

【作者】 何宗强

【导师】 王缉思;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 国际政治学, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 美国是一个宗教气氛浓厚且宗教多元的国家,宗教的存在及其变化对于美国政治一直发挥着重要的影响。六十年代以来,伴随美国国内社会政治的剧烈变化,美国宗教群体的政治倾向和政治参与程度都有了很大的变化,并对美国的政党政治、国内政策产生了一定的影响。鉴于冷战之后国内政治对于外交政策影响上升的趋势,其国内社会的变化也必然反映到对外关系中。对于我国来说,美国的国际地位和影响力决定了在很长的时间内它将是我国最大的和战略对手。深入研究美国国内社会政治的变化,对于正确判断美国外交政策的走向,前瞻性、综合性地制订中国对美政策,对于维护中国的国家安全、扩大对外交往、实现国家统一等,无疑具有较强的现实意义。同时,这一研究还具有一定的理论价值。七十年代以来,世界各地出现的宗教政治化趋势,以及美国国内因宗教问题而发生的政治冲突和争斗,引起了国内学术界的重视,出现了一些有价值的研究成果。但是,与宗教问题在美国的重要性相比,这些研究还显得不够,尤其是在理论阐述方面国内还没有进行专门性的研究。因此,对于宗教与美国政治关系进行一般意义上的抽象,是笔者着手进行这项研究的基本出发点。 本文的研究以辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义为指导,理论研究与实证分析相结合、历史研究与现状分析相结合,充分吸收和借鉴宗教学、政治学的相关研究成果,进行跨学科的研究。从宗教与国家政治、宗教与群体行为两个角度,综合论述宗教与美国政治的关系。 全文的主体部分共分为七章: 第一章,旨在提出较为明晰的分析框架。首先,阐明宗教在美国社会中的地位。从组织、实践、观念三方面来看,宗教在美国社会中仍然具有广泛的影响。宗教能够满足人们群体的文化的认同需求,而且宗教独立于政治、宗教多元竞争,共同造就了宗教的兴盛。其次,提出影响宗教群体政治参与的主要因素。宗教价值观的引导、教会和宗教群体利益为宗教参与政治提供了动力;三权分立、联邦制、选举制提供了机遇;教会的精神号召力、教会组织能力和培养政治人才的能力共同为宗教参与政治提供了资源基础。 第二章,探讨宗教与政治文化之间的关系。通过分析清教在北美殖民地社会政治实践中的地位与作用,以及神学契约论与有限忠诚政府论、原罪说与有限政府论、以及国民宗教与政治道德化传统之间的思想联系,指出宗教促进了美国政治文化的形成。 第三章,探讨教会与政府的关系。通过辨析有关教会与政府关系的宪法基本原则及其形成背景,分析这一原则的历史演变轨迹和促动因素,以及有关宗教问题的宪法争论及其性质,指出六十年代以来宗教影响上升的趋势没有导致政教分离和信教自由原则及其政教关系现实的根本变化;围绕宪法的争论没有超越分离派和协调派的传统之争。 第四章,探讨宗教与公共政策之间的关系。通过分析宗教群体的政治策略与方法,以及宗教对于决策者行为和政策的影响,指出宗教所拥有的道德号召力、组织能力为其进行政治动员提供了基础,三权分立制度、选举制为其施加影响提供了多种途径;决策者的政治行为体现了宗教价值观的影响,尽管这一影响因人因事存在着差异;从公共政策的一般特点,到具体政簧的形成过程,都带有宗教影响的痕迹,当这一政策涉及社会价值观时更是如此。 第五章,探讨宗教与群体政治倾向之间的关系。首先按民族经历、信仰体系、种族构成的综合标准将美国公众划分为天主教、犹太教、主流新教、福音新教、黑人新教、非信教者六大群体。分析各大群体在政治认同、政治问题、“社会”问题三方面的倾向及其形成原因,指出不同宗教群体的政治倾向具有不同的特点,且某一宗教群体在政治倾向的不同层次上也存在着不同的倾向。宗教群体的社会地位、教会与群体利益、宗教价值观是影响宗教群体政治倾向的主要因素。 第六章,探讨福音新教的政治参与。重点分析了福音新教政治参与的历史演变及其影响,指出六十年代以来人们对于社会道德水平下降的不满是基督教右翼逐步兴起的重要诱因。为了推动政府制定与其宗教价值观相一致的政策,基督教右翼与共和党结成盟友,并逐渐改变了宗教参与者所特有的政治道德化方式。在基督教右翼运动的兴起过程中,群体社会地位的上升、教会功能的扩大、保守的宗教价值观起了重要的推动作用。基督教右翼运动的政治影响表现在:它得到了社会公众包括福音新教内部一定程度的支持;福音新教群体对于共和党支持率上升,加强了共和党的实力;在与共和党合作方面,由于观念及目标上的分歧,基督教右翼运动不得不对自身的政策主张加以限制,同时基督教右翼的加入也使共和党难以形成统一的竟选纲领;宗教右翼与共和党的结盟使得基督教右翼主张限制堕胎和公立学校祈祷的政策主张得到了部分实现。 第七章,扼要分析其它宗教群体政治参与。传统上,天主教由于教会和群体对于东欧国家天主教徒命运的关注、社会地位的不安全感、以及反对“解放主义”的宗教价值观,它坚持政治保守主义立场,这尤其表现在支持美国的对外军事干预方面。但为获取经济利益与民主党结

【Abstract】 The United States of America is a multi-religion country with a strong religious color. The existence and changes of religions have been exerting important influence on the politics of the United States. Ever since the 1960s, the political inclination and participation of the religious groups in the United States have changed greatly in accordance with the radical domestic social and political changes, which have played an important role in the U.S. party politics and the making of the domestic policies. Now that the influence of domestic politics on foreign policies has been increasing since the end of the Cold War, the social changes will surely be reflected hi foreign relations. The United States, with its position and influence hi the world, will be China’s strongest strategic competitor for a long time in the future. The study of the domestic social and political changes is of great significance for China to make correct judgment of the trend of the U.S. foreign policy, to make perspective and comprehensive policy towards the United States, to maintain her national security, to enlarge her foreign exchanges, and to reunite the whole country. Meanwhile, this study has also some theoretical value. The politicization of religions became popular in the world after the 1970s. The political conflicts caused by domestic religious issues draw the attention of some of the scholars in the United States. Some valuable research papers and books were published. Nevertheless, the researches seemed insufficient compared with the importance of the religious issues, what’s more, there was no theoretical exposition in China. Therefore, theoretical research will contribute to the thorough grasp of the relation between religions and politics, and better understanding of the political changes in the United States.The main research method of this dissertation is a combination of theoretical research and positive analysis and a combination of historical study and analysis of current affairs. This dissertation, assimilating and using the related achievements in religious and political studies, expounds comprehensively the relationship between religion and politics from the viewpoint of politics, religion and group behavior.The main body of this dissertation consists of seven chapters.Chapter One sets up a clear frame for the research. First, it explains the social status of religion. With organization, practice and ideology in consideration, religions still play an important role in American society and can meet people’s desire for cultural identity. The independence of religions from politics and the competition among multiple religions gave rise to the flourishing of religions. Secondly, it puts forward the factors that influenced the political participation of the religious groups. Guided by the religious value, the interests of the churches and religious groups served as the motive for the participation in politics.Chapter Two inquiries into the social and political position and role of the Puritans in North American colony and the relations between the Puritan’s value and the theories of limited government, limited loyalty to the government, etc.. It also points out that religion is an important factor in the forming of American political culture. However, its influence is limited because other political thoughts and practical interests also played an important role in the forming of American political system and culture.Chapter Three analyzes the changes and its promoting effect and the constitutional debate on religious issues after the 1960s and its nature by analyzing the basic principles of the U.S. constitution concerning the relations between religion and the government and the ideological background against which these principles were formed. It also points out that the increase of the rise of religion did not lead to radical changes of the related principles of the U.S. constitution and the debate on the constitution did not go beyond the traditional scope.Chapter Four, by analyzing the political

  • 【分类号】D771.2
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】3258

