

【作者】 张丰乾

【导师】 王葆玹;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 哲学, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 《文子》和《淮南子》的关系问题,《文子》的成书年代问题,以及文子和平王的身世问题,涉及到先秦以至魏晋时代的思想史格局,自柳宗元以来就是困扰学术界的难题,见仁见智,莫衷一是。导致了思想史上《文子》一书不知该放到何处的尴尬,对于《文子》中究竟有什么值得注意的思想也一直是一个疑问。竹简《文子》的出土及其释文的发表,引起了当代学界的关注,取得了不少重要的成果,但是也带来了更多的争论,在一些关键性的问题上鲜有突破性的进展,以至于有的学者提出解决这些问题的条件是否还不够成熟。本论文力求以竭泽而渔式的探赜索隐,比较细致和深入地探讨这些问题。 通过大量文献比照分析,本论文认为竹简本《文子》与今本虽然有前后相因的关系,但二者从形式到内容相去甚远,不能笼统地相提并论。《淮南子》和《文子》的关系是很清楚的,《淮南子》有可能称引而不是抄袭了古本《文子》,今本《文子》却大量抄袭了《淮南子》。讨论《文子》的思想,应该以竹简本为基础。竹简《文子》以帝王之功为着眼点,以道为根据,以德仁义礼“四经”为原则,以天地万物尤其是天下民众为治理的对象,以执一无为为法,力主圣智之道,融合道、儒、墨、兵各家的思想,而以道家理论为基础,提出了一系列的治国方针。其对于“道”、对于“德”的解释,“四经”说、“五兵”、“执一无为”说等等都是极具特色的思想,在多个方面丰富和发展了道家理论,理应受到充分重视。老子之后,道家学派可以研判为“贵法”、“贵德”、“贵己”、“贵虚” 、“贵安”、“贵真”六派。竹简《文子》属于其中的“贵德”派,是融会贯通的典范。本论文对“道德”、“圣智”作了重点训释。通过帝王、天地和祭礼,以“无化”来解释“无为”,认为“无为”一方面是避免“化物”,另一方面是避免“物化”。对于竹简《文子》的撰作年代,本论文根据可靠的线索,认为它最有可能是汉初的道家作品。由此推断,“文子”与“平王”皆属于托名无疑。文中也指出了“文子”与田文、齐学与道家的特殊关系。凡此种种,都证明竹简《文子》在学术史和思想史上都具有不可替代的地位。 本论文注意总结哲学史层累的前提和途径,初步提出了“训诂哲学”的方法,这两个方面,决定了本论文的框架。文中指出,在《老子》之外,几乎所有战国中后期以来的哲学著作都和竹简《文子》有或多或少的关联。由此可见,各种文献构成了一个千丝万缕的网络,某种思想不可能“从天上掉下来”,在文献网络中,总能够找到它的源和流。地下文献和传世文献实际上是互为证据,要尽可能地对照彼此的异同,而不要轻言谁等同于谁或者谁应该取代谁。同时,把古书看成整钢一块的习惯是需要检讨的,一字一句有时候可以代表全书,有时候却不能,需要根据具体的情况仔细斟酌。在作者之外,还需要特别重视“编者”的作用。

【Abstract】 What kind of relationship between Wen Zi and Huai Nan Zi. When Wen Zi had been written, and Who is Wenzi and Pingwang(King Ping), all these problems are related to the whole developing pattern of Chinese philosophy from pre-Qin to WeiJin Times. However, there had been so much divergence that scholars can’t put Wen Zi to the history of Chinese philosophy correctly when they argued about these items since Liu Zongyuan. At the same time, there always had been many doubts and suspicious about the thought of Wen Zi?Contemporary scholars have paid lots of attention of the bamboo edition of Wen Zi and achieved some important fruits with so heated arguments and more complex questions that some scholars don’t think these problems can be resolved under current conditions since it was excavated and published. This article make great efforts to go deep discussion into all these knotty problems in details by a method of "draining the pond to get all the fish".By basically and profoundly comparing and analysing of a large number of texts, this article argues that the bamboo and current edition of Wen Zi shouldn’t be regard as the same text, in spite of they have some thread of succession.The relationship between Hen Zi and Huai Nan Zi is clear. Huai Nan Zi may quoted some opinions of the ancient edition of Wen Zi, however, the current edition of Wen Zi duplicated lots of Huai Nan Zi. The bamboo edition should be taken as a foundation when we discusses the thought of Wen // and it put forward a system of political philosophy and achieved perfect harmony by mix important schools such as Confucius, Mohism. Military(Bing Jia) together according the standpoint of Taoists. There are many important and interesting thoughts such as the Way (Dao,道). the Virtue (De, 德), Saint & Wisdom(Shengzhi.圣智).Four principles (Sijing,四经), Five Kinds of War ( Wubing, 五兵) .Grasping the Unity and No Action (Zhiyi Wuwei. 执一无为), which developed theory of Taoists in main ways in Wen Zi. On the opinion of this article, it is difficult to equate the school of Hanglao with Taoists named by Si Matan in his famous article On Gist of Six schools(Lun Liu Jia Yao Zhi,论六家要旨) , Taoists can be divided into six branches Which holding in high esteem on Virtue (De , 德), Law(Fa ,法), Self(Ji, 己). Empty(Xu,虚),Tranquil(An, 安). Truth(Zhen, 真) in their own way after Lao Zi, and bamboo Wen Zi had high regard for Virtue (De ,德). This dissertation gives special annotation of the Way (Dao, 道), the Virtue (De,德), and Saint &Wisdom(Shengzhi.圣智). it annotates No Action ( Wuwei, 无为) as No melting(Wuhua,无化) that means don’t melt the other things as well as don’t be melted by other things. This dissertation discriminates clearly that early Han Dynasty is the time of bamboo Wen Zi had been written by discovering and judging one kind of important institution named Chaoqing(be present at court ontime), thus both Wenzi and Pingwang(King Ping) belong to forging names undoubtedly. It also points out the possible connection of Tianwen and Wenzi, and emphasizes the special relation of School of Qi(齐学) and Taoists. All these aspects have proved that bamboo Wen Zi has an important place in the history of traditional Chinese Academy and Thought.This article attaches weightiness to the premises and ways of the historical accumulating of philosophy and advances a method of Annotation Philosophy . Its structure is determined by the two aspects mentioned above. It also stresses that almost all philosophy texts have connection with bamboo Wen Zi more or less from middle and later time of the War State besides Lao Zi?The phenomenon of Wen Zi inspires us that each text always has a certain position in the net of historical documents.

  • 【分类号】B22
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】688

