

【作者】 赵亚夫

【导师】 徐蓝;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 世界史, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 本文论述了从1868年到1945年日本的国家主义、军国主义、法西斯主义国家政策的衍生和发展过程,并以此为背景,重点探讨了日本的国民教育在不同的历史时期军国主义化的内容与特点,揭示了战前日本的国民教育与近代天皇制的关系。 明治时期的国家主义初期带有“强国主义”的色彩,一方面对日本的近代化起过促进作用,另一方面它也是天皇主义和军国主义滋生的土壤。在确立近代化国家的过程中,政府与民间都最大程度地利用了天皇的“正统性和神权性”,也就是说,确立天皇制国家成了国家独立和实现富国强兵政策的前提,而国家主义则是天皇制国家意识形态的精髓。经过甲午战争和日俄战争,国家主义更突出地表现出国粹主义和排外主义的特征,并向极端国家主义演变。 1889年颁布的《大日本帝国宪法》和翌年颁布的《教育敕语》是近代天皇制国家确立的标志。以后,国家教育政策的重点是强调臣民理念。《教育敕语》把国家主义思想和复古主义的儒家道德彻底地结合起来,确定了臣民理应坚信的“教育渊源”,说明了“臣民之所以是臣民”道理。它还把封建的儒教主义与近代的立宪主义相融合,将天皇制军国主义贯穿其中,强调养成忠诚天皇即忠诚国家的意识。《大日本帝国宪法》和《教育敕语》规定了所有日本人的价值观,要求他们为了完成国家义务必须“舍己奉公”。对教育而言,所塑造的臣民必须无条件地服从国家意志,为天皇制国家去献身。“扶翼天壤无穷的皇运”就是国民道德的根本或说是基本的国民性格,近代化赋予国民的义务,也理所当然地围绕着这个根本去实现。换个角度说,正是因为“宪法”和“敕语”明确了天皇就是国家的主权代表,所以针对国家而言的一切国民道德准则,也必须归源于对天皇的信仰,这便是日本军国民教育的灵魂所在。 进入帝国主义时代以后,国家主义融于“国体明征”运动,变成为直接服务于战争体制的极端国家主义思潮,军国民教育以此为基础,其反动性在教育体制、教科书内容、臣民训导方式等方面被不断地深化。 第一次世界大战后,军国民教育进入成熟期。1917年临时教育会议在“兵式体操的建议”,针对国内、国际形势变化,提出了全面强化军国主义教育的方案。又利用《振作国民精神诏书》宣传“明征国体本义”,将军国主义教育通过“振作国民精神的教化总动员”运动,面向广大百姓,以图抵制自由主义和社会主义思想的影响。20世纪20年代是军国民教育的强化期。期间,内务省、文部省、陆军省三方联手不断加强对百姓的思想控制,设置“教育评议会”、“公民教育调查会”、“文政审议会”,发表《国体论史》、修改《教员审定规程》等,都是围绕“造就臣民”的目的。尤其是针对青少年学生的“学校实施军事教育案”、“设置武道课程案”以及《陆军现役将校学校配属令》、《青年训练所令》等,使军国民教育不仅成为教育主流,而且被制度化、具体化。并在“总体战”思想指导下, 为扩大战争准备一支庞大的准战斗力量,教育也随之走向全面反动。 另外,此时期公布的《治安维持法》、《兵役法》、《振兴家庭教育方案》等, 则把学校教育、家庭教育、社会教育与法律统合起来,使青年人在任何一个场所 获得的熏陶,都只能是军国主义的内容。军国主义在大正时期的演变与成熟,奠 定20世纪30年代法西斯主义主导国家生活的基础。 日本法西斯主义由民间到军部,到最终形成以军部为中心的法西斯国家政权 的过程,正是军国民教育义务化的过程。期间,1935年设置的“教学刷新评议会” 和 1937年设置的“教育审议会”,促进了这一过程的完成。 “五·一五事件”以后,日本的政党政治破产。“二·二六事件”以后,进入 “准战时体制”。天室制借助农本主义、家族主义和极端国家主义把侵略行为正当 化,用“八姑一宇”、“东亚新秩序”、“大东亚共荣圈”等口号,强调“归一天皇”。 “一君万民”的观念,军国民教育的核心也围绕着“国家改造”的宗旨,直接服 务于战争体制的需要。 第二次世界大战期间,在“国民总动员体制”下实施教育改革,全面推行“炼 成”教育,进而使青年学校义务化,并完成了法西斯教育的《国民学校令》。“国 民学校”的制度化,也是天皇制法西斯教育完成的标志。 天皇制法西斯主义使军国民教育彻底地融于各种反动思想的同时,也使军国“民教育走向崩溃。1945年 8月日本战败,天皇制法西斯主义体制解体,军国民教 育赖以生存的基础也随之瓦解。

【Abstract】 This thesis discusses the derivation and development of the Japanese national policies, Nationalism, Militarism and Fascism, from 1868 to 1945. According to this, this thesis inquires emphatically into the contents and characteristics of Militarism in the Japanese National Education at different historical periods, then reveals the relationship between The Prewar Citizen Education in Japan and The Modern Tenno System.The initial stage of Nationalism of The Meiji Period was endowed with "The Powerful-Nation Doctrine". On the one hand, it promoted the Modernization of Japan; on the other hand, it was also the soil of The Tenno Doctrine and The Militarism. In the course of the establishment of modern nation, the government and the nongovernment took advantage of The Nature of "Legitimacy and Theosophy" of The Nippo Tenno to a great extent. That is, the establishment of The Tenno System Nation became the premise for the nation independence and the realization of The "Nation-Enriching and Military-Strengthening" Policy, and Nationalism was the marrow of The Tenno System Nation ideology. Experienced The Sino-Japanese War and The Russo-Japanese War, Nationalism more outstandingly expressed out the characteristics of "The Quintessence of a Country" Doctrine and The Exclusivism, and turned to The Extreme Nationalism.The Big Japanese Constitution promulgated in 1889 and The Education Imperial Orders issued next year symbolized the establishment of The Modern Tenno System Nation. Later, The National Education Policy emphasized "The Common People under The Nippo Tenno" idea. The Education Imperial Orders combined The Nationalism Thought with The Reactionary Confucianism Morals thoroughly, and it formed "The Origin of Education" belief that the common people should hold firmly to, explained the reason why "The Common People under The Nippo Tenno are The Common People under The Nippo Tenno". Merged The Feudal Confucianism, The Modern Constitutionalism and The Militarism of The Tenno System, it emphasized the development of the idea of "Loyalty to The Nippo Tenno Means Loyalty to The Nation". The Big Japanese Constitution and The Education Imperial Orders stipulated the whole Japanese values, and requested they must self-sacrifice to the public benefits for fulfilling national obligations. As for education, the common people moulded from it must obey The National Will without preconditions, and must dedicate themselves to The Tenno System Nation. The "Devoting The Endless Tenno Fate" was the moral root of citizen or the basic citizen personality, so the duty of citizen endowed by Modernization also naturally revolved round this basic. In other words, just because "The Constitution" and "The Imperial Orders" made clear that The Nippo Tenno was the representative of national sovereignty, so all the national moral norm required the nation also was due to the belief in The NippoTenno, and this was just the soul of The Japanese National Education under The Militarism System.After entering The Imperialistic Times, Nationalism melted in The "Nation System Manifestation" Movement, and became the extremely nationalistic thoughts served directly The War System. Based on it, the reaction in The National Education under The Militarism System was deepened constantly through education system, textbook contents, and the common people education method etc.After World War I, The National Education under The Militarism System entered the mature period. "The Suggestion of Soldier Gymnastics" issued by The Stopgap Education Conference in 1917 put forward The "Strengthening Militarism Education Overall" Scheme in accordance with the changing situation home and abroad. Later, Japan advocated "Manifesting The Original Meaning of The National System" in The Imperial Orders of Invigorating The Citizen Spirits’, and propagated The Militarism Education to the common people through The "Instruction Mobilization of Invigorating The Citizen Spirits" Movement in order to boycott Liberalism and Socialistic Thought. The 1920s was the intensific

  • 【分类号】K313.4
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