

Investigations on Long Projectiles Penetrating into Concrete Targets

【作者】 徐建波

【导师】 林俊德;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 力学, 2001, 博士

【摘要】 用半经验分析方法和空腔膨胀解析分析模型,分别得出了弹体侵彻混凝土时侵彻阻力、侵彻深度与弹体结构、靶体特性参数和侵彻速度等主要影响因素的关系式。通过收集和分析国外实验数机,拟合出了强度系数S与混凝土强度σ的简单关系,并由此得到侵深半经验公式。空腔膨胀模型计算表明,弹头尖锐程度和靶的强度对侵深都有一定程度的影响。 分析表明,如果缩比模型利原型弹靶材料一样,弹体形状几何相似,且忽略尺寸效应时,侵深符合几何相似律。但是如果缩比系数很大,因为存在由尺寸效应引起的应变率效应和断裂尺寸效应强烈,分析弹靶的承载强度时不能忽略尺寸效应的影响,同时侵深的几何相似律不成立。 在气炮上,用小尺寸模型弹进行了侵深与速度、侵深与弹体质量、侵深与靶强度关系的实验。实验数据表明:(1)柱形空腔膨胀模型计算结果比实验值偏高,但是变化趋势基本与实验曲线一致。利用球形空腔膨胀模型,认为靶是可以压缩的计算结果比实测结果偏大,但变化趋势与实测曲线的一致性良好。(2)由半经验分析法得到的侵深经验公式能较好预估射弹的侵彻深度。(3)小比例模型实验间存在良好的几何相似性。 分析了侵地战斗部的爆炸、爆破、震动三种主要毁伤效应,可根据这三种效应来评估武器毁伤能力。 通过对原有气炮的大规模改造,建立了一个比较完整的气炮侵彻实验系统,为进一步研究侵深规律、弹体材料与结构、侵彻防扩结构、弹内引信生存、装药结构等创造了实验条件。

【Abstract】 The relationships among penetration resistance, penetration depth, projectile shapes, concrete properties and penetrating velocity are analyzed approximately by means of semi-empirical methods and cavity-expansion penetration models. By collecting and analyzing Forrestal’s penetrating experiments data, a simple relation expression between concrete strength constant S and concrete strength a is obtained. Our experiments indicate that if the S obtained from the expression is substituted into the penetrating depth equation deduced from the semi-empirical method, a good agreement with experimental penetrating depth will be received.A series of scaling penetrating experiments have been conducted on gas guns, and penetrating depth curves have been fitted to experimental data. Comparing predicted depth curves from cavity-expansion models with experimental depth curves, it can be find that the two kinds of depth curve have a similar trend, but the predicted depth value is larger than the experimental depth value slightly. Using cavity-expansion models to analyze the penetration process, we find that the sharpness of a projectile head and concrete strength will affect the penetrating depth notably.The similarity between prototype and model experiments is analyzed theoretically. The analysis indicates if the size effects are neglected, prototypes and models are built up in same material, and prototypes and models are similar in geometry, the penetrating depth will accord with scaling law. But if the size effects mayn’t be neglected, the tenability of scaling law will be imperfect. Because of the stress ratio effect and fracture size effect induced by size effects, the capability of anti-fracture of a prototype is lower than that of a model. This implies that when the studying goal is at the limited structural strength of a penetrator or a target, the size effects should be taken into account, and the credibility of a prototype shouldn’t be deduced from model experiments directly.Three main damage effects of earth penetrating warheads, including explosion, blasting and earthquake, are analyzed respectively. These analyzing results will be useful to evaluate the destroy effects of earth penetrating weapons.A penetrating experimental system based on gas guns had been built up. This system not only has been used to conduct penetrating experiments successfully, but also will be used to conduct the advance experimental studies on penetration and protection, penetrator structure, fuse survival, charge configuration and so on.

  • 【分类号】O385
  • 【被引频次】28
  • 【下载频次】885

