重点。从选区划分、选民登记、提名候选人、选举费用、投票、计票方法、选举诉讼七个方面,国会选举的过程得以扼要地呈现。资料不仅来源于英国的议会法案、宪法惯例,还有政党在选举中比较确定的制度化的行为。 第三章回答现代选举为什么最早在英国出现。从历史意见的角度,论文提出人民主权学说是资产阶级革命时期对政府合法性来源的新观念,也是现代选举制度形成的理论指导。人民主权理论主张政府权力来源于人民。选举制度就是人民主权寄存的过程。由于直接民主制存在适用规模上的局限,所以,代议制是最适当的人民主权的实现方式。选举制度的民主属性从人民概念和多数原则两个方面探讨。人民的概念经历了古典共同体、权利普及中的人民、抽象主体三个阶段,对应了英国选民从少至多、从具体到抽象的过程。多数原则是人民主权在实践中比较普遍的选举规则。英国的简单多数选举制在较低程度上满足了合法性要求,同时较大地满足了治国能力的要求。 第四章回答英国为什么选择简单多数制,归纳代议制理论的主要内容,即选举制度和理论。论文以迪韦尔热的政党法则为线索,在比较三种基本选举制度,包括相对多数制、比例代表制、混合制的基础上,结合英国的国情因素,提出采行简单多数制的四点原因。即,从制度上讲,简单多数制和比例代表制各有特色,没有哪一种制度占有优势;从宪政因素上讲,英国的宪政构架和理念(议会主权、内阁制、两党制、简单多数制)选择了简单多数制:从文化因素上讲,英国群众和精英的守成思想维护了简单多数制的惯性;从动力因素上讲,改革选举制度的动力不充分:大党为了既得利益阻挠改革,小党势单力薄,更没有群众的支持,无力构成有效的反对力量。 第五章通过分析英国简单多数制的发展,考察代议制理论的现状,即精英民主理论。论文先梳理了精英民主理论从古典到韦伯、熊比特、达尔的简单谱系,讨论了精英民主与经济学、社会变迁、大众民主的关系等相关问题。其次,从个体精英的角度,勾画了议员从代理人向代表、从受委托者向主权者角色的变迁。最后,从团体精英的.角度,揭示了政党的结构趋于寡头制和科层制,而政党的发展趋中集中和选择冻结。选举和代议制被精英民主的“理性化”重新构造。 作为宪政制度的渊源,英国选举制度的理论和实践具有典范的意义。从英国的经验中,论文建构了代议制理论的基本构架。代议制的历史渊源是中古时期英国王室为了纳税召集的会议。代议制的理论前提是人民主权。在实现人民主权的问题上,代议制形成了独立的理论,并通过各种选举制度得以实践。代议制内在的局限,即选民对代表的控制不能问题,在现代发展为精英民主理论。对这个问题的探索,可能生长出新的民主观念。

【Abstract】 The paper outlines the history, construction and theory of the British electoral system .through which, it discusses a core problem of political science, that is, the framing and developing of the theory of representation.After introducing the main issue and theoretical approaches, the first chapter traces the development of British system of election. In the early 12th century, the first constitutional regulation of election, the principle of free election, originated in the 5 circuit,No.1 WESTMINSTER ACT. In the period of aristocracy, the early system of election, influenced by the factors like tribe democracy, revenge of blood relation, economic factor, legal tradition and aristocracy tradition, acted as a tool for game between the king and the aristocracy. From the industry revolution to the end of 20th century, also in the reform of constitution, the capitalism took the place of feudalism, and the idea of representation spread widely, as resulted in the great progress of system of election in the principles. Up to now, the party politics and feminism movement helps to shape the modern simple majority system of election.The British electoral system consists of 2 parts, one is the congre.ss election,the other is local election. This paper focuses on the former. It briefly introduces the system in 7 procedures:the distribution of constituency, registration of electors, to nominee the candidate,the election funding, voting , calculation of ballots and electoral sue. The material is not only from the congressional law, but also from the convention of party behavior.The third chapter tries to answer why the modern election occurred earliest in Britain?from the viewpoint of historical thoughts, the paper concludes the doctrine of popular sovereignty is the guiding idea of modern election. It gave a new explanation for the legitimacy of government power, that is, government power originates from the popular consent. The electoral system is the realization of popular sovereignty. Given the limitation of scale, representation, but not the direct democracy, is more reasonabl. The paper discusses two problems related, the concept of popularity and the majority principle. The former one has such three stages as classical community, thepeople in the widespread process of right,and the abstract concept of people , which applies to the increasing of British voters. Though meeting many critics, the majority principle has been widely adopted. While obeying it, the British electoral system minimize the requirement of legitimacy and maximize the needs of ruling ability.The question of the fourth chapter is why the Britain chooses the simple majority system. Based on the discussion of Diverger’s study of party and election, the paper compare all the three main electoral systems, including the relative plurality system, the proportional representation system and the mixed or hybrid system, which is also an important part of the theory of representation. Added with the Britain-characteristic factors, the paper brings up four points to answer the question above, that is, firstly, neither of the system had the unalternative reason in the system itself, instead, their advantages depend; secondly, the constitutional framework and idea (the congress sovereignty, the cabinet system, the two party system and the electoral system ) chooses it; thirdly, the conservative tradition maintains it; fourthly, the motivation of reform is not enough.The following chapter explores the developments of the British electoral system and the theory of representation, it is summarized as the elitism democracy. The paper reviews the theory of elitism democracy, studies some problems concerned, and applies it to analyze the actor in the election, which accordingly discloses the change of the representative from the agent to the delegate, and the bureaucratic tendency of the party structure and history. As the origination of constitutionalism, the British electoral system is typical to be the case to study the theory of representati

  • 【分类号】D956.1
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】3585

