

【作者】 高其才

【导师】 张晋藩;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 法律史, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 在当代中国的法治建设中,我们既要广泛借鉴、吸取外国的法治理论和成功经验,更要了解我国国情,总结固有的、本土的法的资源,从自己的历史和现实中汲取营养,奠定发展的基础。而习惯法无疑是不可回避的方面。 习惯法是人类最早、历史最悠久的一种法,也是具有深刻现实影响的法。它包含了人类对自然、世界的认识心路和智慧结晶,也是国家制定法的基础和源泉。 作为中华法系重要的组成部分,少数民族习惯法是中国习惯法体系中内容最丰富、影响最大的一种习惯法,它对当今的少数民族地区仍有重大影响。各少数民族在长期的生产生活实践中逐渐形成了本民族的习惯法,以维护民族整体利益,维持本民族内部秩序,促进民族地区的安定和发展。 少数民族习惯法的内容极为广泛,涉及社会生活的各个方面各个领域。早期的少数民族习惯法的议定、修改、废除一般均须由全体社会成员参与并遵循全体一致的原则,体现了比较明显的原始民主色彩。当然,随着少数民族习惯法的发展、演变,它也逐渐具有某种阶级性和等级特权色彩。 我国法学界虽然对少数民族习惯法有了一定的重视,研究有了一定的进展,但总的来看还比较薄弱。本文试图在阅读和掌握比较丰富的材料的基础上,通过实证描述和分析,对中国少数民族习惯法的产生发展、主要内容、特征、功能、现实表现等问题作较为全面的探讨,以期对中国少数民族习惯法的性质、发展趋势有一个把握。 全文主要由绪论、第一章至第六章组成。 绪论部分主要分析了习惯法的概念,对少数民族习惯法进行了界定。在此基础上,探讨和说明了少数民族习惯法在中华法系中的重要地位,并分析了研究少数民族习惯法的意义。 第一章中国少数民族习惯法的产生、发展。少数民族习惯法的产生、发展既有法的产生、发展的一般规律,又有自身的一些特点。本章主要讨论少数民族习惯法的产生过程,分析少数民族习惯法的发展、演变的轨迹,并就少数民族习惯法与禁忌、图腾崇拜的关系进行了探讨。 第二章中国少数民族习惯法的内容(上)。少数民族习惯法的内容十分丰富,本文分三章进行讨论,本章着重描述和分析社会组织与头领习惯法如壮族的寨老制、苗族的议榔制等;婚姻习惯法,包括婚姻成立、婚姻缔结程序、夫妻关系、离婚等;家庭及继承习惯法,如家族、家庭、父母子女关系,财产继承等;以及丧葬、宗教信仰及社会交往习惯法。 第三章中国少数民族习惯法的内容(中)。本章主要讨论农业生产、狩猎组织与生产、猎获物分配、渔业生产与渔产品分配、采集等生产及分配习惯法;一般财产所有权、山林土地所有占有使用权、牧场草场占有权、渔场占有使用权等所有权习惯法;土地买卖、土地典当、租佃、雇佣、借贷、商品交换等债权习惯法。 第四章中国少数民族习惯法的内容(下)。本章主要分析故意杀人的处罚、伤害的处罚、偷盗的处罚等刑事习惯法;调解处理审理习惯法,包括调解、处理、审理、神判、械斗等。 中英文内容摘要 第五章中国少数民族习惯法的性质、特征、功能。这一章主要从宏观上讨论中国少数民族习惯法的性质、特征、功能,并对少数民族习惯法文化的含义、结构、特点进行了分析。文章认为中国少数民族习惯法具有民族性、地域性、强制性、稳定性的特点,提出少数民族习惯法在建立维持利:会秋序、满足个人贝婴、培养社会角色等方面具有重婴意义,少数比族习惯法文化由习惯法观念、习惯法意识、习惯法规范、习惯法行为、习惯法的实物形态等构成。 第六章中国少数民族习惯法的现实表现。少数民族习惯法不仅仅属于过去,在今天依然有其生命力。本章主要通过一些个案从社会组织、刑事、婚姻、社会生活等方面描述和分析 @了我国少数民族习惯法的现实表现,并从经济、地理环境、观念、国家法等角度研究了少数民族习惯法具有现实影响的原因,在此基础上着重讨论了少数民族习惯法与国家制定法的关系。文章认为应该理性认识少数民族习惯法与国家制定法的一致与冲突,正确对待少数民族习惯法的粕华和存在的问题,从立法、司法、执法地方面处理好国家制定法与少数比放习惯法的关系。

【Abstract】 In the modern Chinese construction process of rule of law, we should introduce and refer to foreign rule of law theory in addition to iheir successful experiences. Furthermore, we should understand our general situations and summarize our own native law resourses, in other words, we ought to obtain nutrition from our own history and reality for the purpose of laying the foundation of development. Customary law, among all the law resourses, is undoubtedly an unavoidable facet.Customary law is the earliest law with the longest history. However, it exercises profound influence on reality. By reflecting the way thait mankind thinks about Nature and the world as well as accumulating the fruits of people’s wisdom, customary law stays as the foundation and source of state statutes.As one important part of Chinese law system, customary law of ethnic minority, which still affects ethnic minority areas greatly at the present age, has the most abundant contents and exercises the greatest influence in Chinese law system, Various ethnic minority, along with long period of living and production practices, develop their own national customary laws by which to protect the whole national interests, keep national internal order and to improve the peace and development of national areas.Customary law of ethnic minority deals with extremely large fields; in other words, it involves every aspect and every field of social life. Early customary law of ethnic minority, whose enactment, modification and abolishment generally require participation and consensus of all the social members, obviously reflects primitive democratic atmosphere. However, with the process of development and evolution, customary law of ethnic minority has some new colors, that is, class segmentation, hierarchy and privilege.In our country, the academic field of law science pays some attention to customary law of ethnic minority, and has made some progress. However, studies of the problems are still very weak on the whole. The article, by means of positive description’and analysis, try to make a comprehensive study on some questions about the customary law of ethnic minority, for example, its creation and development, main contents, characteristics, functions, realistic forms. By answering these questions, I expect to master the attributes and trends, of development relating to customary law of ethnic minority.The article consists of introduction and 6 chapters.In the introduction, I mainly analyze the concept of customary law, and define the customary law of ethnic minority. On the basis of these definitions, I discuss and show the significance of customary law of ethnic minority.Chapter 1 The creation and development of Chinese customary law of ethnic minority. The creation and development of Chinese customary law of ethnic minority comply with the general rules of law’s creation and development, while at the same time it has some special characteristics. In this chapter, 1 mainly argue creation process of customary law of ethnic minority, and trace itsdevelopment and evolution. Then I will argue the relation between customary law of ethnic minority and taboos in addition to worship of totems.Chapter 2 The contents of Chinese customary laws of ethnic minority (1). Chinese customary law of ethnic minority is abundant in contents. The article will divide these contents into three parts. Chapter 2 lays emphasis on four aspects: (a) describing and analyzing the customary law of social organization and headman; (b) customary law of marriage, including marriage procedure, relation between husband and wife, and divorce; (c) customary law of family and succession concerning kindred, family, parents-children relationship, and inheritance of property; (d) customary law of funerals, religion and social intercourse.Chapter 3 The contents of Chinese customary laws of ethnic minority (II). In the chapter, I will focus on three aspects: (a) customary law of production and distribution that includes organization of agricultural production, hunting

  • 【分类号】D920.4
  • 【被引频次】29
  • 【下载频次】4120

