

【作者】 范力

【导师】 张卓元;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 产业经济学, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 世纪之交,人类社会正发生着重大而深刻的变化,国际格局多极化态势更加明显,和平与发展主题下仍有诸多动荡不安,经济全球化趋势持续发展,综合国力竞争日益激烈,同时随着我国加入WTO,这些既为我们进一步融入世界经济开辟了崭新的天地,也给我国国民经济的继续快速、稳定、协调发展提供了难得的机遇和巨大的挑战。本文以确保新形势下我国国防安全和经济安全、完善我国社会主义市场经济条件下的宏观调控体系为目标,以我国国家实物储备调控机制为研究对象,系统分析了国家实物储备的基础理论、储备与市场、政府的辩证关系、国家实物储备的稳定与调控机制,并在此基础上结合我国实际国情,对我国的国家粮食储备、石油储备、其它重要战略物资储备(概称为物资储备)做出进一步的实证分析,提出有针对性的政策建议。 本文共分为六章,分别为:第一章储备、政府与市场;第二章国家储备稳定机制分析;第三章国家储备调控机制分析;第四章国家粮食储备调控机制实证分析;第五章国家石油储备调控机制实证分析;第六章国家物资储备调控机制实证分析。 第一章主要阐述了储备、国家储备、国家实物储备的含义、内容、具体储备品种以及国家实物储备的重要作用。在概括介绍国家储备的历史沿革和世界各国发展现状的基础上,分析了国家储备与市场和政府之间的内在联系,指出正是由于大量“市场失灵”现象的存在,客观需要作为政府重要干预手段之一的国家储备干预对其进行矫正。同时指出,在长期计划经济条件下建立和发展起来的我国各类国家实物储备体系,在管理、运营机制、运作方式方面也存在“政府失灵”的问题,必须严格限定国家储备干预的范围,采取科学、适度的干预方式,提高运作效率,从而对其加以矫正。本章结尾总括提出应在市场机制有效配置资源的基础上,发挥国家储备干预的作用,将市场机制和储备干预有机结合起来,使它们在各自所适合的领域内恰如其分的发挥作用。从而为以后各章的进一步研究奠定了总体原则和理论基础。 第二章主要是通过对国家实物储备国家战略性、后备性和社会保险性的理论分析,论述了其对国家国防安全、经济安全的重要意义,并结合新形势下我国具体的国防安全和经济安全状况,指出应及早建立和完善适合我国具体国情的科学的重要战略资源的国家储备稳定机制,作为提高应急保障能力的重大战略措施,以确保我国国防安全和经济安全的基础和环境不受破坏和潜在威胁,避免因战争等突发性事件造成重要资源的供应中断或供应急剧减少而对社会经济造成巨大冲击。 第三章辨析了以货币、财政政策为主的传统宏观调控手段的局限所在,及我国转轨经济条件下宏观调控体系的特殊局限性。提出国家实物储备的功能不应局限于保障国家安全这一领域,还应成为政府宏观调控的有效手段,作为传统宏观调控体系的有益补充,应充分发挥其自身调控优势,与财政、货币政策等传统的宏观调控手段相互协调、统筹安排、科学配合,进一步完善我国政府宏观调控体系。并在此基础上,确定了我国国家实物储备调控机制的总体指导原则,提出了构建“大储备调控体系”等完善我国储备调控机制的具体政策建议。 第四章主要针对我国国家粮食储备调控机制这一具体领域进行专题实证研究。阐述了国家粮食储备的含义、内容及其在国家粮食安全中的重要作用,并进一步指出科学合理的国家粮食储备是政府调节粮食市场供求、进行宏观调控的有效载体和基本工具。系统分析了我国国家粮食储备制度的沿革和现状,比较研究了美国、日本、前苏联和印度等国的粮食储备体制。在此基础上,提出应合理确定我国专储粮的规模,进一步调整专储粮库存的布局和结构,本着储备与经营分开的原则建立和完善更为灵活的储备粮调控运作机制,同时加快完善中央和地方两级粮食储备体系,促进粮食储备的社会化,从而逐步建立健全我国国家粮食储备的宏观调控机制。 第五章主要针对我国国家石油储备调控机制这一具体领域进行专题实证研究。系统分析了石油储备在确保国家政治、经济安全特别是能源安全中的重要作用,并结合国际和我国具体的石油供求状况,指出随着对进口石油依赖程度的加大,我国的石油安全己存在受制于人的潜在危机,必须尽快建立国家石油储备体系,充分发挥其保障能源安全、调节石油供求、进行宏观调控的重要作用。在借鉴美、日两国先进石油储备管理体制和运作模式的基础上,结合我国具体国情,提出了建立我国国家石油储备体系的总体原则、资金来源、具体的储备规模、结构和布局,以及科学合理的管理体制、调控运作模式等。\ 第六章主要针对我国国家物资储备调控机制这一具体领域进行专题实证研究,主要阐述了国家物资储备的含义、内容,以及我国国家物资储备的发展沿革和具体现状。在此基础上,充分借鉴了美国、日本和前苏联等几个主要国家物资储备体制的有益经验,指出应深化改革仍带有传统计划经济色彩的我国国家物资储备体制,根据社会主义市场经济的要求和调节相关基础商品供求、有效进行宏观调控的需要,进一步完善我国国家物资储备调控机制

【Abstract】 At the turn of the century the whole world is undertdeng profound changes,such as the intensified intemational multi-polarization, colltinual confliCts in the mainstream of peace and developmefit, continuous economical globalization, and moret severe competition on comprehensive national power. China’s accession to WTOoffes both oppohanities and challenges to the fusion into global economic- community The thesis focuses on the adjustInent mechanism of national reserves inkind, aiming to ensure china’s national defense and economic security and tocomplete the’ macro-adjusAnent mechanism in socialist marketing economy Itprovides analysis on the basic theories of national reserves in kind as well as relationsamong reserves, markct and govermeni. Howevee the stability on national reservesin kind and macro-adjustment mechanism are also concerned. The monograPhicanalysis on grain reserves, oil storage, material reserves will be initiated to give theconsmictive suggestions based on the reality of China’s national powerThe thesis is composed of six chaPters. Reserves, market and governmentaladministration for chaPter one, analysis on stabilized mechanism of nationa1 reservesfor chapter tWo, analysis on macro-adjusAnent system of national reserves for chaPterthree; analysis on macro-adjustment system of national grain reserves for chaPter fOur,analysis on maero-adjusAnCfl system of national oil storage for chaPter five, analysison macro-adjusAnent systern of national material reserves fOr chaPter six.ChaPter one offers definitions on reserves, nationa1 reserves, national reserves inkind, their contents, the detailed reserve varieties as well as the importance of thenational reserves in kind. Based on the brief illtrOduction of the historical evolvementand the current situation of national resewes, the thesis analyzes the illtemal relationbetWeen national reserve, markCt and govennnenial administration. It poinis out thatthe existence of "ineffectiveness of marketing" urges national reserve intervention,WhiCh acts as one of the main measures of the go venunental’ intervent ons, to correctit. It also poillts out that the national reserves -in kind system, formed under Chineseplanned economic system, is disnded by the means of administration, managemenand mechAnsm. As a result, the bound of the govemmedal intervention must beclarified to make them more scientific and efficient. At the end, the effectivecooperatons betWeen marketing and national reserves illtervention will beemphasized to make a profPund theoretic basis for further research.~ ChaPter tWo offer theorctical analysis on stTategic, reserving and insuring- Maspects of national reserves in kind to stress its imPortance on national defense and. economic security In accordance with the presen defense and economic securitysituation, the thesis concludes that the establishment and completion of strategicmaterial reserve and stabilized national material reserve is an important gUarantee ofemergency logistical caPacity It thus ensures national and economic security andavoids the dangerous threats to social economy from the shortage and break of thesignifican recourses in sudden accidents like wars.ChaPter three analyzes the limitations of the tfaditional macro-adjusAnentmechanism, in which the monetary and fiscal policies are dominated, and its peculiar t in China’s shifting economy. The thesis proposes that national reserves in kind should not be confined to the guarantee of national security, but be expanded as an effective tool for governmental macro adjustment and favorable supplement to cooperate with the traditional monetary and fiscal adjustment. Thus the macro-adjustment system could be further completed. Then the thesis offers the primal principles for national reserves in kind and raises some specific proposals for establishing "a grand reserve adjustment system".Chapter four offers analytic study on the specialized field of adjustme

  • 【分类号】F123
  • 【被引频次】24
  • 【下载频次】870

