

【作者】 沈宗武

【导师】 靳辉明;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 斯大林模式是斯大林执政时期苏联缔造起来的社会主义模式,它在世界社会主义发展史上占有极重要的地位,历来是学术研究的难点和学术争论的焦点。自1956年非斯大林化运动以后,对斯大林及斯大林模式的评价就成为国际共产主义运动内部以及世界东西方政治思想界激烈交锋的热门话题。苏东剧变后,这一话题再度被热炒,斯大林模式的是非及其与苏联解体的关系成了国内外理论研究的热点,斯大林模式及其理念又成为西方反共思潮的主要攻击目标。对于这个难题,本论文运用马克思主义的立场、观点和方法,从落后国家现代化的新角度,即从工业化的启动和进展、生产方式的变革、政党制度的嬗变、意识形态的更新、文化传统的传承和人民群众文化水平的提高等角度,借鉴社会心理学、制度经济学和发展社会学等学科的方法进行跨学科研究。 在廓清“社会形态、社会制度与社会模式”、“斯大林模式与斯大林体制”、“斯大林模式与苏联模式”、“斯大林模式与斯大林主义”、“斯大林模式与斯大林时期苏联的社会运动、社会问题”、“斯大林模式与斯大林个人的社会活动”、“社会主义模式的一般性与斯大林模式的个性”等7组概念的区别的基础上,本论文扼要地阐明了重评斯大林模式的意义和方法,然后分五章剖析斯大林模式形成的社会条件和思想根源、斯大林的社会主义理论、斯大林模式的基本特征、斯大林模式的历史作用及其弊端和斯大林模式对世界的影响,对斯大林模式作出了全面系统的评价。本论文认为: 斯大林模式的诞生是苏联现代化进程上不得不进行的体制转轨。当时国内严峻的社会危机和国际上的风云变幻使苏联社会产生了停止实行相对分散的新经济政策的客观要求,为了巩固苏维埃政权,为了积极备战,为了建成社会主义和实现赶超西方发达资本主义国家的理想,高度集中的斯大林模式应运而生。综观斯大林模式诞生和实行的情况,以斯大林为首的联共(布)中央领导人对马克思列宁主义的理解和运用、俄罗斯独特的民族意识和文化传统、斯大林个人的思维方式三者是斯大林模式诞生的思想根源。 斯大林的社会主义理论,是他在领导苏联人民保卫和发展社会主义的实践中产生的,具有强烈的现实针对性。在分析列宁逝世后俄共(布)党内关于一国能否建成社会主义、工业化和农村问题的争论,揭示二十年代中、后期苏联国内阶级状况的新变化基础上,本论文认为,斯大林的一国建成社会主义论及其社会主义工业化、农业集体化、阶级斗争和指令性计划经济体制理论等的产生都具有一定的现实性,这些理论是引导苏联人民在孤立无助的处境中积极进行社会主义建设的思想武器。不可否认,斯大林社会主义理论的逻辑结构不够严整,有些还存在着明显的缺陷。斯大林时期苏联出现的过失与这些缺陷是相关的,肃反扩大化的发生与斯大林阶级斗争理论不无关系,苏联农业长期发展滞后与斯大林农业集体化理论也是有关的。但是,总的讲,鉴于当时特定的历史条件,对斯大林社会主义理论的评价,不应拘泥于对其理论逻辑严整性的分析,而应到社会实践中去探求。尽管这些理论存在不足,但它们满足了社会的要求,总体上是推动了社会发展的。 斯大林模式的基本特征是高度集中,这在经济、政治和文化体制三方面都有着明确的表现。在经济上,苏联建立了单一的生产资料公有制,运用行政手段执行指令性计划,对工农业生产及工农业产品的分配和流通都进行了高度集中的管理。在这种经济体制内部,联共(布)和中央政府通过国家计划委员会对全社会的经济活动进行了全面控制,经济发展自身的规律受到排斥。在政治上,苏联实行了权力高度集中的一党领导制度,执政党内权力高度集中于党中央,联盟中央对各加盟共和国进行了强有力的领导,通过安全机关大力加强无产阶级专政的镇压职能。在联共(布)的权力结构中,党的全国代表大会是党的最高权力机关,在其休会期间党的领导权由中央委员会行使,在中央委员会休会期间党的政治事务由政治局及其日常办事机构书记处处理。对此,本论文认为,只要坚决贯彻民主集中制,保证党的代表大会对中央委员会和政治局、书记处的领导,这些现象乃是政治生活的正常情况,而不是政治体制的弊端。在文化上,苏联通过政治批判构造一元化意识形态,国家对文化教育和科研事业都进行了高度集中的管理。经济、政治、文化体制在实践中产生互动,使整个社会都具备了高度集中的特征。 比较科学社会主义的本质特征与斯大林模式的基本特征可见,斯大林模式是社会主义的一种模式,它具有社会主义制度的一般性,也具有自身的个性。斯大林模式在实践中发 。;:~挥了重大作用,它使苏联打败德国法西斯,使苏联在现代化的进程上取得非凡成就。从落后国家现代化的角度看,斯大林模式在推进工业化,提高国家的综合实力和社会的文化科学水平等方面都取得了辉煌成就。由斯大林领导开创的实行计划经济体制和优先发展重工业的现代化道路,是人类历史上与英国开创的资本主义现代化途径并列的另一种现代化途径,尽管这种途径具有一定的时代局限性,但它在苏联所取得的举

【Abstract】 This thesis has fully analyzed and evaluated Stalin Mode from the view of underdeveloped country’s modernization, that is from the points of industrialization’s initiation and development, production mode’s transformation and party system’s evolution. This thesis argues that:Birth of Stalin Mode is an inevitable result of system transformation in Soviet modernization process. At that time, severer domestic social crisis added with a fluctuant disable international environment produced objective requests to stop implementation of New Economic Policies. Under such a circumstance, highly centralized Stalin Mode was bom to consolidate Soviet regime, actively prepare for war and realize the dream to surpass Hesperian developed capitalist countries. With overview of Stalin Mode’s generation and implementation, the ideological origin of Stalin Mode deeply roots in three contributing elements: comprehension and application of Marxism and Leninism by Soviet leadership with Stalin as the head, unique ethical ideology and cultural traditions of Russia as well as personal thinking way of Stalin.Featured by strong pertinence to reality, the socialist theory of Stalin was once an effective ideological weapon equipped by Soviet people to carry out socialist construction in an isolated and helpless environment. It shall be admitted that the socialist theory of Stalin is not so perfect in its logical structure. However, study and evaluation on Stalin’s socialist theory shall not be constrained to rigorous analysis on its theoretic logic perfection. Instead, the research must be put into context of social practices. Although defects exist in these theories, they met social requirements of that time and had really facilitated Soviet social development.Basic characteristic of Stalin Mode is high centralization. In economics, Soviet Union established instructive planned economic system, that is to conduct highly-centralized management on production, products’ allocation and circulation both in agriculture and industry. In politics, USSR began to practise highly-centralized party leadership, that is to enhance repression role of proletarian dictatorship through security agencies. In cultures, USSR constructed centralized ideology with measures of political animadversion. Thus the economic system, political system and cultural system had generated interaction between each other so as to bring the feature of high centralization to the whole society.Stalin Mode had once played a significant role in practices, which enabled USSR to defeat German Fascism and gain incredible achievements in modernization process. Under promotion of Stalin Mode, USSR had accomplished modernized process using only tens of years while thecapitalist countries had expended hundreds of years so that USSR grew into a powerful industrial country from a lagged agricultural country. Of course, it is incontestable that serious intrinsic abuses lie in Stalin Mode. In economics, instructive planned economic system cannot promote a healthy economic development for long time. In politics, political system of Stalin mode had degenerated from high centralization to immoderate centralization so that social correction mechanism had lost its functions and various kinds of destruction to democracy and law appeared more and more, hi cultures, simplified, formulized management had repressed intrinsic development law of human culture and science and thus severely affected the healthy development of cultural cause.Stalin Mode not only produced direct influence to international socialism movement, but also gave out a strong blow to the economic and political pattern of the capitalist countries and even to that of the world. Throughout the world, due to Stalin Mode, a long-time confrontation between two camps of the world was formed in the 20th century.To sum up, gain of this thesis is not limited to advantage-disadvantage analysis of Stalin Mode, but on embodiment comment of these advantages and disadvantages as well as analysis and evaluation of this kind of typi

【关键词】 斯大林模式是与非现代化
  • 【分类号】K512
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】5088

