

The TCM Literature and the Syndrome Treatment Regular Rule Research on Epiagstric Pain

【作者】 何永

【导师】 田代华;

【作者基本信息】 山东中医药大学 , 中医文献, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 本文通过文献研究与统计分析相结合的方法,探求胃脘痛治疗的新规律和新方法。首先,运用文献学方法,收集古今文献,系统分析胃脘痛的病名演革、病因、病机、辨证、治则、方药和现代实验研究,力求从整体认识胃脘痛辨证论治的发展规律,并为今后的研究提供文献学基础。其次,运用统计学方法,从方药的角度,分析研究宋前、金元、明代、清代各个历史时期和中医学整体上对胃脘痛的证治规律和特点。通过分析统计结果,结合文献研究和中医药理论,重新认识胃脘痛的病机属性为“本虚标实”。脾胃的生理特点,决定了胃脘痛本虚的病机属性;“脾胃虚无定体”的病理特点,决定了胃脘痛临床多表现为标实的证候类型。提出在临证治疗中必须分清标本,虚实兼顾,而以恢复脾的运化升清和胃的通降功能为目的。第三,结合中医体质学说,提出了胃脘痛辨病因、病位、体质相结合的辨证论治新体系。根据胃脘痛的病机属性,对胃脘痛证候类型进行了重新分类。第四,结合中医临床的现状和现代医学的发展,对辨病和辨证相结合的意义进行了讨论,分析了两种辨病和辨证相结合的模式的优缺点及其对中医胃脘痛辨证论治理论发展的影响。第五,结合不同体质,提出了调理体质以预防胃脘痛发病的方法。第六,指出多元分析中得出一些新的方剂和药物组合,为今后临床工作和研究工作提供了一些新的思路。

【Abstract】 This thesis explores the new order and method to treatment Epiagstric Pain with the means of combining literature research and statistic analysis .Firstly, thesis analysis the development of disease’s name, pathogen, pathogenesis, differentiation of symptoms and signs, principle of treatment, recipe and herbs, and modern experiment research by the means of literature research.; Trying to realize the order of treatment Epiagstric Pain based on differentiation of symptoms and signs holistically; And offer the basic literature research conclusion.Secondly, the thesis analyzes treatment condition and characters of the times before Song Dynasty, Jing and Yuan Dynasty , Ming Dynasty , Qing Dynasty and the whole TCM on Epiagstric Pain with statistic methods from the view point of recipe and herbs. The thesis refresh the viewpoint about the pathogenesis property of Epiagstric Pain based on analyzing the result of statistic, literature research and theory of TCM. The research found the function character of smooth and descend of stomach determines the pathogenesis property of weakness of Epiagstric Pain; the physiological character of abundant of vital energy and blood determines the Epiagstric Pain appearance sthenia-syndromes. The thesis emphasis that we must pay attention of the pathogenesis property of weakness and treat Epiagstric Pain completely. In order to recover the function of smooth and descend of stomach ,the article conclude that regular the function of spleen and stomachand descend the vital enery of stomach are the main method of treatment Epiagstric Pain after analyze the function character and the physiological character of stomach.Thirdly, Combining the theory of TCM constitution, the thesis put forward new system of differentiation of symptoms and signs to treat Epiagstric Pain, that.is differentiation of factor ,location and constitution of Epiagstric Pain to treat Epiagstric Pain. And reclassify the type of Epiagstric Pain symptoms on the pathogenesis property. Based on the analysis, the article bring forward new method and recipe of treatment on secondary aspects specially; and adjust the symptoms types of the pathogenesis property of weakness.Fourthly, after research the actuality TCM treatment and the development of modern medicine, the thesis discussed the signification and mode of combine the differentiation of symptoms and differentiation of disease, analyze the strongpoint and the weak point of two mode of combine the differentiation of symptoms and differentiation of disease and their effect on the development of TCM.Multiplex variable analysis conclude some new recipes and herbs combinations, provide new clues to doctors and researcher.

  • 【分类号】R256.33
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】2309

